"Organizational Culture on a College Campus: A Quantitative Study of Or" by Tammy Connor MA

Date of Award

Spring 2021

Document Type

USM Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Joyce T. Gibson, PhD

Second Advisor

Kurt G. Holzhausen, PhD

Third Advisor

Dan Jenkins, PhD


organizational culture, campus organizational culture, employee job satisfaction, Leadership and Organizational Studies


It is anticipated that college campus organizational or institutional culture affects employee job satisfaction. Many factors could influence an employee’s perception of job satisfaction, organizational culture and leadership, including campus policies, procedures and practices.

The purpose of the research proposal is to study campus organizational culture and job satisfaction. This quantitative research surveyed approximately 66 employees on a small, rural, four-year, northeastern college campus, which is part of a seven campus statewide network. Employees were asked to participate in an online job satisfaction questionnaire. The result of the questionnaire will present employee perception of the organization’s culture along with employee’s values and behavior, while providing valuable feedback on how to improve employee workforce engagement and commitment.


This thesis is restricted to USM access only.
