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Submissions from 2016


Time to Ask: An Alcohol Education Pilot for Healthcare Professionals. Clinical Needs Assessment, Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, Martha Elbaum Williamson MPA, Jennifer Pratt BA, Rachel M. Gallo MPH, Katie Rosingana BA, Jacey Keller MPH, and Mark Richards BS


Adults Using Long-term Services and Supports: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, SFY 2014, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Tina Gressani; Louise Olsen; Catherine McGuire BS; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Karen Mauney; and Jason Theriault


Adverse Childhood Experiences in Rural and Urban Contexts, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Donald Szlosek MPH, and Erika C. Ziller PhD


Mental Health First Aid in Rural Communities: Appropriateness and Outcomes, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Donald Szlosek MPH, and Erika C. Ziller PhD

Poverty of imagination: Mental state reasoning and its links with collaborative effort among children of high and low socioeconomic status, R Bruce Thompson PhD, R Cote, A Donovan, J Kapinos, A Ouelette, and A Daggett


Poverty, affluence and the Socratic method: Parents' questions versus statements within collaborative problem-solving, R Bruce Thompson PhD, Brandon J. Foster, and Janessa R. Kapinos


Assessing current functioning as a measure of significant reduction in activity level, Taylor Thorpe, Stephanie McManimen, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, Jamie Stoothoff, Julia L. Newton, Elin Bolle Strand, and Leonard A. Jason PhD


Actualism and Possibilism, Travis Timmerman PhD and Yishai Cohen PhD


Moral Obligations: Actualist, Possibilist, or Hybridist?, Travis Timmerman PhD and Yishai Cohen PhD


On Fandom, Obsessions, and the World Wide Web, Justin Tussing MFA


Personality, Uses of Music, and Music Preference: The influence of openness to experience and extraversion, Elizabeth J. Vella PhD and Gregory J. Mills


Comparison of Oxygen Uptake During and after the Execution of Resistance Exercises and Exercises Performed on Ergometers, Matched for Intensity, José Viliça-Alves PhD, Nuno Miguel Freitas Ferreira PhD, Francisco José Félix Saavedra PhD, Chris B. Scott PhD, Victor Machado Reis PhD, Roberto Simão PhD, and Nuno Garrido PhD


Hospital Evacuation in Disasters: Uncovering the Systemic Leverage Using System Dynamics, John Voyer PhD, Matthew D. Dean Ph.D., and Christopher B. Pickles


‘Humanitarian intervention’, a predictable narrative? A comparative analysis of media narratives from Serbia to Syria, Christian Vukasovich PhD


Another type of residue, Travis P. Wagner


Municipal approaches in Maine to reduce single-use consumer products, Travis P. Wagner


The generation and cost of litter resulting from the curbside collection of recycling, Travis P. Wagner and Nathan Broaddus


A Resilience Approach Can Improve Anadromous Fish Restoration, John Waldman, Karen A. Wilson, Martha Mather, and Noah P. Snyder


Monte Carlo Simulation of OLS and Linear Mixed Model Inference of Phenotypic Effects on Gene Expression, Jeffrey A. Walker Ph.D.


Animated Versus Static Views of Steady Flow Patterns, Colin Ware, Daniel Bolan, Rikki L.A. Miller PhD, David Honegger Rogers, and James P. Ahrens


Homeless Service Utilization Report: Hawai‘i 2015, Susan Yuan, Hong Vo, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, and J Azuma


Effective instruction in APA Style in blended and face to face classrooms, Maria Zafonte and Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD


The Design and Use of Planetary Science Video Games to Teach Content while Enhancing Spatial Reasoning Skills, Julie Ziffer PhD, Orkhan Nadirli, Benjamin Rudnick, Sunny Pinkham, and Benjamin Montgomery


Access to Health Care Services for Adults in Maine [Report], Erika C. Ziller PhD


Health Insurance CO-OPs: Product Availability and Premiums in Rural Counties, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Zachariah T. Croll BA, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD