Map Title
Birds Eye View of Farmington, And West Farmington, Maine. 1878. From Powder House Hill Looking South

Farmington and West Farmington, Maine - hi-res
Publication Date
Thaddeus M. Fowler
J. J. Stoner
43.8 x 56.5 cm
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Population of City/Town at Time of Publication
Description of City/Town
Farmington became the seat of Franklin County in 1838. The village developed on the eastern bank of the Sandy River and became known for the Western Normal School (University of Maine at Farmington) and the Abbott family’s Little Blue School. The community also supported a wide range of industries: lumber mills, sash, blind and door factories, brick yards, grist mills, corn canning factories, and a foundry.
Historic Newspaper References
Franklin Chronicle, Farmington, April 11, 1878
A Sketch of Farmington. We want to see sufficient patronage extended to this marvelous work to insure its being lithographed. In no way can persons at a distance obtain so correct an idea of our village, and a resident here could hardly send a more acceptable present to a Western relative or friend than a copy of this picture of Farmington. The familiar objects this picture contains will make it even more interesting in the future.
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Recommended Citation
Courtesy of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
Farmington, West Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, Bird's eye, View, Map