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Publications from 2014


Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, 2014 Edition, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Taryn Bowe; and Julie T. Fralich MBA


Adults with Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Executive Summary, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Taryn Bowe; and Julie T. Fralich MBA


A Review of Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician Qualifications and Training Procedures, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Nadine Erdis MSW; and Janice Daley MSW


Moving Beyond the Emergence of the CDO, Michael R. Stevenson PhD


The Enigma of Asexuality [Review of the books Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives. & Asexuality and Sexual Normativity: An Anthology. edited by K. J. Cerankowski, M. Milks, M. Cardigan, K. Gupta & T. G. Morrison], Michael R. Stevenson PhD


Implications of rurality and psychiatric status for diabetic care use among adults with diabetes, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and David Hartley PhD


Gender differences in the person-activity fit for positive psychology interventions, R Bruce Thompson PhD, Christine Peura, and William F. Gayton


Gender and theory of mind in preschoolers’ group effort: evidence for timing differences behind children’s earliest social loafing, R Bruce Thompson PhD and Bill Thornton


Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Trehalose Analogues: Rapid Access to Chemical Probes for Investigating Mycobacteria, Bailey L. Urbanek, Douglas C. Wing, Krystal S. Haislop, Chelsey J. Hamel, Ranier Kalscheuer, Peter J. Woodruff PhD, and Benjamin M. Swarts


Using root cause analysis in public policy pedagogy, Travis P. Wagner


Eureka! Mining of metals in an ashfill, Travis P. Wagner and Kevin Roche


“Reading in the Round.” Review of "Building Romanticism: Literature and Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Britain" by Nicole Reynolds, Shelton Waldrep PhD


The Value of Twitter for Sports Fans, Joanne Williams M.Ed, D.PE; Susan J. Chinn; and James Suleiman Ph.D., MIS


The Effects of Neoliberalism and Trade Liberalization on China’s Environment Over Time: A Macromarketing Perspective, Zhenning Xu PhD, Edward Ramirez, Juanjuan Xu, and Yu Liu


Homeless Service Utilization Report: Hawai‘i 2014, Sarah Yuan, Hong Vo, and Kristen D. Gleason PhD


Health insurance coverage of low-income rural children increases and is more continuous following CHIP implementation, Erika C. Ziller PhD

Rural implications of ACA Medicaid expansions, Erika C. Ziller PhD

Publications from 2013


Antiherpetic Medication Use and the Risk of Gastroschisis: Findings From the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2007, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Marlene T. Anderka, Marcia L. Feldkamp, Mark A. Canfield, Allen A. Mitchell MD, and Martha M. Werler ScD


A Time and Place for Causal Inference Methods in Perinatal and Paediatric Epidemiology, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD and Enrique F. Schisterman PhD


Children served by MaineCare, 2012: Survey findings, Nathaniel J. Anderson MS, MPH; Kimberley Fox MPA; Deborah Thayer MBA; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


Patterns of Care for Rural and Urban Children with Mental Health Problems, Nathaniel J. Anderson MS, MPH; Samantha J. Neuwirth MD; Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; and David Hartley PhD, MHA


Acute Effects of Different Weight Training Methods on Energy Expenditure in Trained Men, Rodrigo Ramalho Aniceto PhD, Raphael Mendes Ritti-Dias PhD, Christopher B. Scott PhD, Fábio Fellipe Martins de Lima, Thaliane Mayara Pessôa dos Prazeres, and Wagner Luiz do Prado


Exploring Transmedia: The Rip-Mix-Learn Classroom, Lucille A. Benedict PhD, David T. Champlin PhD, and Harry E. Pence


An Integrative Life: One Doctor’s Journey, Marni Berger MFA


Babycatcher, Marni Berger MFA