
Submissions from 2024


Pediatric and Pregnancy-related Visits at Rural Health Clinics in 2018 among Medicaid/CHIP Enrollees in 20 States, Katherine A. Ahrens MPH, PhD; Zachariah T. Croll; Yvonne Jonk PhD; John Gale; and Heidi O'Connor


New Mexico Crime Victimization Report, Robyn Dumont and George Shaler MPH


BODY-WORN CAMERAS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT IN MAINE: A study of best practices and current use, George Shaler MPH, Alison Grey, Lucy Tumavicus, Tara Wheeler, Clare Murray, and Robyn Dumont


Health Care Coalitions: A Resource to Support Critical Access Hospital Emergency Preparedness Planning, John Gale MS; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; and Rebecca Stearns MPH, EMS-1


Non-Urgent Use of Emergency Departments by Rural and Urban Adults, Erika Ziller PhD, Carly Milkowski, Zachariah Croll, and Yvonne Jonk PhD


Identifying Rural Health Clinics Within the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) Analytic Files, Katherine Ahrens MPH, PhD; Zachariah Croll; Yvonne Jonk PhD; John Gale MS; and Heidi O'Connor MS


Lessons Learned from Efforts to Support Vulnerable Critical Access and Other Rural Hospitals, John Gale MS; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; and Karen Pearson MLIS, MA


Trends in maternal opioid use disorder and neonatal abstinence syndrome in Maine, 2016-2022., Julia Dudley, Sarah M B Gabrielson, Alane B O'Connor, and Katherine A. Ahrens PhD


Critical Access Hospital - Local Health Department Partnerships to Address Rural Community Needs, Zachariah T. Croll; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; and John A. Gale MS

Submissions from 2023


Excess deaths associated with COVID-19 by rurality and demographic factors in the United States., Katherine Ahrens PhD; Lauren M Rossen PhD; Carly Milkowski MPH; Catherine Gelsinger RN, MPH; and Erika Ziller PhD


Respite for ME Grants First Year Evaluation Report, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA and Jayne M. Foley


Respite for ME Grants First Year Evaluation Report. Executive Summary, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA and Jayne M. Foley


Identifying a Consensus Set of EMS Agency Licensure Elements and Definitions to Support Rural EMS Data Collection, John Gale MS; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; and Karen Pearson MLIS, MA


Prosecutorial Data in Maine: Themes and Trends from 2017-2021, Tara Wheeler MPPM; Julia Bergeron-Smith MPPM, MSW; and George Shaler MPH


Year 3 Evaluation Report: Evaluation of the EMS Supplemental Funding Grants, John Gale MS and Karen Pearson MLIS, MA


A Consensus Panel Approach to Estimating the Start-Up and Annual Service Costs for Rural Ambulance Agencies, Yvonne Jonk PhD; Gary Wingrove FACPE, CP-C; Nikiah Nudell MS, MPhil, NRP, FACPE; and Kevin McGinnis MPS


Federal Telehealth Policy Changes During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Associations with Telemental Health Use among Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries, Jean A. Talbot PhD, MPH; Amanda R. Burgess MPPM, MPH; Yvonne C. Jonk PhD; and Heidi O'Connor MS


Population Health Outcome Measurement Strategies for State Flex Programs, John Gale; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; and Sara Kahn-Troster MPH


Emergency Medical Service Outcome Measurement Strategies for State Flex Programs, John Gale MS; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; and Sara Kahn-Troster MPH


Mental Health Within 24 Months After Delivery Among Women with Common Pregnancy Conditions., Katherine Ahrens MPH, PhD; Kristin Palmsten; Heather S Lipkind; Mariah Pfeiffer RN, MPH; Catherine Gelsinger RN; and Christina Ackerman-Banks


Association of Prenatal Depression With New Cardiovascular Disease Within 24 Months Postpartum., Christina M Ackerman-Banks; Heather S Lipkind; Kristin Palmsten; Mariah Pfeiffer RN, MPH; Catherine Gelsinger RN; and Katherine Ahrens MPH, PhD


Provision of Postpartum Contraception Before and After the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Maine., Catherine Gelsinger BSN, RN; Kristin Palmsten; Heather S. Lipkind; Mariah Pfeiffer RN, MPH; Christina Ackerman-Banks; Jennifer A Hutcheon; and Katherine A. Ahrens PhD


Ambulance Deserts: Geographic Disparities in the Provision of Ambulance Services [Chartbook], Yvonne Jonk PhD; Carly Milkowski MPH; Zachariah Croll MPH; and Karen Pearson MLIS, MA


Rural Working-Age Adults Report More Cost Barriers to Health Care, Erika C. Ziller PhD; Carly Milkowski MPH; and Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH


Twenty-five Years of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program: The Past as Prologue, John Gale MS


Rural-Urban Residence and Sequelae of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in the First Year Postpartum, 2007 – 2019, Mariah Pfeiffer BSN, RN; Catherine Gelsinger BSN, RN; Kristin Palmsten; Heather S. Lipkind; Christina Ackerman-Banks; and Katherine Ahrens PhD


Rural-Urban Differences in Workers' Access to Paid Sick Leave., Erika Ziller PhD, Carly Milkowski MPH, Zachariah Croll, and Yvonne Jonk PhD


Engaging At-Risk Rural Residents in Secondary Lung Cancer Prevention., Erika C. Ziller PhD; Jean A. Talbot PhD, MPH; Martha Elbaum; Zachariah T. Croll; Leo B Waterston MA; Neil Korsen MD, MSc; and Paul K J Han MD, MA, MPH

Submissions from 2022


Maternal Hepatitis C Prevalence and Trends by County, US: 2016-2020, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Lauren M. Rossen PhD, MS; Amanda R. Burgess MPPM, MPH; and Kristin Palmsten ScD


Patterns of Health Care Use among Rural-Urban Medicare Beneficiaries Age 85 and Older, 2010-2017, Yvonne Jonk PhD, Heidi O'Connor MS, Amanda Burgess MPPM, and Carly Milkowski MPH


Community Paramedicine: Presentation to the Blue Ribbon Commission to Study EMS, Karen Pearson MLIS, MA


Adult Day Services in Maine: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities, Elizabeth Gattine JD; Eileen Griffin JD; and Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA


Bias and Hate Crimes in Maine: Reconciling Reported and Investigated Crimes, Hannah Brintlinger MPH, George Shaler MPH, and Jack McDevitt PhD


Community Characteristics and Financial and Operational Performance of Rural Health Clinics in the United States: A Chartbook, John Gale MS, Zachariah Croll MPH, Jamar Croom MS, Louisa Munk MPH, and Yvonne Jonk PhD


Maine: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; Louisa Munk MPH; and Erika Ziller PhD


New York: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika Ziller PhD


The Northern Border Region: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika Ziller PhD


New Hampshire: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika C. Ziller PhD


Vermont: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis, Katherine Ahrens PhD; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Carly Milkowski MPH; Louisa Munk MPH; Yvonne Jonk PhD; and Erika C. Ziller PhD


Year Two Evaluation of the Flex EMS Supplemental Funding Projects: Building an Evidence Base through Outcome Measurement, John Gale MS; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; and Sara Kahn-Troster MPH


Evaluating State Flex Program Population Health Activities, John Gale MS; Celia Jewell RN, MPH; Sara Kahn-Troster MPH; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


An Inventory of State Flex Program Population Health Initiatives for Fiscal Years 2019-2023, Celia Jewell RN, MPH; Sara Kahn-Troster MPH; Zach T. Croll MPH; and John Gale MS


Financial Alignment Initiative: New York Integrated Appeals and Grievances Demonstration. First Brief Report, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Elizabeth Gattine JD, Edith G. Walsh PhD, and Amy Chepaitis PhD


Out-of-Hospital Births and Infant Mortality in the United States: Effect Measure Modification by Rural Maternal Residence, Elora Way; Jenny L. Carwile ScD, MPH; Erica C. Ziller PhD; and Katherine Ahrens PhD


Rural-urban differences in maternal mortality trends in the US, 1999-2017: Accounting for the impact of the pregnancy status checkbox, Lauren M. Rossen PhD; Katherine A. Ahrens PhD; Lindsay S. Womack PhD; and Sayeedha F.G. Uddin MD, MPH


Economic Security of Older Women in Maine, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Elizabeth Gattine JD, and Sammy-Ellie MacKinnon MSW

from 2021


Opioid Use Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries, Yvonne C. Jonk PhD; Heidi O'Connor; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and John Gale MS


Opioid Use Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries, Yvonne C. Jonk PhD; Heidi O'Connor; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; and John Gale MSU


Outcome Measures for State Flex Program Financial and Operational Improvement Interventions, John Gale MS, Sara Kahn-Troster MPH, and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


Maine Elder Justice Roadmap, Maine Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership, Elisabeth Snell MPH, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Devon Grayson-Wallace, Jennifer Pratt, Becky Wurwarg, and Sammy-Ellie MacKinnon MSW