Content Posted in 2021
11-19-1899, Harriet Sweetser
11 B.P.O. Mess Hall, Paris Photograph
11th Base Post Office, Paris Photograph
1, 3-γ-Silyl-elimination in electron-deficient cationic systems., Michael A. Mercandante; Christopher B. Kelly; Trevor A. Hamlin; Kayla R. Delle Chiaie; Michael D. Drago; Katherine K. Duffy; Megan T. Dumas; Diana C. Fager; Bryanna L.C. Glod; Katherine E. Hansen; Cameron R. Hill; Rebecca M. Leising; Catherine L. Lynes; Allyson E. MacInnis; Madeline R. McGohey; Stephanie A. Murray; Marc C. Piquette; Shaina L. Roy; Ryan Smith PhD, DO, MEd; Katherine R. Sullivan; Bao H. Truong; Kristina M. Vailonis; Vitaliy Gorbatyuk; Nicholas E. Leadbeater; and Leon J. Tilley
1918-1919 Resident and Business Directory of Androscoggin County Maine, Merrill & Webber Co.
1928 Directory of Androscoggin County Maine, Fred L. Tower Companies
1. Family Demography, Lance Gibbs PhD
2020 Indigenous Voices Charting a Course Beyond the Bicentennial: Eba gwedji jik-sow-dul-din-e wedji gizi nan-ul-dool-tehigw (Let’s try to listen to each other so that we can get to know each other), Gail Dana-Sacco PhD, MPH
2. Childhood Experiences, Lance Gibbs PhD
37 Union Station and Sky Line, Kansas City, Missouri Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
3. Children's Experiences, Lance Gibbs PhD
4. Impact of Maine on the Family, Lance Gibbs PhD
5. Parenting Attitudes and Behaviors, Lance Gibbs PhD
6. Holidays and Family Traditions, Lance Gibbs PhD
6 Photographs of Wilfred S. Mailhot, Jr. with Family and Friends
75 Ways to Serve Grilled Squirrel Auditions Flyer [1999], University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre
7. Family Challenges, Lance Gibbs PhD
Abbreviated Life Cycle Analysis of Plastics in Medical Supplies, Emily Baker
A Behavioral Commentary on Poplin's Reductionist Fallacy and Discussion of Holistic/Constructivist Principles, Walter Kimball PhD and Timothy E. Heron
Absentee Fathers' Intergenerational Impact on Developing Children, Neil Austin MA
Academic competitions: Perceptions of learning benefits from a science bowl competition, Robert Kuech PhD and Robert M. Sanford PhD
Academic skills are basic (to) children’s personal wellness, Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP
Academy Hall, Gorham, Maine., USM Special Collections
Access to Quality Childcare, Diane Hancock
A Comparison of American and European Attempts to Restrict Unsolicited Commercial E-mail, Carter H. Manny JD
A Comparison of Bowel Preparations for Colonoscopy in Constipated Adults, Lisa Kunz BSN, RN, CGRN and Debra Gillespie PhD, RN
A Comparison of Patriarchal vs. Feminist Courtesan Novels in Late 19th Century French Literature, Nicole Araujo
A critical review of the literature on NLD as a developmental disorder, Jodene Goldenring Fine, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Jesse C. Bledsoe, and Kayla A. Musielak PhD
A Critique of the Shannon-Weaver Theory of Communication and Its Implications for Nursing, Debra J. Gillespie PhD, RN and Rachel Schiffman PhD, RN, FAAN
A cross-cultural examination of the relationship between egalitarian gender role attitudes and life satisfaction, Jilwan Soltanpanah, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Sarah E. Martiny, and Floyd W. Rudmin
A Cross-National Study of Government Social Insurance as an Alternative to Tort Liability Compensation, Dana A. Kerr PhD, Yo-Luen Ma, and Joan T. Schmit
Action control by implementation intentions: Effective cue detection and efficient response initiation, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Peter M. Gollwitzer, and Gabriele Oettingen
Activism and Civil Rights: Mrs. Joanna Boley-Lee McKenzie, Maureen Elgersman-Lee
Activism and Civil Rights: Ms. Wahidah Muhammad, Maureen Elgersman-Lee
Activism and Civil Rights: Ms. Wahidah Muhammad, Maureen Elgersman-Lee
A Distinct Sense of Belonging, E Michael Brady PhD
Adjusting for the correspondence bias: Effects of causal uncertainty, cognitive busyness, and causal strength of situational information, Gifford Weary, Leigh Ann Vaughn, Brandon D. Stewart PhD, and John A. Edwards
Admirers of the Garden by Tabitha Burgess, Tabitha Burgess
Adult and Continuing Ed. In Relation to an Aging Society, M. A. Wolf and E Michael Brady PhD
Adulthood: New terrain, E Michael Brady PhD
Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice By Sharan B. Merriam & Laura L. Bierema, E Michael Brady PhD
Advancing Population Health in Rural Places: Key Lessons and Policy Opportunities, Keith J. Mueller PhD; Delaney P. Bounds MPH; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Alana D. Knudson PhD; Jennifer P. Lundblad PhD, MBA; A. Clinton MacKinney MD, MS; and Timothy D. McBride PhD
A Dynamic Simulation Study to Assess the Impact of Collaboration on the Performance of a Supply Chain Subject to a Variety of Demand Environments, Amarpreet S. Kohli PhD, Suraj M. Alexander, and Mahesh C. Gupta
Affordability and Availability of Individual Health Insurance in Maine, Dana A. Kerr PhD
African American Stereotype Postcard, USM Special Collections
Age, Race, and Implicit Prejudice: Using Process Dissociation to Separate the Underlying Components, Brandon D. Stewart PhD, William von Hippel, and Gabriel A. Radvansky
A Gift of Faith from WWII Foxhole [Article], Harvest
Aging and the Art of Living by Jan Baars, E Michael Brady PhD
AIDS and COVID: What Have We Learned?, USM Special Collections
AI-Powered Analysis of Adverse Drug Events using Big Data Biomedical Literature and Deep Learning Neural Networks, Ahmad Pahlavan Tafti PhD
Air Force Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Albert Mailhot Honorable Discharge Certificate, Frederic S. Hanson
Albert Mailhot Separation Qualification Record Form, S.H. Shultz
A Letter (Techniques), E Michael Brady PhD
Aligning assessment practices with meaningful conceptions of learning, Walter Kimball PhD and C O'Shea
Allowing students to administer their own interventions: An application of the self-administered folding-in technique, David M. Hulac, Garry Wickerd PhD, and Odell Vining
All Souls Chapel Postcard, Denis Mailhot MPS
A longitudinal study of family socioeconomic status (SES) variables as predictors of socio-emotional resilience among mentored youth, R Bruce Thompson PhD
A map to the end of time by Ronald Manheimer, E Michael Brady PhD
American Consulate Building, Paris Photograph
American History Atlas, Adapted from the Large Wall Maps, Albert Bushnell Hart, David Maydole Matteson, and Herbert E. Bolton
A Methodology for Analyzing the Effects of Geographic Diversification for Financial Institutions, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD, John Voyer PhD, and Bruce H. Andrews PhD
Amjambo Africa! (April 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (August 2020), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (August 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (December 2020), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (December 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (February 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (January 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (July 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (March 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (May 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (November 2020), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (November 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (October 2020), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (October 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (September 2020), Kathreen Harrison
Amjambo Africa! (September 2021), Kathreen Harrison
Amusement Center, Old Orchard Beach, Maine Postcard, Unknown
Anatomy of a Portfolio Assessment System: Using Multiple Sources of Evidence for Credentialing and Professional Development, Walter Kimball PhD and Susie Hanley
Ancient Sculpture, Shrewsbury Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Anderson, Edgar Quotes Transcript, Edgar Anderson
Anderson Hall, Gorham State Teachers College, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Androscoggin County Art Work, W. H. Parish
Androscoggin County WWII Draft Recruits [Article], Unknown
An Empirical Evidence of Willingness to Adopt RFID, Amarpreet Kohli PhD and Cheng Peng PhD
An evaluation of three methods of saying“no” to avoid an escalating response class hierarchy, F Charles Mace, Jamie Pratt Psy.D, Kevin L. Prager, and Duncan Pritchard
An Evaluator’s Workstation: Adding a Qualitative Research Tool, Jeffrey Beaudry PhD
Animals, Women and Terms of Abuse: Towards a Cultural Etymology of Con(e)y, Cunny, Cunt and C*nt, Piers Beirne PhD
Animated Versus Static Views of Steady Flow Patterns, Colin Ware, Daniel Bolan, Rikki L.A. Miller PhD, David Honegger Rogers, and James P. Ahrens
An inkblot for attitudes: Affect misattribution as implicit measurement, B. K. Payne, C. M. Cheng, O Govorun, and Brandon D. Stewart PhD
An Introduction to the Multisystem Model of Knowledge Integration and Translation, Debra Gillespie PhD, RN and Debra Kramlich MSN, RN, CCRN
An investigation of the general needs and counseling needs of students at the University of Maine, C Folsom and Bette Katsekas EdD
Anna Bruner - Modernity and Nature (1), Anna Bruner
Anna Bruner - Modernity and Nature (2), Anna Bruner
Anna Bruner - Modernity and Nature (3), Anna Bruner
Anson and Madison (1895), George E. Norris
Answering the COVID Crisis: Effective delivery of evidence-based occupational therapy via telepractice to children in public schools, Mary Anderson OTD/OTRL
Anticipating and influencing juror reactions to successful women., Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD
:Anti-Gay Discrimination is Illegal..." sign, Betsy Parsons
An updated review of neuroimaging studies of children and adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV, Kayla A. Musielak PhD and Jodene Goldenring Fine
A Nurse Speaks, Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
App Development for Wearable Sensors, Connor Pittman, Christopher Chappie, and Patrick A. Tetreault
Application for User-Defined Ambient Audio Analysis, Daniel Hayes and Nathan E. Soule
A prerequisite for meaningful state economic performance comparisons: Adjusting for population density, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD and Bruce H. Andrews PhD
April 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
April 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
April 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
April 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
April 2021, Temple shalom
A Prospective Study of Infectious Mononucleosis in College Students, Leonard A. Jason, Ben Katz, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Stephanie McManimen, Madison Sunnquist, and Taylor Thorpe
A Qualitative Approach to Understanding Patients' Diagnosis of Lyme Disease, Debra Gillespie PhD, RN and Hilary Hewitt RN, BSN
A qualitative research perspective: Theory, practice, essence, C.R. Melnick and Jeffrey Beaudry PhD
Arc de Triomphe Detail Photograph
Arc de Triomphe Detail Photograph
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel Photograph
A Reexamination of the Neurorealism Effect: The Role of Context, Maria Popescu, R Bruce Thompson PhD, William Gayton, and Vincent Markowski
A Reflection Upon the Small Eternity of Letters, E Michael Brady PhD
A Review of: “Adulthood: New terrain new directions for adult and continuing education (No. 108, Winter 2005)” edited by Mary Alice Wolf, E Michael Brady PhD
A Review of Ethnic Identity in Advertising, Jeremy J. Sierra, Michael R. Hyman, and Robert S. Heiser PhD
Are we banning nuclear weapons in 2021?, Rebecca Gibbons PhD
Arrest Record or Openly Gay: The impact of athletes’ personal lives on endorser effectiveness, Heidi M. Parker PhD and Janet S. Fink PhD
Artist Impact: Effects of Live Art on Patients and Staff in an Outpatient Chemotherapy Treatment Environment, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD and Erin M. Ferrell
A Short Stay by Rachel Milne, Rachel Milne
A Sky Too Close to the Ground: Stories, Jessica Koch
Assembly Hall, Frederick Robie Hall, and East Hall, Gorham, Me., USM Special Collections
Assessing current functioning as a measure of significant reduction in activity level, Taylor Thorpe, Stephanie McManimen, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Jamie Stoothoff, Julia L. Newton, Elin Bolle Strand, and Leonard A. Jason PhD
Assessment and Standards for Professional Improvement, Walter Kimball PhD, Nancy Harriman, and Susie Hanley
Assessment of the Point of Dispensing Just in Time Training (JITT) Training Manual, Caitlin Hager MPH
A Study of the Interrelated Effects of Ethnicity, Gender, and School Community SES on Mathematics Attitudes of Students Enrolled in Low Level High School Mathematics Courses, Barbara Signer, Jeffrey Beaudry PhD, and Elizabeth Bauer
A survey of supported employment agencies' quality improvement practices and training needs, Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell and Jean Whitney PhD
A Timeline Perspective of the Counseling Process: Historical foundations and future trends, Diane LeMay and Bette Katsekas EdD
Atlas in Transit, Becky Thompson MFA
Atlas to Marshall's life of Washington, J. Crissy and John Marshall (1755-1835)
At the Rifle Range Postcard, Elisée A. Dutil
August 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
August 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
August 2018, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
August 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
August 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
Augusta (1878), Albert Ruger
Augusta (Encampment of First Brigade, Maine Volunteer Militia, 1885), Albert F. Poole and C. E. Jorgensen
Augusta (National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1872), John B. Bachelder
Augusta (National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1878), Albert Ruger
Augusta (National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1885), Albert F. Poole
Augusta (National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1891), William H. Prince
Aunt Rose Photograph, Unknown
Automatic and Controlled Components of Social Cognition: A Process Dissociation Approach, B K. Payne and Brandon D. Stewart PhD
Auxiliary Fire Service Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
A validated scale for assessing the severity of acute infectious mononucleosis, Ben Z. Katz MD, Caroline Reuter MD, Yair Lupovich, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Damani McClellan BA, Joseph Cotler PhD, and Leonard A. Jason PhD
A Valley in the Landscape, E Michael Brady PhD
Avenue des Champs-Élysées Photograph
Bailey Hall, Gorham State Teachers College, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Bangor (1875), Augustus Koch
Bar Harbor (1880), Albert F. Poole
Bar Harbor (1886), C. E. Jorgensen
Barret, Odessa Quotes Transcript, Odessa Barret
Barriers to Medicare Hospice Utilization: A Qualitative Study of Maine's Medicare Hospice Providers, Judith B. Tupper DHEd, CHES, CPPS
Barriers to transition planning for parents of adolescents with special health care needs, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, James P. McIntyre Jr, Jean Whitney PhD, John Butterworth, and Deborah Allen
Barriers to Work Among the Elderly: A Connecticut Study, E Michael Brady PhD, Peter Palermino, Denise Scott, Ronald Fernandez, and Stephen Norland
Bath (1878), Albert Ruger
Bath: Cafe Creme, Anna Faherty
Bath: Maine's First Ship, Anna Faherty
Bath: Mockingbird Bookshop, Anna Faherty
Bath: Now You're Cooking, Anna Faherty
Bath: Reny's, Anna Faherty
Bearing witness: The lived experience of sitting with patients, Rebecca Schroeder DNP, MPH, RN, PMHNP, BC
Because I Could Not Stop For Death: A Novel, Christa Beauchamp MFA
Becoming a consumer-provider of mental health services: Dialogical identity development in prosumers in the U.S. and Japan, Ayako Aikawa and Naoko Yura Yasui PhD, CRC
Becoming a Professional Educator in an Urban School-University Partnership: A Case Study Analysis of Preservice Teacher Learning, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD
Becoming a Teacher in a Professional Development School, Susan Thompson and Flynn Ross EdD
Bee Hive House and Eagle Gate Postcard, Albert Mailhot
Benefits of Research Fellowships for Undergraduates with Disabilities, Samantha Langley-Turnbaugh, Jean Whitney PhD, Lynn Lovewell, and Babette Moeller
Bert Dutil Military Album, Bert Dutil
Bert Dutil: Veterans 2006, Bertrand Dutil
Bert Dutil: Washington D.C. Trip 1998, Bert Dutil
Berwick (1877), Albert Ruger
Best Practices for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Research, Aisha Langford PhD, MPH
Best practices in evaluating interventions, Mark W. Steege; Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP; and F C. Mace
Bethel (1878), Thaddeus M. Fowler
Biden’s relief bill – good economics, even better politics?, Michael Hillard PhD and Michael Cauvel PhD
Bitterroot Part One: Dream-Ache, Delaney S. Saul
Black-Capped Chickadee (Parus atricapillus) Food Preference, Isabelle Gilbert
Black Elk Speaks…: An Adult Educator Listens, E Michael Brady PhD
Blessé pour la deuxième fois [Article], Unknown
Blue Hill (1896), George E. Norris
Boards One and Two [Article], Unknown
Body: A Life in Parts, Nina B. Lichtenstein
"Bonne Année" Postcard, None
Bonnie Faulkner - Monson Quarry (1), Bonnie Faulkner
Bonnie Faulkner - Monson Quarry (2), Bonnie Faulkner
Book of Abstracts, Debra Gillespie PhD, RN
Book of Abstracts, Debra Gillespie PhD, RN and K Hyrkas
Book Review: Evidence-Based Practice for Health Professionals: An Interprofessional Approach, Naoko Yura Yasui PhD, CRC
Book Reviews : Renata Tesch. Qualitative Research:. Analysis Types and Software Tools. New York: The Falmer Press, 1990, 329 pp, Jeffrey Beaudry PhD
Books of our own: Adult educators and journal writing, E Michael Brady PhD
Boulevard du Montparnasse Photograph
Boulevard du Montparnasse Photograph
Boulevard du Montparnasse Photograph
Bowens, Beverly Quotes Transcript, Beverly Bowens
B.P.O.E. Elks No. 946, Tulsa, Oklahoma Postcard (1), Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
B.P.O.E. Elks No. 946, Tulsa, Oklahoma Postcard (2), Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Breaking the Cycle: Interrupting Generational Incarceration in Maine, Jillian Foley MPPM, Erica King MSW, and Casey Benner
Bridging political divides: Perceived threat and uncertainty avoidance help explain the relationship between political ideology and immigrant attitudes within diverse intergroup contexts, Brandon D. Stewart PhD, Fyqa Gulzaib, and David S.M. Morris
Brief Report: Puni Ke Ola — Life Flourishes in a Drug-Free Community, Susana Helm, Wayde Lee, Vanda Hanakahi, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Kayne McCarthy, Kyung Moo Kim, Jared Char, and Davis Rehuher
Bringing automatic stereotyping under control: Implementation intentions as an efficient means of thought control, Brandon D. Stewart PhD and B Keith Payne
Bruised by Sarah Skilton., Melinda S. Butler EdD
Brunswick and Topsham (1877), Albert Ruger
Brunswick: Berrie's Hearing and Optical Center, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Berrie's Hearing & Optical Center, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Bowdoin College, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Brunswick: Bowdoin College Art Museum (1), Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Brunswick: Bowdoin College Art Museum (2), Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Brunswick: Broadway Deli, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Coffin School Vaccine Clinic, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Brunswick: Estilo, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Fiore, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Gulf of Maine Books, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Brunswick: Hatch on Maine, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Brunswick: Little Dog Cafe, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Little Dog Coffee Shop, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Maine Optometry, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Moderation Brewing, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Moderation Brewing, Anna Faherty
Brunswick: Nest Boutique, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Brunswick: Spring & McKeen Park, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Build a better standardized test, but beware its consequences, Flynn Ross EdD
Building a future: a study of student participation in person-centered planning, Jean Whitney PhD, Deirdre Shaw, Katherine Honey, and John Butterworth
Building authentic visions: How to support the focus person in person centered planning, Jean Whitney PhD and Jaimie Ciulla Timmons
Building Models of the Mitotic Cell Cycle for High School and University Teaching, David Champlin PhD and Amy Troiano
Building on Self-efficacy for Experienced Family Caregivers: The Savvy Advanced Program, Linda Samia PhD, RN, CNL; Ann O'Sullivan OTR/L, LSW, FAOTA; Kate Cole Fallon MS, LCPC, NCC; AbouEl-Makarim Aboueissa PhD; and Kenneth W. Hepburn PhD
Building relationships, sharing resources, and opening opportunities: A STEM learning community builds social capital for students with disabilities, Jean Whitney PhD, Samantha Langley-Turnbaugh, Lynn Lovewell, and Babette Moeller
"Buon Natale" Postcard, Donat G. Mailhot
Buried: Part One, Rebecca S. King
Business education is here to stay, E Michael Brady PhD
Calais (1879), Albert F. Poole
Calais (Red Beach Plaster Mills and Red Granite Quarry, 1889)
Camden: Camden Hills State Park, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Camden: Camden Hills State Park (2), Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Camp Beckinridge Postcard Book, Raymond A. Dutil
"Camp Snapshots" Postcard, Elisée A. Dutil
Canterbury Cathedral Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Capacity of Rural Counties to Address an HIV or Hepatitis C Outbreak, Jennifer Lenardson MHS; Jaclyn Janis RN, MPH; Amanda Burgess MPPM; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; and Martha Elbaum MPA
Career education in counselor education: An infusion model, Vol. II, C Ryan, J M. Sutton, and Bette Katsekas EdD
Caregiver Incarceration, Stigma, & Mental Health, Megan West, Megan Madden, Ramsey Wilson, and Brandon Pelletier
Caribou (1893), George E. Norris
Caring for elderly patients with dementia: nursing interventions, Laura L. Joosse; Debra Gillespie PhD, RN; and Norma M. Lang
Caryl Chessman, Garry Wickerd PhD
Case Study: Our Toys: A Case in Small Business Simulation, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD and Raymond P. Neveu
Cash Flow Analysis of Large-Deductible Workers’ Compensation Plans, Manoj Athavale, Stephen M. Avila, and Dana A. Kerr PhD
Catacombs of Santa Ciriaca Postcard, Elisée A. Dutil
Catching up with the Americans, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD and David VanderLinden PhD
[catederow] Place, Paris Photograph
Categorical and noncategorical, Walter Kimball PhD
Catholic Souvenir 1848-98, John M. Killeen
Caulfield, Christine, Wendy Chapkis
Celebrating Our History Online: USM’s Virtual LGBTQ+ Collection and the Community, USM Special Collections
Certificate for Service in Memory of Wilfrid S. Mailhot from President Gerald R. Ford, Gerald R. Ford
Certification of the credit manager, E Michael Brady PhD and M.H. Margotta
Changes in Gene Sequence that Cause Discordances Involving Disease in Monozygotic Twins, Kacie Jacques
Changes in vocational rehabilitation practice since 1992: Administrators' and counselors' perspectives, Jean Whitney PhD and Dawn M. Thomas
Changes in vocational rehabilitation practice since the 1992 Rehabilitation Act Amendments, Jean Whitney PhD, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Dawna M. Thomas, Dana Scott Gilmore, and Sheila Lynch Fesko
Changing Course: Navigating Life After Fifty, E Michael Brady PhD
Changing Roles of Teacher Education Students, Walter Kimball PhD
Changing the Field: Teachers of Color Move Into Leadership Positions, Flynn Ross EdD, A M. Watson, and R W. Simmons
Chapel in the Abbey Church, Shrewsbury Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Cherry Street Bridge and Skyline, Toledo, Ohio Postcard, Raymond A. Dutil
Chester Cathedral "North Aisle" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Chester Cathedral Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr
Chester Cathedral Sculpture Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Chester Cathedral "The Nave" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Chester Cathedral "The Screen" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Chester Cathedral "West Door" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Chester "The Walled City" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Childhood Experiences: Mr. James Mathews, Maureen Elgersman Lee
Childhood Experiences: Ms. Lucille Young, Anab Osman
Children’s Experiences: Mr. Rupert Richardson, Chan Prum
Child Safety Restraint Use in Maine 2007, Al Leighton BA and Jen Dodge
Child Welfare Service Worker's Perspective of the Juvenile Justice System, Valorie Antone, Kathryn Whitehead, Alexander Comeau, and Zoe Donvan
Choice, with conditions: Popular culture texts and independent reading, Melinda S. Butler EdD
Choose one: Law and the Creation of Racial Identity, Natallie Gentles-Gibbs PhD, MSW and Lance Gibbs PhD
Christina White - Monson Main Street (1), Christina White
Christina White - Monson Main Street (2), Christina White
Civil Rights and Activism: Mrs. Joanna Boley-Lee McKenzie, Maureen Elgersman-Lee
Clinical effectiveness: One counselor's view, Bette Katsekas EdD
Clinicians Use of Mindfulness-based Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Leah Ridley, Samuel J. Giese, Shelby Cogan, and Chelsea Hughes
Clipping, 05/1988, 90.9 WMPG FM
Clipping, 09/1988, 90.9 WMPG FM
Clyde Sukeforth and the serendipity of scouting, E Michael Brady PhD and R Atkinson
Cold temperature and host-parasite dynamics of Sarcophaga bullata (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and Melittobia digitata (Hymentoptera: Eulophidae), Elizabeth Davis
Collaboration and inquiry: Learning to teach at the Lynch School of Education, K Donnell, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD, and N Guttenberg
Collaboration and its impact on Supply Chain Dynamics, Amarpreet S. Kohli PhD and Suraj Alexander PhD
Collaboration encourages focus on compassion in action, Adele Baruch PhD
Collaborative and interactional processes in an inquiry-based, informal learning environment, Robert Kuech PhD
Collaborative speech in dyadic problemsolving: Evidence for preschool gender differences in pragmatic development, R Bruce Thompson PhD and Kirsty Moore
Colonel Donald Albert Dubay USA-Ret., a short autobiography, Donald A. Dubay
Color-Sound Conditioning and Affective Changes, Elizabeth Bernier
Combined smoking cues enhance cue-induced craving and smoking behavior, and predict immediate subsequent smoking, Cynthia A. Conklin PhD, F. Joseph McClernon PhD, Elizabeth J. Vella PhD, Christopher J. Joyce MS, Ronald P. Salkeld BS, Craig S. Parzynski MS, and Lee Bennett BA
Combining visual literacy, text understanding, and writing for culturally diverse students, Richard Sinatra, Jeffrey Beaudry PhD, Josephine Stahl-Gemake, and E Francine Guastello
Come Out the Other Side Okay: And Other Graffiti, Christopher Clark
Commentary: Response to Weitzer 'Resistance to sex work stigma', Wendy Chapkis PhD
Community Impact and Benefit Activities of Critical Access, Other Rural, and Urban Hospitals, 2019 [State Data Report], Zachariah T. Croll and John Gale MS
Community integration: Conceptualisation and measurement, Naoko Yura Yasui PhD, CRC and Norman L. Berven
Comparison of Grade-Level Controlled and Literature-Based Maze CBM Reading Passages, Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP; Paul Johnson Jr.; and Robin Fernstrom
Comparison of normal saline and heparinized saline in IV locks In neonates, Alyce A. Schultz PhD, RN; Debra Gillespie PhD, RN; and Hilary Hewitt RN
Computer Attitudes and Opinions of Students with and without Learning Disabilities, Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP; Mary Lynn Boscardin; and Stephen G. Sireci
Computers as Accessibility Tools for Students with and without Learning Disabilities, Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP and Mary Lynn Boscardin
Conceptualizing, developing, and implementing a student-centered strategic approach to assessment: Why theory matters, R Underhile, Michael Stevenson PhD, and R P. Keeling
Conceptualizing Diversity in Sexuality Research, Michael R. Stevenson PhD
Conducting Meaningful Research with Undergraduates, Karen A. Wilson PhD, Rachel Lasley-Rasher PhD, Robert Thompson PhD, and Joseph K. Staples PhD
Conducting school-based functional behavioral assessments: A Practitioner's Guide, Mark W. Steege PhD, Jamie Pratt Psy.D, Garry Wickerd PhD, Richard Guare, and T Steuart Watson
Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services parent education and support evaluation initiative: Final report, David Karraker, Charles Bernacchio EdD, and Suzanne Hart
Consumer Food Waste Behaviors in Relation to Open Date Label Misinterpretation, Daniel Hutchings, Elisabeth Seliga, Anya O'Meara, and Anna Blank
Contingent reinforcement in context, F Charles Mace, Aaron K. Gritter, Paul E. Johnson, Jamie Pratt Psy.D, and Mark W. Steege
Controlling Encryption Exports: the Clash Between Freedom of Speech and National Security in Bernstein v. U.S. Dept. Of State, Carter H. Manny JD
Cornell's First Steps in Geography, Sarah Sophia Cornell
Corrections at a Crossroads, Josephine M. LaPlante PhD
Corthell Hall, Administration Building, Gorham State Teacher's College Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Corthell Hall, G.N.S. Gorham, Me., USM Special Collections
Corthell Hall, State Teacher's College, Gorham, Maine., USM Special Collections
Counseling approaches to working with students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds, Mary Lynn Boscardin; J C. Gonzalez-Martinez; and Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP
Counselor prejudice: A definition of the clinical counselor's rolebette, Bette Katsekas EdD and Diane LeMay
Counselor Self Care, Bette Katsekas EdD
Couvent de St. Joseph Postcard, Unknown
COVID-19 Gender/Sex Reporting Practices, Kai Jillson
Crafting the Experience of Online Education: Student and Faculty Perceptions of Quality, Paul Cochrane PhD
Creating Flexibility in Teacher Certification Policy to Ensure Quality and Equity, Flynn Ross EdD
Creative literacy: A new space of pedagogical understanding, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD and Kelly Hrenko PhD
Creativity via Cartoon Spokespeople in Print Ads: Capitalizing on the Distinctiveness Effect, Robert S. Heiser PhD, Jeremy J. Sierra, and Ivonne M. Torres
Critical Incident Videos: Developing a Cognitive Strategy in Simulation for Faculty Development, Cynthia Randall DNP, RN, CNL and Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
Critical Theory and History Education, Avner Segall, Brenda M. Trofanenko, and Adam Schmitt PhD
Cross-linguistic acquisition of gender and number morphology: a study of intermediate L2 French and L2 Spanish, Jessica Ward
Culturally responsive teaching: The Harlem Renaissance in an urban English class, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD
Cultural Variation in Resilience as a Response to Traumatic Experience, Natalie A. Buse, Eileen J. Burker, and Charles Bernacchio EdD
Cumberland: Mabel I. Wilson Elementary School, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Dance for Health, Jessie Laurita-Spanglet MFA
Dandy/Robin/Gardener by Sadie Pressman, Sadie Pressman
Darkie Toothpaste, USM Special Collections
Data Protection Law in the United Kingdom, Carter H. Manny JD
Dataset: Predictors of Cardiovascular Reactivity to the Trier Social Stress Test, Elizabeth J. Vella PhD and Mia Ricardo
Data Transfers From the EU to the U.S. After Schrems, Carter H. Manny JD
Dealing with negative stereotypes in sports: The role of cognitive anxiety when multiple identities are activated in sensorimotor tasks, Sarah E. Martiny, Ilka H. Gleibs, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Torsten Martiny-Huenger, Laura Froehlich, Anna-Lena Harter, and Jenny Roth
Death & Couches, Amy Dempsey MFA
December 2014, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
December 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
December 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
December 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
December 2018, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
December 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
Deconstructing arguments against same-sex marriage, M Oliver and Michael Stevenson PhD
Dedicated Education Unit: Improving Critical Thinking and Anxiety, Kathleen Vnenchak MSN, RN, CNML; Marnie Sperling MSN, RN, APN-C, DMD; Kathleen Kelley DNP, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN; Brenda Petersen PhD, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CPNP-PC; Wendy Silverstein DNP, RN, CNML; Olivia Petzoldt BSN, RN-BC; Lise Cooper DMH, MSN, RN-BC; and Mildred Ortu Kowalski PhD, RN, NE-BC, CCRP
Delirium recall – an integrative review, Valerie J. Fuller PhD, DNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP
Demographic and Behavioral Characteristics of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Members, Robert Jack Hansen, E Michael Brady PhD, and Steven P. Thaxton
Demographic and educational correlates of self-reported learning among older students., E Michael Brady PhD
Denis Mailhot and Phil Lizotte
Denis Mailhot and Phil Lizotte (2)
Denis Mailhot Boot Camp Graduation Photograph
Denis Mailhot Honorable Discharge Certificate, U.S. Navy
Denis Mailhot in Uniform Standing with Two Men in Kitchen
Denis Mailhot in Uniform with Family
Denis Mailhot in Uniform with Suitcase
Denis Mailhot in Uniform with Uniformed Soldier
Denis Mailhot Military Portrait
Denis Mailhot Military Release Form, U.S. Navy
Denis Mailhot Scrapbook "Mailhot & Dutil Family U.S. Military History", Denis Mailhot MPS
Denis Mailhot Scrapbook 'Service to God & Service to Country', Denis Mailhot MPS
Denis Mailhot Seated and Wearing a Sombrero
Denis Mailhot with Cigarette and Sunglasses
Describing Trajectories of Homeless Service Use in Hawai‘i Using Latent Class Growth Analysis, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, John P. Barile, and Charlene K. Baker
Designing the Just Learning Society: A Critical Inquiry, E Michael Brady PhD
Design of a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber, John Bono, Collin Gould, and Scott Eaton
Design of a Portable Digital Signal Processing Workstation, Thomas Sullivan
Design, Simulation and Testing of Biomimetic Directional Acoustic Sensors, Brendan Francis
Design, synthesis, and characterization of 6β-naltrexol analogs, and their selectivity for in vitro opioid receptor subtypes, Andrea L. Pelotte; Ryan Smith PhD, DO, MEd; Mario Ayestas; Christina M. Dersch; Edward J. Bilsky; Richard B. Rothman; and Amy M. Deveau
Developing a Certificate Program in Computer Science, E Michael Brady PhD
Developing a global perspective in school psychology, J D. Shahidullah, M Pfenninger Saint Gilles, Kayla A. Musielak PhD, K S. Girard, and A Hall
Dexter (1878), Albert Ruger
Diagnosis and management of functional constipation: A common pediatric problem, Brenda Petersen PhD, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CPNP-PC
Differences in Rural vs. Urban Injury Hospitalizations and Access to Care in Maine (2015 – 2020): Statistical and Geographic Perspectives, Michael Flaherty
Dimensions of Therapeutic Change, Bette Katsekas EdD
Discovering Mindfulness in a Virtual World, Emily McRobbie EdD
Discrete trial teaching, Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP and Mark W. Steege
Discursive Context and Language as Action: A demonstration using critical discourse analysis to examine discussions about human trafficking in Hawai‘i, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Charlene K. Baker, and Ashley Maynard
Disequilibrium: An instructional coach’s reflection, Melinda S. Butler EdD and Nancy K. Votteler
Dismissing chronic illness: a qualitative analysis of negative healthcare experiences, Stephanie McManimen, Damani McClellan, Jamie Soothoff, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, and Leonard A. Jason
Disparities in Tuberculosis Rates in New England: 2011, 2014-2018, Etienne Bobe Leta
Diversity by Any Other Name, E Michael Brady PhD, Beverly Cassara, Willard D. Callender, and Yizhong Zhou Jr.
Division Headquarters and Camp Area Postcard, none
Division Service Club Postcard, none
DNP Education, Practice, and Policy, 2nd Edition, Stephanie W. Ahmed DNP, FNP-BC, DPNAP; Linda C. Andrist PhD, RN, WHNP; Sheila M. Davis DNP, ANP-BC, FAAN; and Valerie J. Fuller PhD, DNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP
Does the Quality of Rural and Urban Nursing Homes Differ?, Andrew F. Coburn, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Catherine McGuire BS, and Richard Fortlinsky PhD
Dogwood in Bloom Postcard, Albert Mailhot
Domestic variance and international comovement bonds tests of interest rates, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD
Donat Mailhot with [Elisee] Dutil Photograph 1
Donat Mailhot with [Elisee] Dutil Photograph 2
Don’t misuse standardized tests — lest they become meaningless, Flynn Ross EdD
Dover and Foxcroft (1878), Albert Ruger
Drill Hall Postcard, none
Dueling with the Law and Defending Honor: Benjamin Rush’s and Aaron Burr’s ‘Interview’ with Civil Libel, Garry Wickerd PhD
Dupont Montparnasse Photograph
Dying dignified: The health professional's guide to care, E Michael Brady PhD
Dynamics of Human Behavior: A Telelecture Program, University of Southern Maine
Dynamics of prejudice: A proposed definition and the counselor's role in the evolution of attitudes, Bette Katsekas EdD and D LeMay
Eagle Clutching Feather and Lightning Bolt with Flags and Radio Tower Patch, none
Eäris Book One: Rebellion's Dawn, Odin Hartshorn Halvorson MFA
East Germany and its unheard of skeletons in the closet- Generational trauma and sexualized violence in the GDR, Nadine Bravo
Education and Learning, E Michael Brady PhD
Education for Older Adults with Early-Stage Dementia: Health Promotion for the Mind, Body, and Spirit, Nancy E. Richeson, Sarah Boyne, and E Michael Brady PhD
Educator Wellbeing During COVID-19: Caregivers vs. Non-Caregivers, Elizabeth Larsen, Judy Gagnon, Yana Davis, and Nicole Hudson
EF5 Binding and Clinical Outcome in Human Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Sydney M. Evans VMD, Douglas Fraker MD, Stephen M. Hahn MD, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, W. Timothy Jenkins MS, Kevin Jenkins BSE, Wei-Ting Hwang PhD, Paul Zhang MD, Rosemarie Mick MS, and Cameron J. Koch PhD
Effective instruction in APA Style in blended and face to face classrooms, Maria Zafonte and Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD
Effect of Nutrition on Resilience in Adults with Childhood Trauma, Carrie Merrill, Nicole Wickstrom, Katie Munn, and Timothy McLaughlin
Effect of short-duration high-intensity physical activity on cognitive agility in healthy young men and women, Melody Michaud and James Graves Ph.D.
Effect of temperature on questing activity of Ixodes scapularis in a laboratory setting, Molly Meagher
Effects of a novel CB1 agonist on visual attention in male rats: Role of strategy and expectancy in task accuracy, Rikki L.A. Miller PhD, Ganesh A. Thakur, William M. Stewart, Joshua P. Bow, Shama Bajaj, Alexandros Makriyannis, and Peter J. McLaughlin
Effects of ibuprofen on duration of fear responses in red claw crabs, Ryan Shaffer
Effects of Matching and Mismatching Minority Developmental College Students’ Hemispheric Preferences on Mathematics Scores, Rita Dunn, Ronald I. Sklar, Jeffrey Beaudry PhD, and Jean Bruno
Effects of Oxidative Stress on the Astaxanthin Biosynthesis Pathway of Haematococcus pluvialis, Rachel Cray
Effects of Oxidative Stress on the Astaxanthin Biosynthesis Pathway of Haematococcus pluvialis, Rachel Cray
Effects of sublethal permethrin exposure on larval Culex pipiens response to conspecific alarm cues, Margret E.H. Welch
Effects on the Human Microbiome: Antibiotics and other Chemicals, Katherine Moulton
Efficacy of intramuscular penicillin in the eradication of group Bstreptococcal colonization at delivery, Michael G. Pinette, Katharine Thayer MD, Joseph R. Wax, Jacquelyn Blackstone, and Angelina Cartin
Efforts to Reduce Piracy of U.S. Intellectual Property in China, Carter H. Manny JD
Elders, Church, and the Nurturance of Spirit, E Michael Brady PhD
Elisée A. Dutil and Soldier on Roadside
Elisée A. Dutil Attended Services in Strasbourg [Article], Unknown
Elisée A. Dutil Awarded Combat Infantry Badge [Article], Unknown
Elisée A. Dutil Holding a Puppy
Elisée A. Dutil in front of USO Stage
Elisée A. Dutil in Military Coat
Elisée A. Dutil in Military Uniform with Rifle
Elisée A. Dutil in Military Uniform with Rifle
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform Leaning on Mantle
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform near Decorative Entrance
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform with Arms Crossed
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform with Arms Crossed (1)
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform with Arms Crossed (2)
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform with Other Soldiers in front of the Excelsior Hotel
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform with Other Soldiers in front of the Excelsior Hotel (2)
Elisée A. Dutil in Uniform with Other Soldiers in front of the Excelsior Hotel (3)
Elisée A. Dutil Memorial Notice, Unknown
Elisée A. Dutil Military Portrait
Elisée A. Dutil Military Portrait (2)
Elisée A. Dutil Military Portrait (3)
Elisée A. Dutil Obituary, Unknown
Elisée A. Dutil Posing in Front of Monument (1)
Elisée A. Dutil Posing in Front of Monument (2)
Elisée A. Dutil Posing in Front of Monument with Man in Suit
Elisée A. Dutil Posing in Front of Tank
Elisée A. Dutil Posing in Uniform on Steps
Elisée A. Dutil Posing on Base
Elisée A. Dutil Posing with Rifle
Elisée A. Dutil Posing with Sailor
Elisée A. Dutil Reclining on Bed
Elisée A. Dutil Seated with Woman on Bench Swing
Elisée A. Dutil's Name Engraved on Military Memorial
Elisée A. Dutil Standing in Coat
Elisée A. Dutil Standing with Man in Hat and Woman in Coat
Elisée A. Dutil Standing with Woman in Building Entrance
Elisée A. Dutil Standing with Woman in Coat
Elisée A. Dutil Standing with Woman in Hat and Gloves
Elisée A. Dutil Walking near Woman with Bag
Elisée A. Dutil Walking with Two Women in Hats
Elisée A. Dutil with Girlfriend Rolande Provencher
Elisée A. Dutil with Group of Soldiers in Uniform
Elisée A. Dutil with Soldier by Tent
Elisée A. Dutil with Three Women
Elisée A Dutil with Woman in Dark Coat and Man in Hat and Jacket
Elisée A. Dutil with Woman in Hat
Elisée A. Dutil with Woman in Hat with and Coat with Fur Collar
Elisée A. Dutil with Woman in White Scarf
Elisée A. Dutil "Wounded in Action" Article [English], Unknown
Elisée A. Dutil "Wounded in Action" Article [French], Unknown
Elizabeth Bull - A Book A Day (1), Elizabeth Bull
Elizabeth Bull - A Book A Day (2), Elizabeth Bull
Emancipatory teaching-learning philosophy and practice education in acute care: Navigating tensions, Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
Embodying the police: The effects of enclothed cognition on shooting decisions, Saaid A. Mendoza and Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD
Embroidered Mug Cozy, Maureen Perry
Emotional Literacy and Relational Ethics. A program for advocacy, efficacy and action, Bette Katsekas EdD
Empowering Action Against Femicide: A Case Study of Turkey An Integrated Literature Review, Ashley Simon
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and its Implications for Operations Function, Mahesh Gupta PhD and Amarpreet Kohli PhD
Entrance to Camp Moffett Postcard, Denis Mailhot MPS
Envelope from Wilfrid Mailhot to Elisée A. Dutil, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Equality News (Spring 2008), Matthew R. Dubois
Equality News (Summer 2008), Matthew R. Dubois
"Equality" sign, Betsy Parsons
Equity ensures excellence of schools in Maine, nationwide, Flynn Ross
Ethical decision making: An interactive decision making analysis, Bette Katsekas EdD
Ethical Decision Making in Graduate-Level Counselor Education: Teaching Strategies and the Use of Professional Counselor Panels., Bette Katsekas EdD
Ethics training and counseling practice: An interactive decision-making analysis, Bette Katsekas EdD
Etretat Monument Nungesser et Colli Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Etretat Monument Postcard, None
European Privacy Law and the Controversy Over U.S. Access to European Money Transfer Data Held by SWIFT, Carter H. Manny JD
European Privacy v. American Liberty: the Controversy Surrounding the Data Protection Directive of the European Union, Carter H. Manny JD
Evaluating engagement online: Penalties for low participating female instructors in gender-balanced academic domains, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD and C Grey
Evaluating Stock Returns with Time-Varying Risk Aversion Driven By Trend Deviations From the Consumption-to-Wealth Ratio: An Analysis Conditional on Income Levels, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD and James A. Bennett PhD
Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions using case study data, Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP; M.W. Steeg; and Rebekah Bickford
Evaluating the Results of Multicultural Education: Taking the Long Way Home, Jeffrey Beaudry PhD and James Earl Davis
Evaluation of a Diabetes Disease Management Home Care Program, Joanne Dalton PhD, APRN, BC; Joanne Garvey MS, RN, PhDc; and Linda Samia PhD, RN, CNL
Evaluation of the Use of Critical Access Hospital [CAH] Cohorts for Quality Improvement Activities, John Gale MS; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; Sara Kahn-Troster MPH; and Nathan First LCSW, MSW, MA
Everyday activism: A handbook for lesbian, gay, & bisexual people and their allies, Michael Stevenson and Jeanine C. Cogan
Evidence-based practices in mentoring students with disabilities: Four case studies, Norma J. Stumbo, Jay K. Martin, Dan Nordstrom, Tina Rolfe, Sheryl Burgstahler, Jean Whitney PhD, Samantha Langley-Turnbaugh, Lynn Lovewell, Babette Moeller, Randy Larry, and Ed Misquez
Evidence-Based Practice: The Scholarship Behind the Practice, Valerie J. Fuller PhD, DNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP; Debra Gillespie PhD, RN; and Debra Kramlich
Evidence-Based Practice: The Scholarship Behind the Practice, Valerie J. Fuller PhD, DNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP; Debra Gillespie PhD, RN; and Debra Kramlich
Examining Characteristics of Children and Families that Utilize the US National School Lunch Program: An Empirical Data Analysis, Kelsey Poirier Bernstiel
Examining the Effect of Provider Bias on Pain Management in Black Patients: A Systematic Literature Review, John Massey and Monica Gambilado
Examining the Relationship Between Cue-induced Craving and Actual Smoking, Cynthia A. Conklin PhD, Elizabeth J. Vella PhD, Ronald P. Salkeld, K. A. Perkins, and Craig S. Parzynski
Excess Long Real Rate Volatility, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD
Exclusion as self-protection: The function of subtypes for ingroup members., Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD
Executive attentional resources in timing: Effects of inhibitory control and cognitive aging, Scott W. Brown PhD, Tammy M. Johnson, Mary E. Sohl, and Meghan K. Dumas
Expanding Access: Changes in Vocational Rehabilitation Practice Since the 1992 Rehabilitation Act Amendments, Jean Whitney PhD, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Dana Scott Gilmore, and Dawna M. Thomas
Experiences of Stigma among Individuals in Recovery from Opioid Use Disorder in a Rural Setting: A Qualitative Analysis, Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Emily Bauer MPH; Shane Gallagher MS; Brianne Karstens BS; LeeAnna Lavoie MPH, CHES; Katherine A. Ahrens PhD; and Alane O'Connor DNP
Experiential Learning: Journal of a Journey—Teaching Baseball on the Road, E Michael Brady PhD
Exploring a Typology of Homelessness in Hawai‘i Using a Mixed Methods Approach, Kristen D. Gleason PhD
Exploring Determinants and Effects of Shared Responsibility in Service Exchanges, Jeremy J. Sierra, Robert S. Heiser PhD, and Shaun McQuitty
Exploring Differing Experiences of Homelessness in Hawai‘i: Extended executive summary, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Charlene Baker, and John P. Barile
Exploring Differing Experiences of Homelessness in Hawai‘i: Full Report to Stakeholders Part I, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Charlene Baker, and John P. Barile
Exploring Differing Experiences of Homelessness in Hawai‘i: Full Report to Stakeholders Part II, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, John P. Barile, and Charlene Baker
Exploring Discourses on Human Trafficking in Hawai'i, Kristen D. Gleason PhD
Exploring diversity within "poverty:" The role of education and emotional well-being in mothers' metacognitive questions to children, R Bruce Thompson PhD and Deanna Williams
Exploring Human Trafficking in Hawai‘i from the Perspective of Local Service Providers: Report to Stakeholders, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Alyssa Carangan, Jared Espinueva, Alma Herrera-Mendoza, Denali Lukacinsky, and Andreas Remis
Exploring Possibilities for Scaled Testing of Offshore Jacket Structures via 3D Printing, Bradley Rushford
Exploring Theory-of-Mind as a Social-Cognitive Developmental Mechanism for Social Loafing in Children, R Bruce Thompson PhD and Bill Thornton PhD
Exploring the restrictions of ‘quoi’ as a new variable in the occurrence of unusual wh-structures in French, Margaret Matte
Exploring the Role of Pseudodeductibles in Auto Insurance Claims Reporting, Dana A. Kerr PhD
Extending Houle's 'patterns:' Emily Dickinson as a learner, E Michael Brady PhD
Facing a fragile future: A quantitative investigation into perceived career barriers of diverse urban youth with disabilities, Sarah Johnston-Rodriguez, Laura Owens, and Jean Whitney PhD
Faculty Collaboration to Improve Equity, Access, and Inclusion in Higher Education, Charles Bernacchio EdD, Flynn Ross EdD, Kimberley Robinson Washburn, Jean Whitney PhD, and Diane R. Wood
Fairfield (1895), George E. Norris
Falls and Delirium in an Acute Care Setting: A retrospective chart review before and after an organisation‐wide interprofessional education, Rhonda L. Babine MS, APRN, ACNS-BC; Kristiina E. Hyrkas PhD, MNSc, RN; Sarah Hallen MD; Heidi R. Weirman MD; Deborah A. Bachand BSN, RN, NE-BC; Joanne L. Chapman MSN, MEd, RN, NE-BC; and Valerie J. Fuller PhD, DNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP
Falls in A Tertiary Care Hospital-Association With Delirium: A Replication Study, Rhonda L. Babine MS, APRN, ACNS-BC; Kristiina E. Hyrkas PhD, LicNSc, MNSc, RN; Deborah A. Bachand BSN, RN, NE-BC; Joanne L. Chapman MSN, MEd, RN, NE-BC; Valerie J. Fuller PhD, DNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP; Cynthia A. Honess MSN, APRN, ACNS-BC; and Heidi R. Wierman MD
Families: The heart of transition, C Hanley-Maxwell, S M. Pogoloff, and Jean Whitney PhD
Family Affairs Newsletter 2004-10-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2004-11-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2004-12-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-01-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-01-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-02-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-02-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-03-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-04-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-04-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-05-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-05-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-06-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-07-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-07-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-08-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-08-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-09-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-10-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-11-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-11-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-12-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2005-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-01-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-01-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-02-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-02-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-02-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-03-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-04-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-04-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-05-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-05-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-06-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-07-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-07-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-08-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-08-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-09-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-10-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-11-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-11-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-12-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2006-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-01-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-01-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-02-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-02-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-03-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-04-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-05-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-05-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-06-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-07-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-07-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-08-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-08-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-09-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-10-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-11-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-11-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-12-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2007-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-01-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-01-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-02-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-02-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-03-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-04-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-04-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-05-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-05-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-06-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-07-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-07-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-08-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-08-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-09-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-10-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-11-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-11-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-12-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2008-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-01-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-01-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-02-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-03-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-04-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-04-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-05-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-05-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-06-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-07-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-07-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-08-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-08-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-09-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-10-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-11-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-11-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-12-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter 2009-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2004-09-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2005-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2005-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2005-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2005-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2006-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2006-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2006-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2006-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2007-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2007-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2007-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2008-03-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2008-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2008-09-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2008-12-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2009-06-15, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2015-09-15, Family Affairs
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2015-12-15, Family Affairs
Family Affairs Newsletter Business Directory 2016-03-15, Family Affairs
Family Affairs Newsletter Feedback 2008-03-17, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Poll 2009-02-21, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Poll Results 2007-08-26, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter Pride Poll 2007-07-01, Jean Vermette
Family Affairs Newsletter The Thinking Cap 2005-08-01, Jean Vermette
Family Demography: Mr. James Mathews, Maureen Elgersman Lee
Family Demography: Mr. James Sheppard, Sanela Zukic
Family Demography: Mr. Rupert Richardson, Chan Prum
Family Therapy: An Analysis of Effective Treatments for Adopted Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder and Their Families, Lydia Symonds
Farmington and West Farmington (1878), Thaddeus M. Fowler
Fear and Loathing in the Heartland: Exploring the mythology and pathology of rural American innocence, Russell L. Wilson MFA
February 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
February 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
February 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
February 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
February 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
February 2021, Temple Shalom
Federal Regulation: One More Time, Walter Kimball PhD, Timothy E. Heron, and Adele B. Weiss
Feelings and perceptions of graduate students about their undergraduate nursing education, Laurie Caton-Lemos MS, FNP-C
Feeling the wounds of Jan. 6 – embodiment as an anti-racist practice, Vaishali Mamgain PhD
Female Athlete Endorsers: Determinants of effectiveness, Janet S. Fink PhD, Heidi M. Parker PhD, George B. Cunningham, and Jacquelyn Cuneen
Fighter Jet Postcard, Denis Mailhot MPS
Final Door: The Pathway of Palliative Care, L. H. Nicoll and E Michael Brady PhD
Financial Alignment Initiative New York FIDA Combined Second and Third Evaluation Report, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Eileen J. Griffin JD, Louise Olsen BA, Emily Costilow MA, Ira Dave MSPH, Cleo Kordomenos BA, and Edith G. Walsh PhD
Finding Joy and Satisfaction in Deaning and Directing, T Sirota and Brenda Petersen PhD, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CPNP-PC
Findings from a focus group study: Peer teaching in lifelong Learning institutes, E Michael Brady PhD
Finite Element Analysis of Impact Resistant Composites Inspired by Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Nandati Shrestha
First lessons in geography and astronomy with seven plain maps, and a view of the solar system : for the use of young children, as preparatory to ancient and modern geography, Jacob Abbot Cummings
First Parish Church and Chapel Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Five Things to Do When You're Running Out of Gas and Other Journeys, Katrina Couch Ray-Saulis MFA
Flesh Made Word, E Michael Brady PhD
Flexible Tenacity in Goal Pursuit, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Alexander Jaudas, and Paschal Sheeran
Floral Beauty by Sophia Squire, Sophia Squire
Florida Oranges Postcard, Denis Mailhot MPS
“Flying by the seat of our pants”: What dementia family caregivers want in an advanced caregiver training program, Linda Samia PhD, RN, CNL; Kenneth Hepburn; and Lynne Nichols
Fontaine de l'Observatoire Photograph
Fontaine des Fleuves Photograph
For Better or For Worse Comic Strip, Lynn Johnston
Forging Connections: An Investigation of New Students’ Perspectives of Their Transition to the University, Adele Baruch PhD, Zark VanZandt, and S Auguste Elliott
"Forgive Us Our Trespasses" Postcard, None
Fort Fairfield (1893), George E. Norris
For the Men in the Foxholes: My Crucifix [Poem], Elisée A. Dutil
For the New Rainbow Soldier Booklet, 42nd Infantry Division
Fostering globalism: Community partnerships to grow your own teachers, Flynn Ross EdD and A Ahmed
Fostering Intraprofessional Collaboration: The APNA Janssen Scholars Workplace Violence Workgroup, Rebecca Schroeder DNP, MPH, RN, PMHNP, BC and A LaValla
Four Steps to Implement RTI Correctly, Amanda Vanderhayden; Matthew Burns; Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP; Mark R. Shinn; Stevan Kukic; Kim Gibbons; George Batsche; and W David Tilly
Franco-American Collection Institutional Records Exhibit Brochure, Anna Faherty
Franco-American Collection Institutional Records Exhibit Flyer, Anna Faherty
Franco-American Collection Institutional Records Exhibit Postcard, Anna Faherty
Franco-American Collection receives more than 100 years of records from YWCA, Vanessa Paolella
Franco Memory Through Song: Les Troubadours of Lewiston, Maine, Colby College MU493
"Freaking Awesome Gay" sign, Betsy Parsons
Frederick Robie Hall, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Frederick Robie Hall, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Frederick Robie Hall, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Frederick Robie Hall, State Normal School, Gorham, ME., USM Special Collections
Freedom Rider Armband, USM African American Collection
"Free to Learn..." sign, Betsy Parsons
French Policemen Near l'Opera Photograph
French Soldiers at the Zoo Photograph
From conscious thought to automatic action: A simulation account of action planning, Torsten Martiny-Huenger, Sarah E. Martiny, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Elisa Pfeiffer, and Peter M. Gollwitzer
From Gorham Normal School, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
From the Playing Field to the Classroom: The Academic Challenges for NCAA Division I Athletes, Matt R. Huml, Matthew J. Bergman, Emily M. Newell PhD, and Meg G. Hancock
FROM THE VAULTS: The Founding of the Maine Gay Men's Chorus, USM LGBTQ+ Collection
Functional behavioral assessment of classroom behavior, Mark W. Steege, F Charles Mace, and Rachel Brown
Further psychometric testing of the home healthcare nurse job satisfaction scale, Carol Hall Ellenbecker; James J. Byleckie; and Linda Samia PhD, RN, CNL
Gaining perspective with the educational consultation research base: Ecological considerations and further recommendations, Timothy E. Heron and Walter Kimball PhD
Gardiner and Pittston (1878), Albert Ruger
Gender and age effects interact in preschoolers' help-seeking: Evidence for differential responses to changes in task difficulty, R Bruce Thompson PhD, Thomas Cothran, and Daniel McCall
Gender and Reproductive Labor Migration in Asia, 1960–2000, Joya Misra PhD, Ragini Malhotra PhD, and Diego F. Leal PhD
Gender and theory of mind in preschoolers’ group effort: evidence for timing differences behind children’s earliest social loafing, R Bruce Thompson PhD and Bill Thornton
Gender Differences in Communication: Possible Consequences for the Learning Process, R Bruce Thompson PhD
Gender Differences in Preschoolers’ Help-Eliciting Communication, R Bruce Thompson PhD
Gender differences in the person-activity fit for positive psychology interventions, R Bruce Thompson PhD, Christine Peura, and William F. Gayton
Gender Gap Linked to Differential Socialization for High-Achieving Senior Mathematics Students, James R. Campbell and Jeffrey Beaudry PhD
Gender stereotypes in the workplace: Obstacles to women’s career progress, Madeline E. Heilman and Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD
Gender Typing in Management: Evaluation of Managerial Subroles for Sport, Laura Burton PhD and Heidi M. Parker PhD
Generalizability and dependability of a multi-item direct behavior rating scale in a kindergarten classroom, Garry Wickerd PhD and David Hulac
Generalization and Maintenance, Jamie Pratt Psy.D, Garry Wickerd PhD, and Mark W. Steege
General Mayolle Statue Photograph
Genetically Modified Organisms are Important but Also Controversial, Masen Pelletier
GEN MS 50 Portland Junior College Archives, Camille E. Rynkowski
George and Heidi Remy Christmas Letter, George Remy and Heidi Remy
George Remy Oral History, Franco-American Collection
Gerontology and Education: Theory's Contribution to Practice, E Michael Brady PhD
Getting Beyond the Talking and into the Doing, Ann Larson, Phyllis Metcalf-Turner, Walter Kimball PhD, Nancy Harriman, and Susie Hanley
Getting to know the life stories of older adults: Activities for building relationships by K. Laurenhue, E Michael Brady PhD
Gloria as a Lesbian: Revisiting three approaches to Counseling and Psychotherapy, Bette Katsekas EdD
"GLSEN" sign, Betsy Parsons
Goal Implementation: The Benefits and Costs of If–Then Planning, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD and Peter M. Gollwitzer
"Golden Arrow" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Good Wood, E Michael Brady PhD
Gorham Academy, Gorham, Me., USM Special Collections
Gorham: COVID-19 Testing at Costello Sports Complex, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Gorham, Maine Gorham Normal School, USM Special Collections
Gorham Me, Gorham Normal School., USM Special Collections
Gorham, Me., Gorham Normal School, USM Special Collections
Gorham, Me., High St., looking East, USM Special Collections
Gorham Normal School, USM Special Collections
Gorham Normal School, Gorham, Me., USM Special Collections
Gorham Normal School, Gorham, Me., USM Special Collections
Gorham Normal School Pillow Case, USM Special Collections
Gorham State Teachers College, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Gorham: University of Southern Maine Advising Office, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Gorham: University of Southern Maine Advising Office, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Gorham: University of Southern Maine Costello Complex, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Gorham: University of Southern Maine Disinfecting Wipes, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Gorham: University of Southern Maine Exit Sign, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Gorham: University of Southern Maine Hand Sanitizer, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Gorham: University of Southern Maine Library, Carrie Bell-Hoerth
Grand Lobby, Union Station, Kansas City, Missouri Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Grand Trunk System Railway Complete Time Tables, Southam Press, Limited, Toronto
Grant development and decision-making: Comparison of funding agencies and community based minority organizations, V Ma, Jean Whitney PhD, and P Sotnik
Grant Writing: Just Do It!, Terry Shehata PhD
Green's Landing (Stonington, 1893), George E. Norris
Greenville University prepares teacher leaders for tomorrow’s classroom, L Amundson, K Johnson, and Larissa Malone PhD
Greetings from Maine Postcard, none
Greetings From the University of Southern Maine, USM Special Collections
Greetings From the University of Southern Maine, USM Special Collections
Group Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims and the Business Cycle, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD and Bruce H. Andrews PhD
Growing Pains Marijuana Legalization in Maine, Wendy Chapkis PhD
GSTA "Crest" poster, Betsy Parsons
"GSTA Youth Testimony" sign, Betsy Parsons
Guidelines for Cooperative Teaching Between General and Special Education Teachers, Polly Brann, Sally Loughlin, and Walter Kimball PhD
Hallowell (1878), Albert Ruger
Harnessing the Combined Strengths of a National and a Local Funder to Bolster Maine Medicaid Expansion, Tara Oakman PhD, Barbara Leonard MPH, Kimberley S Fox MPA, Sara Kahn-Troster MPH, and Amanda Burgess MPPM
Hartland (1896), George E. Norris
Has reading Harry Potter affected the Millennial Generation as Leaders?, Amanda Giampetro MA
Healing attachment wounds by being cared for and caring for others, Adele Baruch and Ashley Higgins
Health Care Costs of Elder Financial Exploitation, Kimberly Snow
Health Care Informatics, Carol Fackler DNSc, RN
Healthcare Informatics, Carol Fackler DNSc, RN
Health Insurance, Erica C. Ziller PhD and Yvonne Jonk PhD
Health Privacy: Improved Regulatory Protection in 2013, Carter H. Manny JD
Health Promotion for Older Adults with Early-Stage Dementia: Tending to the Mind, Body, and Spirit, Nancy E. Richeson and E Michael Brady PhD
Helping Immigrants become Teachers, Flynn Ross EdD
Helping Jimmy, E Michael Brady PhD
Helping Students Rise and Shine, Flynn Ross EdD, Marcia Gendron, Dan Nogar, and Marjorie Queen
Hematology, Laurie Caton-Lemos MS, FNP-C
Here’s what will change with the new SAT, Flynn Ross EdD
Hey, can you find me a book? Providing popular culture texts to students in a Title I elementary school, Melinda S. Butler EdD
History of Saco and Biddeford, with notices of other early settlements, and of proprietary governments, in Maine, including the provinces of New Somersetshire and Lygonia, George Folsom and A. C. Putnam
HIV and Hepatitis C in Rural Areas: Prevalence, Service Availability, and Challenges [Webinar], Katherine Ahrens PhD and Amanda Burgess MPPM
Holidays and Family Traditions: Mr. James Mathews, Maureen Elgersman Lee
Holidays and Family Traditions: Mr. Richard Tarrence, Rachel Talbot-Ross
Holistic interpersonal mindfulness: Activities and applications of coformation theory, Bette Katsekas EdD
Holy Name Catholic Chapel Postcard, none
Holy Name Catholic Chapel Postcard (2), Denis Mailhot MPS
Holy Name Catholic Chapel Postcard (3), Denis Mailhot MPS
Home Care Nurses' Experience of Job Stress and Considerations for the Work Environment, Linda Samia PhD, RN, CNL; Carol Hall Ellenbecker PhD, RN; Donna Haig Friedman PhD; and Karen Dick PhD, GNP-BC, FAANP
Homelessness in Portland, the Coronavirus Pandemic, and The Globalization Project, Norliyana Menes
Homeless Service Utilization Report: Hawai‘i 2014, Sarah Yuan, Hong Vo, and Kristen D. Gleason PhD
Homeless Service Utilization Report: Hawai‘i 2015, Susan Yuan, Hong Vo, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, and J Azuma
Honorable Discharge Certificate Romeo Gerard Turgeon, U.S. Navy
Horror, Body Swapping Films, and Ageist Tropes, Carrie Kancilia PhD
Horse and Man Sculpture from the Champs-Élysées Photograph
Hospital nurses’ lived experience of power, Carol Fackler DNSc, RN; Angelina M. Chambers PhD, RN, CNM; and Meg Bourbonniere PhD, RN
Hostility Moderates the Effects of Social Support and Intimacy on Blood Pressure in Daily Social Interactions, Elizabeth J. Vella PhD, Thomas W. Kamarck, and Saul Shiffman
Hotel Chesterfield Postcard, Leona Dutil
Hotel de Paris Rainbow Corner Photograph
Hotel Near Place de l'Opéra Photograph
Houlton (1878), Albert Ruger
Houlton (1894), George E. Norris
How crumbling and crowded schools hurt student performance, Flynn Ross EdD
How Distributed Research Networks Work in Real Life, Katherine Ahrens PhD
How do supervisors assess and develop professional dispositions among counselors in vocational rehabilitation agencies? A qualitative inquiry, Scott A. Sabella, Trenton J. Landon, Michelle McKnight-Lizotte, and Charles Bernacchio EdD
How Genetics Plays A Role In Avian Migration, Tyler Bauersfeld
How risk-related statistics, as reported in news and social media, are linked to the use of the public transit system, Prashiddhi Pokhrel
How the Dodd-Frank Act Affects the Standard of Care Required of Brokers/Dealers, Joel Gold PhD, Jeffrey Gramlich PhD, and Dana A. Kerr PhD
How useful are computers? Comparison of the attitudes of students with and without learning disabilities, Rachel Brown PhD, NCSP and M.L. Boscardin
Human Trafficking in Hawai‘i: Special challenges in rural areas, Kristen D. Gleason PhD
Husky hand: A low-cost electro-mechanical prosthetic arm for the underprivileged, Adam Robert
Hypoxia and Photofrin uptake in the intraperitoneal carcinomatosis and sarcomatosis of photodynamic therapy patients, Theresa M. Busch, Stephen M. Hahn, E Paul Wileyto, Cameron J. Koch, Douglas L. Fraker, Paul Zhang, Mary Putt, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Daniel B. Shin, Michael J. Emanuele, Kevin Jenkins, Eli Glatstein, and Sydney M. Evans
Iceland Island Patch, none
Identifying Health Bright Spots in the Northeastern Region, Katharine S. F. Knight MPH
Identifying Urban and Rural “Bright Spots” Counties in the Northeastern Region of the US in 2020, Katharine Knight
ILJA by Paula Shevenell, Paula Shevenell
Imagining Others, Emma Henson
"I Miss My Dear Old Mother—And How!" Postcard, Elisée A. Dutil
Impact of Group Prenatal Care on Health Outcomes for Women of Color in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review, Morgan Brockington, Emily Bauer, and Julie Kameisha
Impact of Viewing Fatphobic Messages on Facebook in Generation X, Emily Gobi, Anna Biasin, and Emily Baronfeld
Implementation Intentions, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Anja Achtziger, and Peter J. Gollwitzer
Implementation intentions and test anxiety: Shielding academic performance from distraction, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Peter M. Gollwitzer, and Gabriele Oettingen
Implementing the School Improvement Fund’s Transformational Model in Maine’s rural high schools, Angela Atkinson Duina EdD and M.H. Shann
Implicit memory for novel associations between pictures: Effects of stimulus unitization and aging., Irene P. Kan, Margaret M. Keane, Elizabeth Martin, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Lindsay Lewis, and Mieke Verfaellie
Implicit memory for novel conceptual associations in amnesia, Mieke Verfaellie, Elizabeth Martin, Katie Page, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, and Margaret M. Keane
Importance of Understanding Genetic Predisposition, Andrew Carter
Improving assessment of minority children. [Review of the book Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention for Ethnic Minority Children, by S. Graves & J. Blake], Garry Wickerd PhD
Improving assessment through a school-university partnership, Walter Kimball PhD and Nancy Harriman
Improving Comprehensible Input for ELLs through Technology, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD and Beth Skotarczak MSEd
Improving Immigrant Integration into U.S Society, Abdikadir Negeye
Improving Operations Strategy: Application of TOC Principles in a Small Business, Amarpreet S. Kohli PhD and Mahesh Gupta PhD
Improving Research Participants' Understanding of Informed Consent, Debra Gillespie PhD, RN
Improving student engagement and achievement: Making “Daily Oral Language” relevant to students’ lives, Lori Young, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD, and Susan L. Groenke
Improving Student Learning, Walter Kimball PhD, Susan Swap, Patricia A. LaRosa, and Thomas Howick
Improving Teacher Certification, Flynn Ross EdD
Improving the Post-Secondary Education and Employability of Learning Disabled Students, Charles Bernacchio EdD and Richard Fortinsky
Inclusion or Intrusion? Reculturing Schools for Collaborative ESL Instruction, Clara Lee Brown and Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD
Increasing accessibility of college STEM courses through faculty development in UDL., SJ Langley-Turnbaugh, M Blair, and Jean Whitney PhD
Increasing Knowledge of Sexual Abuse: A Study With Elementary School Children in Hawai‘i, Charlene K. Baker, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Rachel Naai, Jennifer Mitchell, and Christine Trecker
Indigenous Experiences of Social Services, Oaklin Blaisdell, Haley West, Sammy Ellie MacKinnon, and Brianna White
Indigenous Perspectives: Honoring Native Voices in Maine and Beyond, Adrienne Benally PhD
Inherited Bone-Marrow Failure Syndrome, James Joseph
Inhibiting fatty acid binding proteins decreases multiple myeloma cell proliferation and increases efficacy of dexamethasone, Mariah Farrell
Initial assessment of the psychometric properties of the Sexual Harassment Reporting Attitudes Scale, Brian Cesario, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, and Mujgan Turgut
In Memorium: Elisée A. Dutil Recognition Portfolio, City of Lewiston, ME
In Memory of PFC Elisée "Frenchy" A. Dutil, Denis Mailhot MPS
In praise of almighty sandlot baseball, E Michael Brady PhD
Inquiry into partnered student teaching in an urban school-university partnership, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD, Caitlin Corrieri, Lindsay Fryer, Elizabeth Genovese, Ryan Panaro, and Christen Sohn
In-School Student Behavior Change during COVID-19, Tyler DeAngelis
Integrating Sexual Minority Health Issues into a Health Assessment Class, Jordon D. Bosse RN, MSN; J Aleah Nesteby NP, MSN; and Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
Interactive Machine Learning Methods for the Quantification of Vascular Features in Soybean Images Obtained via Laser Ablation Tomography (LATscan), Berkeley Elias, Asheesh Lanba PhD, Jose Costa Netto, Felix Fritschi PhD, and Abraham George Smith
Interdisciplinary social action, Leonard A. Jason, Damani McClellan, and Kristen D. Gleason PhD
International Student-Athlete Adjustment Issues: Recommendations for effective transitions, Emily M. Newell PhD
Interpersonal Mindfulness in the Classroom, Bette Katsekas EdD
Interpersonal skill development in a multicultural context: A manual for counselors, teachers, trainers and other professionals., Bette Katsekas EdD and Diane LeMay
Intersectionality and Accessibility to Social Services, Nora Khuder
Interview with Adelard Janelle, Lucille Dube
Interview with Adeleide Gilbert, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Aliette and Ron Couturier, Franco-American Collection
Interview with Beatrice Guimond, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Betty Dutil, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Carol Beal Couture, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Connie Pinette, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Flora Berubé Cyr and Florence Berubé, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Gabrielle DeMoras, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Georgette Menealy, Josh Gauthier
Interview With Ginny LaCrow, Kat Hartford
Interview with Helen Sylvain and Irene Mercier, Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine
Interview with Irene Labrecque Coady, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Jacynthe Jacques, Franco-American Collection
Interview with James Fife, James Myall
Interview with Jean Roy, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with John Blouin, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Judge Donald Webber and Ruth Webber, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Julie Jipson, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Leonard Daley, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Leon LeBlanc, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Linda Jones, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Lorraine Ouellette, Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine
Interview with Lorraine Ouellette and Accordion, Franco-American Collection
Interview with Murielle Lebrun Mills, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Noel Gaumont Interview Transcript, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Pauline Lagasse Beach, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Pauline Perry, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Peter E. Richard Sr., The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Pierre Proulx, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Sandy Allen, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with Simone Levesque Deschaine, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with the Grandmas: 34 Year Herstory, Adrianna Troxell Elliot and Elias Gilbert Elliot
Interview with The Poirier Sisters, The Franco-American Collection
Interview with William Larochelle, The Franco-American Collection
Investigating the Heat Release from a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine, Sarah Payne and Scott Eaton PhD
Involvement of Shared Resources in Time Judgment and Sequence Reasoning Tasks, Scott W. Brown PhD
Is Pregnancy Necessary? Feminist Concerns About Ectogenesis [Book Chapter], Julien Murphy PhD
Is the U.S. Government’s Mining of Commercial Data Contributing to an Erosion of Public Trust in Government?, Carter H. Manny JD
Italian Street Postcard, Donat G. Mailhot
Jackson, Reverend Albert and Clemmie Quotes Transcript, Albert Jackson
January 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
January 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
January 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
January 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
January 2021, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
Josée Vachon - Aimez, Aimez Toujours, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Des Generations, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Dîtes Moi de las Paroles, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Dominique, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Fête de Campagne, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - I Went to the Market, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - L’amour est Comme une Salade, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Ma Mere Chantait Toujours, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Papignon, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Parler Moi d’Amour, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Partons la Mer est Belle, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Que Sera, Sera, Franco-American Collection
Josée Vachon - Sous les Pont de Paris, Tant Qu’il Aura Etoiles, Franco-American Collection
Joseph Conforti Lecture, The Franco-American Collection
Journal Writing Among Older Learners, E Michael Brady PhD and Harry Z. Sky
Journey of Discovery, Marissa Joly BFA
Journeys: Monograph prepared for the Maine Mathematics and Science Teaching Excellence Collaborative (MMSTEC) Project, Richard Stebbins PhD and Amy Johnson
Journey to Portland: A Qualitative Study on the Experience of new Mainers from Africa, Johanna Hattan
July 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
July 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
July 2018, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
July 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
June 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
June 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
June 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
June 2018, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
June 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
June, July 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
Kennebunk (1877), Albert Ruger
Kennebunk (1895), George E. Norris
Kingfield (1895), George E. Norris
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
King’s letter from the Birmingham Jail a master class in civil dialogue, Joseph McDonnell PhD
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Medallion, USM Special Collections
Krystal Yavcoli - Print, Krystal Yavcoli
Ku Klux Klan Charter, Androscoggin Chapter (Maine), USM Special Collections
Ku Klux Klan Photograph, USM Special Collections
La Basilique du Sacré Cœur de Montmartre Photograph
La Basilique du Sacré Cœur de Montmartre Photograph
L'Academie de Music Nationale Photograph
Lack of government transparency hinders work to improve Maine, Flynn Ross EdD
La dépouille mortelle du soldat Elisée Dutil [Article], Unknown
Laser Ablation Tomography (LATscan), Daniel St Peter
Launching into Life After College: The Rubber Meets the Road, Lenny Shedletsky PhD, Dennis Gilbert MFA, and David Bantz EngScD
Leadership: Sensemaking and meaning-making in the U.S. in the year 2020, Marielle Petrin
Learning Altruism through Stories and Action, Robert Atkinson, Adele Baruch PhD, and Lillian Harris
Learning needs of the elderly: Perceptions among educators, E Michael Brady PhD, Dorry French, and Gerald C. Peck
Learning Stories of Our Own, Desi Larson and E Michael Brady PhD
Learning to read can illuminate life, E Michael Brady PhD
LED Solar Simulator, Tanner Van Curan
L'église de la Madeleine, Paris Photograph
Leia, Genevie Carter MFA
Le Marignan Theatre, Paris Photograph
Le Messager, (03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, (03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, (03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, (03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, (11/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, (12/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, (12/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, (12/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N100, (03/20/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N101, (03/23/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N102, (03/27/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N103, (03/30/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N63, (11/03/1893), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N78, (12/29/1893), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N95, (03/02/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N96, (03/06/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N97, (03/09/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N98, (03/13/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 14e N99, (03/16/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N10, (05/04/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N102, (03/22/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N103, (03/26/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N1, (04/03/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N11, (05/08/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N12, (05/11/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N13, (05/15/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N14, (05/18/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N15, (05/22/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N16, (05/25/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N17, (05/29/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N18, (06/01/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N20, (06/08/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N2, (04/06/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N21, (06/12/1894), 15e N21, (06/12/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N22, (06/15/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N23, (06/19/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N24, (06/22/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N25, (06/26/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N26, (06/29/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N27, (07/03/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N28, (07/06/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N29, (07/10/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N3, (04/10/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N31, (07/17/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N32, (07/20/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N34, (07/31/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N35, (08/03/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N36, (08/07/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N37, (08/04/1893), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N37, (08/10/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N38, (08/14/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N39, (08/17/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N40, (08/21/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N4, (04/13/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N41, (08/24/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N42, (08/28/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N43, (08/31/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N44, (09/04/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N45, (09/07/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N46, (09/11/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N47, (09/14/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N48, (09/18/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N49, (09/21/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N50, (09/25/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N5, (04/17/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N51, (09/28/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N52, (10/02/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N53, (10/05/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N54, (10/09/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N55, (10/12/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N56, (10/16/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N57, (10/19/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N58, (10/23/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N60, (10/26/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N6, (04/20/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N61, (10/30/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N62, (11/02/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N63, (11/06/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N64, (11/09/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N66, (11/16/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N67, (11/20/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N68, (11/23/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N70, (11/30/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N7, (04/24/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N71, (12/04/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N72, (12/07/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N73, (12/11/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N74, (12/14/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N75, (12/18/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N76, (12/21/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N77, (12/24/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N78, (12/28/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N79, (12/31/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N80, (12/04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N8, (04/27/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N81, (01/08/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N82, (01/11/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N83, (01/15/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N84, (01/18/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N85, (01/22/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N86, (01/25/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N87, (01/29/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N88, (02/01/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N89, (02/05/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N90, (02/08/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N91, (02/11/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N92, (02/15/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N93, (02/19/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N94, (02/22/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N95, (02/26/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N96, (03/01/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N97, (03/05/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 15e N98, (03/12/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N10, (05/03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N1, (04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N11, (05/07/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N12, (05/10/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N13, (05/14/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N14, (05/17/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N15, (05/21/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N16, (05/24/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N17, (05/29/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N18, (05/31/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N19, (06/04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N20, (06/07/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N2, (04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N21, (06/11/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N23, (06/18/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N24, (06/21/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N25, (06/25/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N26, (06/28/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N27, (07/02/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N28, (07/07/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N29, (07/09/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N30, (07/12/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N3, (04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N31, (07/16/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N32, (07/18/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N33, (07/23/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N34, (07/26/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N35, (07/30/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N36, (08/02/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N37, (08/02/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N38, (08/09/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N39, (08/13/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N40, (08/16/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N4, (04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N41, (08/20/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N42, (08/23/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N43, (08/27/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N44, (08/30/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N45, (09/03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N46, (09/06/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N47, (09/10/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N48, (09/13/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N49, (09/17/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N50, (09/20/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N5, (04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N51, (09/24/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N53, (10/01/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N55, (10/08/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N56, (10/11/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N57, (10/15/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N58, (10/18/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N59, (10/22/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N60, (10/25/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N6, (04/26/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N61, (10/29/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N62, (11/01/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N63, (11/05/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N64, (11/08/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N65, (11/12/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N66, (11/15/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N67, (11/19/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N68, (11/22/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N69, (11/26/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N70, (11/29/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N7, (04/28/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N71, (12/03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N72, (12/06/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N73, (12/13/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N76, (12/20/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N77, (12/24/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N78, (12/27/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N80, (01/03/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N81, (01/07/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N82, (01/10/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N83, (01/14/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N84, (01/17/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N85, (01/21/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N86, (01/24/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N87, (01/28/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N88, (01/31/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N89, (02/04/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N90, (02/07/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N9, (04/30/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 16e N92, (02/14/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N43, (08/11/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N44, (08/14/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N45, (08/18/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N46, (08/21/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N47, (08/25/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N48, (08/28/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N49, (09/01/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N50, (09/04/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N51, (09/08/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N52, (09/11/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N53, (09/15/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N54, (09/18/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N55, (09/22/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N56, (09/25/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N60, (09/29/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N62, (10/06/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N63, (10/09/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N64, (10/13/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N65, (10/16/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N66, (10/20/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N67, (10/23/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N68, (10/27/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N69, (10/30/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N70, (11/04/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N71, (11/06/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N72, (11/10/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 17e N73, (11/13/1896), Le Messager
Le Messager, 33e N 58, (07/22/1912), Le Messager Publishing Co.
Le Messager, 33e N 59, (07/24/1912), Le Messager Publishing Co.
Le Messager, 33e N 60, (07/28/1912), Le Messager Publishing Co.
Le Messager, 33e N 82, (09/18/1912), Le Messager Publishing Co.
Le Messager, 33e N 83, (09/20/1912), Le Messager Publishing Co.
Le Messager, 33e N 84, (09/23/1912), Le Messager Publishing Co.
Le Messager, Supplement, (04/27/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (05/04/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (06/02/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (06/09/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (06/16/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (06/23/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (06/30/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (07/14/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (07/21/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (07/28/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (08/04/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (08/19/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (08/25/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (09/1/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (10/18/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (10/25/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (11/01/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (11/08/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (11/22/1895), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (11/27/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (12/07/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (12/14/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, Supplement, (12/21/1894), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N01, (03/29/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N02, (04/04/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N03, (04/11/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N04, (04/18/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N05, (04/25/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N06, (05/02/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N07, (05/09/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N08, (05/16/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N09, (05/23/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N10, (05/30/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N11, (06/06/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N12, (06/13/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N13, (06/20/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N14, (06/27/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N15, (07/04/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N16, (07/11/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N17, (07/18/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N18, (07/25/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N19, (08/01/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V10 N20, (08/08/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N14, (06/25/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N54, (12/08/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N55, (12/11/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N56, (12/15/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N57, (12/18/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N58, (12/22/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N59, (12/25/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N60, (12/29/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N61, (01/01/1891), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N62, (01/05/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N63, (01/08/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N64, (01/12/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N65, (01/15/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N66, (01/19/1982), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N67, (01/22/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N68, (01/26/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N69, (01/29/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N70, (02/02/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N71, (02/05/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N72, (02/09/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N73, (02/12/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N74, (02/16/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N75, (02/19/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N76, (02/23/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N77, (02/26/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N78, (03/01/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N79, (03/04/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N80, (03/08/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N81, (03/15/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N82, (03/18/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N83, (03/22/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N84, (03/25/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N85, (03/28/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V12 N86, (04/01/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N10, (05/06/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N1, (04/05/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N11, (05/10/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N12, (05/13/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N12, (05/17/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N13, (05/20/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N14, (05/24/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N15, (05/27/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N16, (05/31/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N17, (06/03/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N18, (06/07/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N19, (06/10/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N20, (06/14/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N2, (04/08/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N21, (06/21/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N22, (06/24/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N23, (06/28/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N3, (04/12/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N4, (04/15/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N5, (04/19/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N6, (04/22/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N7, (04/26/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N8, (04/30/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V13 N9, (05/03/1892), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N10, (06/02/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N11, (06/09/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N12, (06/16/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N13, (06/23/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N14, (06/30/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N15, (07/07/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N16, (07/14/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N17, (07/21/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N18, (07/28/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N19, (08/04/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N20, (08/11/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N21, (08/19/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N22, (08/25/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N23, (09/01/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N24, (09/08/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N25, (09/15/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N26, (09/22/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N27, (09/29/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N28, (10/08/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N29, (10/13/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N30, (10/20/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N31, (10/27/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N32, (11/03/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N33, (11/10/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N34, (11/17/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N35, (11/24/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N36, (12/01/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N37, (12/08/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N38, (12/15/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N39, (12/22/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N40, (12/29/1887), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N41, (01/05/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N42, (01/12/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N43, (01/19/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N44, (01/26/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N45, (02/02/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N46, (02/09/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N47, (02/16/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N48, (02/23/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N49, (03/01/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N50, (03/08/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N51, (03/15/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V8 N52, (03/22/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N01, (03/29/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N02, (04/05/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N03, (04/12/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N04, (04/19/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N05, (04/26/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N06, (05/03/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N07, (05/10/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N08, (05/17/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N09, (05/24/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N10, (05/31/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N11, (06/07/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N12, (06/14/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N13, (06/21/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N14, (06/28/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N15, (07/05/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N16, (07/12/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N17, (07/19/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N18, (07/26/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N19, (08/02/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N20, (08/09/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N21, (08/16/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N22, (08/23/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N23, (08/30/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N24, (09/06/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N25, (09/13/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N26, (09/20/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N27, (09/27/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N28, (10/04/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N29, (10/11/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N30, (10/18/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N31, (10/25/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N32, (11/01/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N33, (11/08/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N34, (11/15/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N35, (11/22/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N36, (11/29/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N37, (12/06/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N38, (12/13/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N39, (12/20/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N40, (12/27/1888), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N41, (01/03/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N42, (01/10/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N43, (01/17/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N44, (01/24/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N45, (01/31/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N46, (02/07/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N47, (02/14/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N48, (02/22/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N49, (02/29/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N50, (03/07/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N51, (03/14/1889), Le Messager
Le Messager, V9 N52, (03/21/1889), Le Messager
Le PFC Elisée Dutil a été tué en Allenagne [Article], Unknown
LESBIAN INVISIBILITY: from AIDS, to Civil Rights, to Marriage Equality, USM Special Collections
Lesbian phobia among BSN educators: A survey, Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
Lesbian Phobia in Nursing Students, Michele Eliason PhD and Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
Lesbian stereotypes, Michele Eliason PhD; Carol Donelan MA; and Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
Lesbian Stereotypes, M Eliason; C Donelan; and Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE
"Lest You Forget" Postcard, Alphonse Lagarde
Le Tombeau de Napoléon Postcard, None
Letter of Gratitude from President Harry S. Truman, The White House
Letter to Odile [Côté] Dutil Confirming the Death of Elisée A. Dutil, J A. Ulio
Lewiston: Cavalry United Methodist Church, Anna Faherty
Lewiston: The Cupcakery, Anna Faherty
LGBT History in Maine 1856-1984, Kara Schulte
Lifelong Resiliency Learning: A Strength-Based Synergy for Gerontological Social Work, Frederick F. Lamb, E Michael Brady PhD, and Carol Lohman
Lining Up for Chow Postcard, none
Live encounter with a master teacher, E Michael Brady PhD
Livermore Falls (1889), George E. Norris
Living on the Edge: Shifting Between Nonconscious and Conscious Goal Pursuit, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, and Gabriele Oettingen
Liz Brown - Monson Book (1), Liz Brown
Liz Brown - Monson Book (2), Liz Brown
LL.64 Etretat Postcard (1), Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
LL.64 Etretat Postcard (2), Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Long-term Continuing Education for General Dentists, Laura M. Neumann and Jeffrey Beaudry PhD
Long‐Term Disability Claims Rates and the Consumption‐to‐Wealth Ratio, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD
"Love is Compassion..." sign, Betsy Parsons
"Love is Love" sign, Betsy Parons
Love #Me Too, Meghan Vigeant
Lubec (1896), George E. Norris
Lupus: Vocational aspects and the best rehabilitation practices, Neelam Agarwal; Naoko Yura Yasui PhD, CRC; and Vinod Kumar
Machias (1896), George E. Norris
Macroeconomic Influences on Social Security Disability Insurance Application Rates, Dana A. Kerr PhD and Herbert J. Smoluk PhD
Maine, 1875-1900--An Introduction, Earle G. Shettleworth Jr.
Maine Bird's Eye Views--An Introduction, Earle G. Shettleworth Jr.
Maine Bisexual People's Network (MBPN), Kat Hartford
Maine Catholics should support gay rights, E Michael Brady PhD
Maine Economic and Business Outlook - Presented to Maine's Small Business Development Centers and Economic Development Organizations - October 30, 2020, Ryan Wallace PhD
Maine has strayed from school funding fairness, and it needs to find its way back, Flynn Ross EdD
Maine misses out when higher education remains unaffordable, Susan Feiner and Flynn Ross EdD
Maine must resist the policy temptations that would undermine our public schools, Flynn Ross EdD
Maine schools need more resources that translate into greater achievement, Flynn Ross EdD
Maine State Employee Survey on Disability, Commission on Disability and Employment, Department of Financial and Administrative Services Bureau of Human Resources, and Muskie School of Public Service University of Southern Maine
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report April 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report April 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report August 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report December 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report December 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report February 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report January 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report January 2017, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report July 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report July 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report June 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report June 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report March 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report May 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report May 2016, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report November 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report October 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Turnpike Authority Financial Report September 2015, Maine Turnpike Authority
Maine Voices: Long road trip comes to an end for ‘Baseball and American Society’, E Michael Brady PhD
Maine Voices: State legislators face difficult decisions, historic choices, Brendan McQuade PhD
Making Bombs for Hitler. A Review, Melinda S. Butler EdD
Making sense of one’s actions in an explanatory vacuum: The interpretation of nonconscious goal striving, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Gabriele Oettingen, and Peter M. Gollwitzer
Mama Africa, 03/06/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 03/13/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 03/20/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 03/27/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 04/03/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 04/10/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 04/17/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 04/24/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 05/01/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 05/08/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 05/15/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 05/22/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 05/29/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 06/05/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 06/12/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 06/19/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 06/26/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 07/03/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 07/10/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 07/17/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 07/24/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 08/07/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 08/14/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 08/21/2013, Keita Whitten
Mama Africa, 09/04/2013, Keita Whitten
Managing Service Delivery Systems and the Role of Parents During their Children's Transitions, Jaimie Ciulla Timmons, Jean Whitney PhD, James P. McIntyre Jr, John Butterworth, and Deborah Allen
Manual Training School, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Manual Training School, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Mapping African American History in Maine, USM Special Collections
March 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
March 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
March 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
March 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
March 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
March 2021, Temple Shalom
Mark, Debra Gillespie PhD, RN
Marketing Menstruation: Female Hysteria and Sexism, Taylor Day
Maxwell, Daralyn, Susam Cousins and Kelly Dyer
May 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
May 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
May 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
May 2018, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
May 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
May 2021, Temple Shalom
McCormick, Dale, Wendy Chapkis
McKenzie, June Quotes Transcript, June McKenzie
McLellan House, Built in 1773. Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Measuring Academic Success: How the Standardization of Evaluating Academic Achievement Leaves Students At-Risk Behind, Emily M. Newell PhD
Mechanic Falls (1878), J. J. Stoner
Media Analysis of Coverage of Environmental Issues in the Midst of a Pandemic, Alexandria N. Miller and Lucia A. Bolles
Medication for Addiction Treatment and Postpartum Health Care Utilization Among Pregnant Persons With Opioid Use Disorder., Katherine Ahrens PhD, Carole A McBride PhD, Alane O'Connor DNP, and Marjorie C Meyer MD
Mediodorsal Thalamic Neurons Mirror the Activity of Medial Prefrontal Neurons Responding to Movement and Reinforcement during a Dynamic DNMTP Task, Rikki L.A. Miller PhD, Miranda J. Francoeur, Brett M. Gibson, and Robert G. Mair
Mediterranean Cruise Sixth Fleet 1972 Patch, none
Memorial Day Letter from Major General John W. Daniel, John W. Daniel
Memory and Emotional Estrangement in James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues", Robin Davis
MEMS Directional Acoustic Sensors, Colby Damren
Mental Health Services, Jean A. Talbot PhD
Metacognitive Private Speech: Links with Parent Language and Achievement Orientation, Reciprocal Socialization, and Socioeconomic Status, Cristin McDonough
Methods for Assessing Children's Syntax, Dana McDaniel PhD, Cecile McKee, and Helen Smith Cairns
Miami Beach, Florida Postcard, Albert Mailhot
Microprocessor Coding For Biometric Device, Christopher A. Chappie and Connor J. Pittman
Miles Morales: Spiderman. A Review, Melinda S. Butler EdD
Military Patch, None
Milo (1896), George E. Norris
Mistaken conclusions about systemic exertion intolerance disease being comparable to research case definitions of CFS: A rebuttal to Chu et al, Leonard A. Jason, Madison Sunnquist, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, and Pamela A. Fox
Mitchell's Primary Geography, S. Augustus Mitchell
Models for Integrating and Managing Acute and Long-term Care Services in Rural Areas [Working Paper], Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Modern Atlas on a New Plan to accompany the System of Universal Geography, William C. Woodbridge (William Channing) (1794 -1845)
Modern Interpretations of the International Space Treaty: The Future of International Space Relations, Jourdan Johnson
Modern School Geography, William C. Woodbridge
Monhegan Island (1896), Albert F. Poole
Monitoring State Flex Program Financial and Operational Improvement Activities, John Gale MS; Sara Kahn-Troster MPH; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and Nathan First LCSW, MSW, MA
Monson (1889), George E. Norris
Montparnasse-Pathé Theatre Photograph
Motivated to penalize: Women’s strategic rejection of successful women., Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Madeline E. Heilman, and Krystle A. Hearns
Motivators to Adopt Green Supply Chain Initiatives, Amarpreet S. Kohli PhD and Ellen Hawkins
Mountfort St. A.M.E. Church [Broadside], USM Special Collections
Mount Washington, New Hampshire Postcard, Unknown
Moving beyond why all kids should be college ready to how we prepare our kids for post-secondary education, Angela Atkinson Duina EdD
Moving on up: The urban to suburban translocation experiences of high-achieving Black American students, Xiaoqi Yu, Vilma Seeberg, and Larissa Malone PhD
M-payment service: Interplay of perceived risk, benefit, and trust in service adoption. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Jungkun Park, Eklou R. Amendah PhD, Younghee Lee, and Hyowon Hyun
Mrs. Alphonse Dutil Obituary [Articles in English and French], Unknown
Mt. Adams Incline, Cincinnati, Ohio Postcard, Raymond A. Dutil
Mt. San Jacinto from Devil's Garden Postcard, Albert Mailhot
Multiple perspectives on implementing the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992, Jean Whitney PhD
Muskogee Division of Spartan School of Aeronautics Postcard, Raymond A. Dutil
"My Crucifix" Pamphlet and Crucifix, Elisée A. Dutil
My Education: Students with disabilities describe high school in pictures and words, Jean Whitney PhD
My most powerful resource: The faith of Derrick Bell and the spiritual underpinnings of the Critical Race Theory Movement, Larissa Malone PhD and Q Lachaud
"My Rosary Beads" Poem and "My Crucifix" Poem, Elisée A. Dutil
Narcissism and Coach Interpersonal Style: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective, D Matosic, N Ntoumanis, I D. Boardley, C Sedikides, Brandon D. Stewart PhD, and N Chatzisarantis
Naval Crew and Fighter Jet Postcard, Denis Mailhot MPS
Navigating Post-COVID A guide for young adults recovering from mild to moderate cases of COVID-19, Chesley Ferris
Navigating the obstacles of college transition: student perceptions of advising offered in the context of a community-college success course, Michele Charon Pavitt PhD
Navsta Keflavik Service Patch, none
Navy Exchange Barber Shop Postcard, none
Negative Sponsor Behaviour, Team Response and How This Impacts Fan Attitudes, Heidi M. Parker PhD and Janet S. Fink
"Never Be Ashamed of Love" poster, Betsy Parsons
Newcastle and Damariscotta (1878), Albert Ruger
Newcomers Entering Teaching: A Program Created for Recent Immigrants and Refugees To Become Certified Teachers, Flynn Ross EdD
Newcomers entering teaching: The possibilities of a culturally and linguistically diverse teaching force, Flynn Ross EdD
New Federalism and Deregulation: Impact on Special Education, Walter Kimball PhD, Timothy E. Heron, and Adele B. Weiss
New podcast features "transportive" Franco-American stories, Sacha Feldberg
Newport Beach, California Postcard, Albert Mailhot
Nitinol Robotic Arm, Brandon Cousino and Connor Sweatt
No aloha: The criminalization of homelessness in Hawai‘i., Jeannette Purvis and Kristen D. Gleason PhD
No More “Waiting to Fail”, Rachel Brown
Noncredit training programs in industry: Their development and implementation, E Michael Brady PhD
Normal School and Frederick Robie Hall. Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Normative Influences in Donation Decisions, Robert S. Heiser PhD
Norway (1886), Albert F. Poole and C. E. Jorgensen
No special equipment required, Walter Kimball PhD
Note from Mitchell Koprowski, Mitchell Koprowski
November 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
November 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
November 2018, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
November 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
Nurse Educators Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Horizontal Violence Measured through Dimensions of Oppression, Brenda Petersen PhD, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CPNP-PC
Nurses take the lead! Reflections on Nursing Leadership, Brenda Petersen PhD, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CPNP-PC
Nursing the terminally ill: Being with people in difficult times, Reid D. Stevens and Bette Katsekas EdD
Oakland (West Waterville, 1878), Albert Ruger
October 2015, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
October 2016, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
October 2017, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
October 2018, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
October 2019, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
October 2020, Temple Shalom Synagogue Center
Octopolis, Lauren Andrea MFA
Odile Côté Dutil and Elisée A. Dutil Memorial Photographs
Odile Côté Memorial Notice, Unknown
Off-Beats and Cross Streets: A Collection of Writing about Music, Relationships, and New York City, Tyler Scott Margid
Off campus: Newly graduate teachers can expect challenges, joys, Flynn Ross EdD
Off-Field Behavior of Athletes and Team Identification: Using Social Identity Theory and Balance Theory to Explain Fan Reactions, Janet S. Fink PhD, Heidi M. Parker PhD, Martin Brett, and Julie Higgins
Old age and beliefs in immortality, E Michael Brady PhD
Old McLellan House, Gorham, Maine, USM Special Collections
Old Orchard Beach, Maine Postcard, Leona Dutil
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Garry Wickerd PhD
"One Prayer" Postcard, None
Ongoing Education: Business education growing stronger, E Michael Brady PhD
Online Behavioral Targeting: Efforts to Limit Unfair Information Practices, Carter H. Manny JD
On Way to Barracks After Clothing Issue Postcard, none
Operationalizing Substantial Reduction in Functioning Among Young Adults with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Jamie Stoothoff, Damani McClellan, Stephanie McManimen, Taylor Thorpe, Ben Z. Katz, and Leonard A. Jason
Opioid and Substance Use Strategies for Critical Access Hospitals [Webinar], John Gale MS; Sara Kahn-Troster MPH; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; and Nathan First LCS, MSW, MA
Opioid-Related Visits to Rural Emergency Departments, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Deborah Thayer MBA, and Carly Milkowski MPH
Opioid Use and Harm Reduction, Elise Bourassa, David Lee, Jason Rogers, and Christian Silverthorne
Opioid use disorder treatment in rural settings: The primary care perspective., Valerie S Harder, Andrea C Villanti, Sarah H Heil, Mary Lindsey Smith, Diann E Gaalema, Marjorie C Meyer, Nathaniel H Schafrick, and Stacey C Sigmon
Opportunities to learn: Beyond access to engagement, Jean Whitney PhD
Organizational Culture on a College Campus: A Quantitative Study of Organizational Culture and Its Effects on Employee Job Satisfaction, Tammy Connor MA
Our Reflections on the Reactions to “Theories in the Field of Community Psychology”, Leonard A. Jason, Ed Stevens, Daphna Ram PhD, Steven A. Miller PhD, Christopher R. Beasley PhD, and Kristen D. Gleason PhD
OUT cast 01/04/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 01/11/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 01/18/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 01/25/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 02/22/21, WMPG 90.9 FM
OUT cast 03/01/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 03/08/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 03/15/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 03/22/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 03/29/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 04/05/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 04/12/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 04/19/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 04/26/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 05/03/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 05/10/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 05/17/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 05/24/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 05/31/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 06/07/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 06/14/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 06/21/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 06/28/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 07/05/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 07/12/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 07/19/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 07/26/2021, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 08/02/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 08/09/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 08/16/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 08/23/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 09/06/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 09/13/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 09/20/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 09/27/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 10/04/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 10/11/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 10/18/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 10/25/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 10/25/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 11/01/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 11/02/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 11/08/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 11/09/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 11/15/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 11/16/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 11/22/2021, OUT cast Maine
OUT cast 11/23/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 11/30/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 12/07/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 12/14/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 12/21/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 12/28/2020, 90.9 WMPG FM
OUT cast 8/30/2021, OUT cast Maine
Outcome Measures for State Flex Program Financial and Operational Improvement Interventions, John Gale MS, Sara Kahn-Troster MPH, and Zachariah T. Croll MPH
Outcomes for Students in a University-Based Summer Reading Workshop, Andrea Stairs-Davenport PhD and Monica Chenard
Out Lesbians in Nursing: What would Florence say?, Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE and Mickey Eliason
Out of the Baby Book and Into the Computer: Child Language Research Comes of Age: Review of The CHILDES Project, Vol 1, Tools for Analyzing Talk Transcription Format and Programs. Vol. 2: Tools for Analyzing Talk The Databases. Brian MacWhinney, J B. Gleason and R Bruce Thompson PhD
Out of the cold, Melinda S. Butler EdD
Packing the Parachute: Parents' Experiences as Their Children Prepare to Leave High School, Jean Whitney PhD and Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell
Palma de Mallorca Postcard, Denis Mailhot MPS
Paradox for Life Review: A Guide for Enhancing Older Adults' Self-Esteem by J.J. Magee, E Michael Brady PhD
Parenting Attitudes and Behaviors: Mr. James Mathews, Maureen Elgersman Lee
Parenting Attitudes and Behaviors: Mr. James Sheppard, Sanela Zukic
Parenting Behaviors and Attitudes: Mr. Richard Tarrence, Rachel Talbot-Ross
Paris "Basilique du Sacré Coeur" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Paris "La Tour Eiffel" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Paris "L'Avenue des Champs Elysées vue de l'arc de triomphe de l'Etoile" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Paris "Le Pont de la Concorde et la Chambre des Députés" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Paris Opera Hall Entrance Photograph
Paris "Palais de justice et la Conciergerie" Postcard, Wilfrid S. Mailhot Jr.
Parley's New Geography, Sheldon, Lamport, & Blakeman
Paroisse Canadienne-Francaise de Lewiston (Maine) Album Historique Publié par Les Pères Dominicains, Les Pères Dominicains
Parris Island, South Carolina Postcard (1), Unknown
Parris Island, South Carolina Postcard (2), Unknown
Participation in Lifelong Learning Institutes: What Turns Members On?, Rick Lamb and E Michael Brady PhD
Participation Motives and Learning Outcomes Among Older Learners, E Michael Brady PhD and Mary Lee Fowler
Participatory Action Research with College Students with Disabilities: Photovoice for an Inclusive Campus, Neelam Agarwal; Eva M. Moya; Naoko Yura Yasui PhD, CRC; and Corene Seymour
Pastime, E Michael Brady PhD
Patient Safety and Quality in Home Health Care, Carol Hall Elllenbecker; Linda Samia PhD, RN, CNL; Margaret J. Cushman; and Kristine Alster
Patterns of Learning Among the Active Elderly: The Case for Elderhostel, E Michael Brady PhD
Paula Shevenell - Monson The Quarry, Paula Shevenell
Pavillion de Élysées Photograph
Peer Teaching in Lifelong Learning Institutes, E Michael Brady PhD, Steven R. Holt, and Betty Welt
Perceptions About Expatriate Leaders in Tanzanian Non-Governmental Organizations: Elevating Local Voices, Seth Diemond
Perceptions About Expatriate Leaders in Tanzanian Non-Governmental Organizations: Elevating Local Voices, Seth Diemond MA
Perceptions of Dignity, Person-Centered Care, and Person-Centered Leadership in Elder Care, Heather Kidd MA
Perceptions of Teacher Expectations, Larissa Malone PhD
Performance Anxiety: Electronic Products Errors & Omissions Coverage, Dana A. Kerr PhD
Performing Without a Net? Safer-Sex In Porn, Wendy Chapkis PhD
Perivascular Adipose Tissue in Relation to Diet, Thermogenesis and Cardiovascular Health, Ginger Paquette, Caitlin Stieber, Ashely Soucy, Benjamin Tero, and Lucy Liaw
Personal Essays about Hearing Stories of Helping, Alexander Katopis LCPC, CADC, NCC, MHRT-C
Personal Growth and the Elderhostel Experience, E Michael Brady PhD
Personal Lines Risk Management & Insurance Simulation Game, Dana A. Kerr PhD and Stephen M. Avila
Personal privacy — transatlantic perspectives: European and American privacy: commerce, rights and justice — part II, Carter H. Manny JD
Perspectives from consumers and counselors on elements that influence vocational rehabilitation service delivery, D Thomas and Jean Whitney PhD
Perspectives on adult learning, E Michael Brady PhD
PFC Dutil's Body to Arrive Thursday [Article], Unknown
PFC Eliseé Dutil - "The Crucifix", Denis Mailhot MPS
Photo 1, Robert Diamante
Photo 10, Robert Diamante
Photo 100, USM African American Collection
Photo 101, USM African American Collection
Photo 102, USM African American Collection
Photo 103, USM African American Collection
Photo 104, USM African American Collection
Photo 108, USM African American Collection
Photo 11, Robert Diamante
Photo 112, USM African American Collection
Photo 114, USM African American Collection
Photo 115, USM Special Collections
Photo 116, USM African American Collection
Photo 119, USM African American Collection
Photo 12, Robert Diamante
Photo 12, USM Special Collections
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Photo 121, USM African American Collection
Photo 122, USM African American Collection
Photo 123, USM African American Collection
Photo 124, USM African American Collection
Photo 125, USM African American Collection
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Photo 13, USM African American Collection
Photo 13, Robert Diamante
Photo 130, USM African American Collection
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Photo 137, USM African American Collection
Photo 138, USM African American Collection
Photo 139, USM African American Collection
Photo 14, Robert Diamante
Photo 140, USM African American Collection
Photo 144, USM African American Collection
Photo 15, Robert Diamante
Photo 151, USM Special Collections
Photo 156, USM Special Collections
Photo 158, USM African American Collection
Photo 159, USM African American Collection
Photo 16, USM African American Collection
Photo 16, Robert Diamante
Photo 161, USM African American Collection
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Photo 163, USM African American Collection
Photo 164, USM African American Collection
Photo 165, USM African American Collection
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Photo 168, USM African American Collection
Photo 169, USM African American Collection
Photo 17, Robert Diamante
Photo 170, USM African American Collection
Photo 171, USM African American Collection
Photo 172, USM African American Collection
Photo 173, USM African American Collection
Photo 174, USM African American Collection
Photo 175, USM African American Collection
Photo 176, USM African American Collection
Photo 177, USM African American Collection
Photo 18, Robert Diamante
Photo 18, USM Special Collections
Photo 180, USM African American Collection
Photo 181, USM African American Collection
Photo 182, USM Special Collections
Photo 184, USM African American Collection
Photo 185, USM African American Collection
Photo 186, USM Special Collections
Photo 187, USM Special Collections
Photo 188, USM Special Collections
Photo 189, USM Special Collections
Photo 19, USM African American Collection
Photo 19, Robert Diamante
Photo 190, USM Special Collections
Photo 191, USM Special Collections
Photo 192, USM African American Collection
Photo 194, USM Special Collections
Photo 197, USM African American Collection
Photo 199, USM Special Collections
Photo 2, USM African American Collection
Photo 2, Robert Diamante
Photo 203, USM African American Collection
Photo 205, USM Special Collections
Photo 209, USM Special Collections
Photo 21, USM African American Collection
Photo 215, USM African American Collection
Photo 216, USM African American Collection
Photo 217, USM African American Collection
Photo 218, USM African American Collection
Photo 219, USM African American Collection
Photo 22, USM African American Collection
Photo 221, USM African American Collection
Photo 223, USM Special Collections
Photo 224, USM African American Collection
Photo 225, USM African American Collection