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MRHRC, rural, healthcare access, maps, Maine, Vermont, New York, New Hamphsire, New England, population health
The Northern Border Regional Commission State and Region Chartbooks compile county- and state-level data related to health and health care access for the Northern Border Region and the individual states of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Topics covered in the chartbooks include demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, access to care, health outcomes, mortality rates, Health Professional Shortage Areas, and the location of Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, hospitals, and substance use treatment facilities. When data allow, we highlight the counties with the worse performance on a measure, compared with the rest of the counties in the Northern Border Region. These data are intended to inform initiatives to support health and health care, particularly in rural counties and counties served by the Northern Border Regional Commission.
For more information, please contact Katherine Ahrens, PhD
The Northern Border Regional Commission State and Region Chartbooks compile county- and state-level data related to health and health care access for the Northern Border Region and the individual states of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Topics covered in the chartbooks include demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, access to care, health outcomes, mortality rates, Health Professional Shortage Areas, and the location of Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, hospitals, and substance use treatment facilities. When data allow, we highlight the counties with the worse performance on a measure, compared with the rest of the counties in the Northern Border Region. These data are intended to inform initiatives to support health and health care, particularly in rural counties and counties served by the Northern Border Regional Commission.
Funding Organization
HRSA, Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Grant Number
Recommended Citation
Ahrens, K., Burgess, A., Milkowski, C., Munk, L., Jonk, Y., & Ziller, E. (2022). New York: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis [Chartbook]. University of Southern Maine, Maine Rural Health Research Center.
Included in
Health Policy Commons, Health Services Research Commons, Public Policy Commons, Social Statistics Commons
This study was funded by a cooperative agreement between the US Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources & Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (CA#U1CRH03716) and the University of Southern Maine. The findings and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the US Federal Office of Rural Health Policy.