Submissions from 2015
Rural Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries Spend More out-of-Pocket Than Their Urban Counterparts, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Following the Needs Assessment: The Challenges of Developing a Meaningful Community Health Improvement Plan, John A. Gale MS and N. DuMont
Implications of Rural Residence and Single Mother Status for Maternal Smoking Behaviors, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Donald Szlosek MPH, and Erika C. Ziller PhD
Paddling Guide to the Presumpscot River, Final Report, Matt Craig and Carol Gay
Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Records by Rural Health Clinics: Results of a National Survey [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Records by Rural Health Clinics: Results of a National Survey [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Promoting Active Living in Rural Communities, Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Built environments and active living in rural and remote areas: A review of the literature, Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA; M. Renée Umstattd Meyer; Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Maine IHOC Master List of Pediatric Measures with Numerators and Denominators, Amy Belisle MD; Michael Ross MD; Stephen DiGiovanni MD; Lisa Letourneau MD; Stephen Meister MD; Nathaniel J. Anderson MS, MPH; Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW; and Kyra Chamberlain MS, RN
Charity Care and Uncompensated Care Activities of Tax-Exempt Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Briefing Paper #35), John A. Gale MS, Jamar Croom MS, Zach T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Charity Care and Uncompensated Care Activities of Tax-Exempt Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Policy Brief #38), John Gale MS, Jamar Croom MS, Zach T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Engaging Patients in Health System Transformation: The experience of the Maine Health Access Foundation's (MeHAF) Advancing Payment Reform Initiative, Barbara Shaw JD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, and Kimberley S. Fox MPA
First STEPS Phase III Initiative: Improving Oral Health and Healthy Weight in Children Final Evaluation Report, Carolyn E. Gray MPH and Kimberley S. Fox MPA
Mental Health First Aid in Rural Communities [Presentation], Erika C. Ziller PhD
Exploring Rural Health Clinic Quality Improvement Strategies, John A. Gale MS
Rural Hospital Strategies for Population Health Improvement, Andrew F. Coburn PhD and John A. Gale MS
Using FMT Tools to Monitor Community/population Health Performance, John A. Gale MS
Promoting Quality Improvement in Michigan Rural Health Clinics, C. Barter and John A. Gale MS
Health Data and Financing and Delivery System Reform: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?, Barbara Shaw JD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, and Andrea Gerstenberger ScD
Rural Implications of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Rural and Remote Food Environments and Obesity, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA; and David Hartley PhD
Safety of Rural Nursing Home-to-emergency Department Transfers: Improving Communication and Patient Information Sharing Across Settings, Judith B. Tupper DHEd, CHES, CPPS; Carolyn E. Gray MPH; Karen B. Pearson MLIS, MA; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Ocean Acidification in Maine (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Susie Arnold
Maine Eelgrass Mapping Protocol, Seth Barker
Clam Studies in the Fore and Webhannet River, Brian F. Beal
Living with A Changing Bay (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Curtis C. Bohlen PhD
The Economic Value of a Restored Fishery on the Presumpscot River, Rachel Bouvier and Friends of the Presumpscot River
Modeling and Monitoring Approach (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Damien Brady
Interpreting Water Quality Standards in Light of Ecosystem Change (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Angela Brewer
2015 State of the Bay Conference Agenda, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
2015 State of the Bay Report, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
2015 State of the Bay Summary Flyer, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
Casco Bay Plan 2016-2021, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
Water Quality Working Group Notes 2015, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
Presumpscot River Paddling Map & Guide, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership and Presumpscot River Watershed Coalition
A Changing Casco Bay-Onshore, Offshore, New Shores (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Charlie Colgan
Long Reach Lane at Long Marsh, Harpswell, 2015 Post-Project Monitoring Report; Year 2 of 5, Matt Craig
Long Reach Lane at Long Marsh, Harpswell, 2015 Post-Project Monitoring Report, Year 1 of 5, Matthew Craig
Osprey Abundance, Distribution, and Reproductive Success in Casco Bay, Maine, 1982-1983 and 2011-2013, Chris DeSorbo
Community Shellfish Aquaculture Education and Awareness Projects in Brunswick (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Dan Devereaux
Mobilizing Community Support for Casco Bay (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Fred Dillon
Monitoring Change in Casco Bay (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Mike Doan
Disproportionate Contact: Youth of Color in Maine's Juvenile Justice System, Robyn Dumont, Erica King MSW, and George Shaler MPH
2015 Maine Crime Victimization Survey: Informing Public Policy for Safer Communities, Robyn Dumont MPPM and George Shaler MPH
Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Velocity and Hydrographic Structure in a Weakly Stratified System, Broad Sound, Casco Bay, Maine, Brian Dzwonkowski
Successful Approaches to Change-Working Together to Get Things Done (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Christine Feurt
Shaping the Health and Long-term Care Infrastructure Serving Older Adults: Historical Trends and Future Directions, Julie T. Fralich MBA