We are proud to share scholarship produced by our University of Southern Maine Faculty and Staff.

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Submissions from 2023


Rural-Urban Differences in Workers' Access to Paid Sick Leave., Erika Ziller PhD, Carly Milkowski MPH, Zachariah Croll, and Yvonne Jonk PhD

Submissions from 2022


Maine: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; Louisa Munk MPH; and Erika Ziller PhD


New York: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika Ziller PhD


The Northern Border Region: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika Ziller PhD


New Hampshire: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika C. Ziller PhD


Vermont: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika C. Ziller PhD


Maternal Hepatitis C Prevalence and Trends by County, US: 2016-2020, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Lauren M. Rossen PhD, MS; Amanda R. Burgess MPPM, MPH; and Kristin Palmsten ScD


Time to Ask Program at Greater Portland Health [Infographic], Evelyn Ali BS and Mary Lindsey Smith PhD


State of Maine Victim Needs Assessment: 2022, Julia Bergeron, Alison Grey, Robyn Dumont, Clare Murray, George Shaler MPH, Casey Wynne, and Elisabeth Snell


Duration of medication treatment for opioid-use disorder and risk of overdose among Medicaid enrollees in 11 states: a retrospective cohort study, Marguerite Burns; Lu Tang; Chung-Chou H. Chang; Joo Yeon Kim; Katherine A. Aherns MPH, PhD; Lindsay Allen; Peter Cunningham; Adam J. Gordon; Marian P. Jarlenski; Paul Lanier; Rachel Mauk; Mary Joan McDuffie; Jeffery Talbert; Kara Zivin; and Julie Donohue


Alcohol Use Disorder in the Primary Care Setting: Best Practices for Rural Communities, Christine Chasek PhD; John Brooklyn MD; Mary Lindsey Smith PhD; and Denise O'Connell MSW, LCSW, CCM, CCP


Experiences Seeking Meaningful Employment for Individuals with Substance Use Disorder in York County Maine, Tyler Egeland BA, Mark Richards BS BS, Evelyn Ali BS, and Mary Lindsey Smith PhD


Social values and sustainable development: community experiences, Walter Leal Filbo, Vanessa Levesque, Subarna Sivapalan, Amanda Lange Salvia, Barbara Fritzen, Ronald Deckert, Valerija Kozlova, Todd Jared LeVasseur, Kay Emblen-Perry, Ulisses M. Azeiteiro, Arminda Paço, Bruno Borsari, and Chris Shiel Shiel


EMERGING ADULTS: An Analysis of Young Adults with Justice System Histories in Maine, Jillian Foley MPPM and Erica King MSW


Community Characteristics and Financial and Operational Performance of Rural Health Clinics in the United States: A Chartbook, John Gale MS, Zachariah Croll MPH, Jamar Croom MS, Louisa Munk MPH, and Yvonne Jonk PhD


Evaluating State Flex Program Population Health Activities, John Gale MS; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; Sara Kahn-Troster MPH; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


Adult Day Services in Maine: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities, Elizabeth Gattine JD; Eileen Griffin JD; and Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA


Respiratory Syncytial Virus Bronchiolitis Hospitalizations in Young Infants After the Introduction of Paid Family Leave in New York State, 2015‒2019, Jennifer A. Hutcheon PhD; Teresa Janevic PhD; and Katherine A. Aherns MPH, PhD


Conducting leadership program reviews in US higher education: A comparative case study, Daniel M. Jenkins PhD and Melissa L. Rocco


An Inventory of State Flex Program Population Health Initiatives for Fiscal Years 2019-2023, Celia Jewell RN, MPH; Sara Kahn-Troster MPH; Zach T. Croll MPH; and John Gale MS


Patterns of Health Care Use among Rural-Urban Medicare Beneficiaries Age 85 and Older, 2010-2017, Yvonne Jonk PhD, Heidi O'Connor MS, Amanda Burgess MPPM, and Carly Milkowski MPH


Poétique et anthropologie de l’étrange dans Lumineau de Normand Beaupré, Emmanuel Kayembe


Regional Care Teams Year Two Update: Cross Systems Collaboration to Improve Positive Youth Outcomes, Erica King, Jill Ward, Jillian Foley, and Emma Schwartz


The association between balance and neurocognition among male collegiate lacrosse players, Dennis W. Klima, Ethan Hood, Meredith Madden EdD, Rachel Bell, Teresa Dawson, Catherine McGill, and Michael Patterson


Queer History in the Streets: A Walking Tour of Portland, Maine, Megan MacGregor