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Submissions from 2014


Mass-casualty Triage: Distribution of victims to multiple hospitals using the SAVE model, Matthew D. Dean PhD and Suresh K. Nair


Unpacking MOOC scholarly discourse: a review of nascent MOOC scholarship, Maureen Ebben and Julien Murphy


Thermal Infrared Observations and Thermophysical Characterization of OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroid (101955) Bennu, Joshua P. Emery PhD, Yanga R. Fernández PhD, Michael S. P. Kelley PhD, K T. Warden née Crane, Carl Hergenrother BSc, Dante Lauretta PhD, Michael J. Drake PhD, Humberto Campins PhD, and Julie Ziffer PhD


Why Poets Get M.F.A.s: M.F.A. Update 2014, Gibson Fay-LeBlanc MFA


Smaller splenium in children with nonverbal learning disability compared to controls, high functioning autism and ADHD, Jodene Goldenring Fine, Kayla A. Musielak PhD, and Margaret Semrud-Clikeman

Turning around the struggling rural hospital: Shared responsibility and hard work, John A. Gale MS


Collaborative Community Health Needs Assessments: Approaches and Benefits for Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Policy Brief #36), John A. Gale MS, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, and Helen E. Newton BA


Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record by Rural Health Clinics [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record by Rural Health Clinics [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


Not Babysitting: Work Stress and Well-Being for Family Child Care Providers, Paula Gerstenblatt PhD, Monica Faulkner, Ahyoung Lee, Linh Thy Doan, and Dnika Travis


Framing Service Learning in Social Work: An Interdisciplinary Elective Course Embedded within a University–Community Partnership, Paula Gerstenblatt PhD and Dorie J. Gilbert


Human Trafficking in Hawai‘i: Special challenges in rural areas, Kristen D. Gleason PhD


Multiple Roles of Medicaid ...and the Administrative Capacity to Support Them, Eileen Griffin JD


Integrated Care for Older Adults in Rural Communities, Eileen Griffin JD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Integrated Care Management in Rural Communities, Eileen Griffin JD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Building Bridges Towards Safety and Accountability to End Domestic Violence Homicide, Barbara Hart JD


Barriers and Successes in U Visas for Immigrant Victims: The Experiences of Legal Assistance for Victims Grantees, Giselle A. Hass PsyD, Edna Yang, Karen Monahan, and Benish Anver


Using PhotoVoice with Youth to Develop a Drug Prevention Program in a Rural Hawaiian Community, Susana Helm PhD, Wayde Lee, Vanda Hanakahi, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Kayne McCarthy, and Haumana*


The centrality of media and communication in fostering community resilience: A framework for assessment and intervention, J. Brian Houston PhD, Matthew L. Spialek PhD, Joy Cox, Molly M. Greenwood, and Jennifer M. First PhD


Gender-Responsive Policy Development in Corrections: What We Know and Roadmaps for Change, Erica King MSW and Jillian Foley MPPM


Biological Variability in Serum anti-Müllerian Hormone Throughout the Menstrual Cycle in Ovulatory and Sporadic Anovulatory Cycles in Eumenorrheic Women, Kerrie A. Kissel MD, M. R. Danaher, Enrique F. Schisterman PhD, Jean Wactawski-Wende PhD, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Karen C. Schliep PhD, Lindsey A. Sjaarda PhD, and Sunni L. Mumford PhD


SIN City: Las Vegas and the Culture of Surveillance, Jane Kuenz PhD


Profile of Rural Residential Care Facilities: A chartbook, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Eileen Griffin JD, Zachariah T. Croll MPH, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


High Deductible Health Insurance Plans in Rural Areas, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Rural residents more likely to be enrolled in high-deductible health plans, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD