Map Title
Bird's Eye View of the City of Augusta Maine. 1878.

Augusta, Maine (1878) - hi-res
Publication Date
Albert Ruger
Beck & Pauli
J. J. Stoner
48 x 71 cm
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Additional Institutional Copies
Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education
Library of Congress
Population of City/Town at Time of Publication
Description of City/Town
Founded as the Plymouth Colony trading post of Cushnoc in the 1620s, Augusta became the capital of Maine in 1827. In addition to hosting state government, the city was the site of textile mills and a flourishing publishing business that produced nationally distributed weekly and monthly magazines.
Historic Newspaper References
Kennebec Journal, February 23, 1878
Mr. Joseph Warner, the artist, is about to canvass the city for subscribers for a picture, being a Bird’s Eye View of Augusta, from actual sketches made on the spot. The whole makes a fine picture, the public buildings and hillsides standing out central figures, while the noble Kennebec winds through the whole like a thread of silver. We alluded to the work before, when the project was contemplated, but we find it far superior to anything the publishers promised. It is a large and faithful representation of the city, with all the streets carefully defined, all the public buildings marked and numbered, every dwelling house in its place, with its shape outlined, and on a portion of it the shade trees are represented. To make this new enterprise a success, 175 subscribers must be obtained, and we trust that Mr. Warner may meet with success in his canvas.
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Recommended Citation
Courtesy of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine, Bird's eye, View, Map