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Submissions from 2015


Rural Health Clinic Readiness for Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition: Preparing for the Evolving Healthcare Marketplace [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Charity Care and Uncompensated Care Activities of Tax-Exempt Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Briefing Paper #35), John A. Gale MS, Jamar Croom MS, Zach T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Charity Care and Uncompensated Care Activities of Tax-Exempt Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Policy Brief #38), John Gale MS, Jamar Croom MS, Zach T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Exploring Human Trafficking in Hawai‘i from the Perspective of Local Service Providers: Report to Stakeholders, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Alyssa Carangan, Jared Espinueva, Alma Herrera-Mendoza, Denali Lukacinsky, and Andreas Remis


Don't Be Tooken in by 'Kimmy Schmidt's' Cult, Megan Goodwin PhD


Everything New Is Old Again: New Religious Movements as American Minority Religions, Megan Goodwin PhD


#YesAllWomen: Online Feminism, Religion, and Risk, Megan Goodwin PhD


Defending Minority Religions, Despite Some Bad Practitioners, Megan Goodwin PhD and Andrew Aghapour


Predicting subsequent task performance from goal motivation and goal failure, Laura C. Healy, Nikos Ntoumanis, Brandon D. Stewart PhD, and Joan L. Duda


2011 Joplin, Missouri tornado experience, mental health reactions, and service utilization: Cross-sectional assessments at approximately 6 months and 2.5 years post-event., J. Brian Houston PhD, Matthew L. Spialek PhD, Jordan Stevens, Jennifer M. First PhD, Vicky L. Mieseler, and Betty Pfefferbaum


Motivators to Adopt Green Supply Chain Initiatives, Amarpreet S. Kohli PhD and Ellen Hawkins

Theory of mind and aggressive behavior in preschool children: A literature review, K Krinchenko and R Bruce Thompson PhD


5-14 µm Spitzer Spectra of Primitive Asteroid Families, Zoe A. Landsman PhD, Javier Licandro, Humberto Campins PhD, Julie Ziffer PhD, Mario de Prá PhD, and Dale P. Cruikshank PhD


Rural and Remote Food Environments and Obesity, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA; and David Hartley PhD


The neurobiology of thalamic amnesia: Contributions of medial thalamus and prefrontal cortex to delayed conditional discrimination, Robert G. Mair, Rikki L.A. Miller PhD, Benjamin A. Wormwood, Miranda J. Francoeur, Kristen D. Onos, and Brett M. Gibson


The European Union's 'Right to be Forgotten', Carter H. Manny JD


Dealing with negative stereotypes in sports: The role of cognitive anxiety when multiple identities are activated in sensorimotor tasks, Sarah E. Martiny, Ilka H. Gleibs, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Torsten Martiny-Huenger, Laura Froehlich, Anna-Lena Harter, and Jenny Roth


Narcissism and Coach Interpersonal Style: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective, D Matosic, N Ntoumanis, I D. Boardley, C Sedikides, Brandon D. Stewart PhD, and N Chatzisarantis


Effects of Over-the-Counter Analgesic Use on Reproductive Hormones and Ovulation in Healthy, Premenopausal Women, R. A. Matyas, Sunni L. Mumford PhD, Karen C. Schliep, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Lindsey A. Sjaarda PhD, Neil J. Perkins PhD, A. C. Filberto, D. Mattison, Shvetha M. Zarek MD, Jean Wactawski-Wende PhD, and Enrique F. Schisterman PhD


Objects Used to Prop Open a Window, Michelle Menting PhD


Sustainability Science Graduate Students as Boundary Spanners, Spencer R. Meyer, Vanessa R. Levesque PhD, Karen Hutchins Bieluch, Michelle L. Johnson, Bridie McGreavy, Stacia Dreyer, and Hollie Smith


’Pierre Loves Horranges’: Sartre and Malabou on the Fantastic in Philosophy, Constance L. Mui PhD and Julien Murphy PhD


Experiences with Establishment of a Multi-University Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense, Julien Murphy PhD, R.T. Albert, C. Bennett, David Briggs PhD, Maureen Ebben PhD, H. Felch, D. Kokoska, L. Lovewell, C. MacDonald, G. Markowsky, L. Markowsky, Edward Sihler, and G. Wilson


An updated review of neuroimaging studies of children and adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV, Kayla A. Musielak PhD and Jodene Goldenring Fine


International Student-Athlete Adjustment Issues: Recommendations for effective transitions, Emily M. Newell PhD