"M-payment service: Interplay of perceived risk, benefit, and trust in " by Jungkun Park, Eklou R. Amendah PhD et al.

M-payment service: Interplay of perceived risk, benefit, and trust in service adoption. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries

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Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries


This study aimed to examine the effects of perceived risk, perceived benefits, and trust on consumers’ intention to use mobile payment, or m‐payment. In addition, different effects of some demographic factors (e.g., income, age, education) on m‐payment usage were examined. The sample of 457 respondents was used to analyze the causal relationships between the variables and the mean differences of demographic factors in consumer intention to use m‐payment. The results supported the negative relationship between perceived risk, trust, and consumer intention to use m‐payment. A positive relationship between perceived benefits and trust was found. This study revealed that trust mediated consumer intention to use m‐payment. In individual differences of m‐payment adoption, education influenced the relationship between perceived risk and intention to use m‐payments as well as the relationship between trust and intention to use m‐payment. This study provided insights into consumer differences regarding m‐payment adoption and the mediating role of trust between perceived benefits, perceived risk, and intention to use m‐payment.


© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
