USM Digital Commons - Thinking Matters Symposium: Empowering Action Against Femicide: A Case Study of Turkey An Integrated Literature Review
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Document Type

Oral Presentation


Leadership and Organizational Studies

Faculty Mentor

Elizabeth Goryunova, PhD


Femicide, Turkey, Culture, Women


The primary purpose of this integrative literature review is to explore the relationship between culture and femicide within Turkey to empower action against femicide. Femicides within Turkey are on the rise, as a study done by Sage Journals in 2009 reported that 42% of Turkish women between the ages of 15 and 60 experienced some form of physical or sexual abuse from their husband or partner. Currently, there has been an onslaught of articles released that more and more women are being abused throughout the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research will explore cultural aspects that allow for women’s mistreatment (i.e. honor killings and the patriarchal society in Turkey). By reviewing the existing research, connections will be made to explain the prevalence of femicide in the country of Turkey.

The integrative literature review was chosen as a methodology due to its exploratory nature. Following the methodology established by Whittemore and Knife (2005), the researcher has considered studies that represent an in-depth look at the country of Turkey and found that an ongoing trend of the subordinate life of a Turkish woman, a culture that allows for honor killings, and a prevalence of patriarchal society has contributed to an alarming amount of homicides that occur. The aim of this thesis is to empower action against femicide, not only in Turkey but throughout the world. The research is a call to action for leaders to step up against this injustice.

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Empowering Action Against Femicide: A Case Study of Turkey An Integrated Literature Review - transcript

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Apr 30th, 12:00 AM

Empowering Action Against Femicide: A Case Study of Turkey An Integrated Literature Review

The primary purpose of this integrative literature review is to explore the relationship between culture and femicide within Turkey to empower action against femicide. Femicides within Turkey are on the rise, as a study done by Sage Journals in 2009 reported that 42% of Turkish women between the ages of 15 and 60 experienced some form of physical or sexual abuse from their husband or partner. Currently, there has been an onslaught of articles released that more and more women are being abused throughout the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research will explore cultural aspects that allow for women’s mistreatment (i.e. honor killings and the patriarchal society in Turkey). By reviewing the existing research, connections will be made to explain the prevalence of femicide in the country of Turkey.

The integrative literature review was chosen as a methodology due to its exploratory nature. Following the methodology established by Whittemore and Knife (2005), the researcher has considered studies that represent an in-depth look at the country of Turkey and found that an ongoing trend of the subordinate life of a Turkish woman, a culture that allows for honor killings, and a prevalence of patriarchal society has contributed to an alarming amount of homicides that occur. The aim of this thesis is to empower action against femicide, not only in Turkey but throughout the world. The research is a call to action for leaders to step up against this injustice.


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