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Document Type

Oral Presentation


Women and Gender Studies

Faculty Mentor

Rose Cleary, PhD


legal services, access, intersectionality


In times of a crisis the intersectionality of sex, class, and ability creates a vulnerable population. Many available “resources'' are exhausted, due to high demand. Intersectionality signifies the impact of multiple intersecting identities in society as a direct correlation to the specific and unique barriers of marginalized groups. Resources are currently limited due to the lack of representative data. Although many studies have been conducted, many researchers have failed to capture the need of social services in rural areas.

TM2021_Khuder_intro.pdf (206 kB)
Intersectionality and Accessibility to Social Services - Introduction

TM2021_Khuder-N_transcript.txt (8 kB)
Intersectionality and Accessibility to Social Services - transcript

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Apr 30th, 12:00 AM

Intersectionality and Accessibility to Social Services

In times of a crisis the intersectionality of sex, class, and ability creates a vulnerable population. Many available “resources'' are exhausted, due to high demand. Intersectionality signifies the impact of multiple intersecting identities in society as a direct correlation to the specific and unique barriers of marginalized groups. Resources are currently limited due to the lack of representative data. Although many studies have been conducted, many researchers have failed to capture the need of social services in rural areas.


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