"Harnessing the Combined Strengths of a National and a Local Funder to " by Tara Oakman PhD, Barbara Leonard MPH et al.

Harnessing the Combined Strengths of a National and a Local Funder to Bolster Maine Medicaid Expansion

Document Type


Publication Date



Maine, Medicaid, MaineCare, policy, philanthropy, collaboration

Publication Title

Health Affairs Blog


Researchers at the University of Southern Maine's Muskie School of Public Service conducted an evaluation of a partnership between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the Maine Health Access Foundation, and Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services to support Medicaid expansion through outreach to under-represented communities and data analysis of health system capacity. The evaluation sought to provide RWJF with lessons learned for potential replication in other states. The blog post describes some of the findings from the evaluation, including the important role of the local funder in facilitating the work, the valuable opportunity for key stakeholders in Maine to develop new relationships and strengthen existing ones, and insights around equity in MaineCare (Medicaid) outreach and enrollment.

Funding Organization

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
