Publications from 2015
A Changing Casco Bay, The Bay Where You Work and Play is at Risk, Learn How You Can Help Protect the Health of Casco Bay, Friends of Casco Bay
Rural Health Clinic Readiness for Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition: Preparing for the Evolving Healthcare Marketplace [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Rural Health Clinic Readiness for Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition: Preparing for the Evolving Healthcare Marketplace [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Exploring the Business Case for Children's Telebehavioral Health, John A. Gale MS and David Lambert PhD
Catastrophic Consequences: Preliminary Findings on the Use of Opioids in Rural Communities [webinar], John A. Gale MS and Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS
Implementation and Monitoring Support for the FCHIP Demonstration: Task 2, Measure Development and Task 2a, Measure Evaluation, John A. Gale MS, T. Trapnell, A. Berkowitz, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Successful Approaches to Change-MaineDOT’s Experience (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Charlie Hebson
Habitat Resilience: Dams; the Past, the Future and Everything In-between (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Landis Hudson
Adult Cancer Survivors in Maine, 2011-2012, Sara L. Huston PhD and Prashant Mittal MS, MSc
New Jersey's Manage by Data Program: Changing Culture and Capacity to Improve Outcomes, David Lambert PhD and Julie Atkins MA
What does the future hold for Casco Bay’s fringing marshes? (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Pam Morgan
Update on a Continuing Saga: Eelgrass and Green Crabs in Casco Bay, Maine (Poster), Hilary A. Neckles, Angela D. Brewer, John W. Sowles, Seth Barker, Curtis C. Bohlen PhD, Matthew Craig, Michael Doan, and Sandra Lary
Eelgrass Habitat in Casco Bay: Past, Present, and Future? (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Hillary Neckles
Citizens, Science and A Changing Bay (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Cathy Ramsdell
Multiple acid pathways in Casco Bay: Implications for the next 25 years (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Joe Salisbury, D. Vandemark, C. Hunt, and S. Shellito
Climate Trends in the Casco Bay Region, Marina Schauffler PhD
Adapting Maine’s coastal communities to sea level rise and storm surge (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Peter Slovinsky
Estimated Sediment Volume: Bridge Street Dam Impoundment, Royal River, Yarmouth, Maine, Stantec
Maine's Climate Future 2015 Update, University of Maine
Monitoring Casco Bay Connections: a fresh perspective (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Karen Wilson
Building Resilience: connecting systems and communities (2015 State of the Bay Presentation), Jed Wright
Publications from 2014
Adults with Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Executive Summary, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Taryn Bowe; and Julie T. Fralich MBA
Barriers and Successes in U Visas for Immigrant Victims: The Experiences of Legal Assistance for Victims Grantees, Giselle A. Hass PsyD, Edna Yang, Karen Monahan, and Benish Anver
Multiple Roles of Medicaid ...and the Administrative Capacity to Support Them, Eileen Griffin JD
Advancing the Transition to a High Performance Rural Health System, Charles Alfero MA; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Jennifer P. Lundblad PhD, MBA; A. Clinton MacKinney MD, MS; Timothy D. McBride PhD; and Keith J. Mueller PhD
Land Conservation in the Lower Presumpscot Watershed: Vision, Values & Priorities, Vanessa Levesque, Matt Craig, and Stephen Engle
Habitat Working Group Notes 2014, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
Roundtable on Community Engagement and Collective Impact., Melody Barnes, Paul Born, Richard Harwood, Steve Savner, Stacey Stewart, and Martin Zanghi MSW
Gender-Responsive Policy Development in Corrections: What We Know and Roadmaps for Change, Erica King MSW and Jillian Foley MPPM
MaineCare Health Homes Enrollment in the First Year of Implementation, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Carolyn E. Gray MPH, and Katherine Rosingana
Medical Consumers Should Be Sure To Get Their Test Results (Op-Ed), Judith B. Tupper DHEd, CHES, CPPS
Implementing and Sustaining Evidence-based Practice in Juvenile Justice: A Case Study of a Rural State, Michael Rocque, Brandon C. Welsh, Peter W. Greenwood, and Erica King MSW
New England Food Vision: Healthy Food for All, Sustainable Farming and Fishing, Thriving Communities, Molly Anderson, Amanda Beal, Joanne Burke, Brian Donahue, Linda Berlin, Tom Kelly, Mark Lapping, Russell Libby, and Hannah Ramer
Turning around the struggling rural hospital: Shared responsibility and hard work, John A. Gale MS
Collaborative Community Health Needs Assessments: Approaches and Benefits for Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Policy Brief #36), John A. Gale MS, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, and Helen E. Newton BA
Integrated Care for Older Adults in Rural Communities, Eileen Griffin JD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Integrated Care Management in Rural Communities, Eileen Griffin JD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Profile of Rural Residential Care Facilities: A chartbook, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Eileen Griffin JD, Zachariah T. Croll MPH, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
High Deductible Health Insurance Plans in Rural Areas, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Rural residents more likely to be enrolled in high-deductible health plans, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Fact Sheet #1: How Family-Centered is MaineCare?, Jean A. Talbot PhD; Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW; and Kimberley S. Fox MPA
Fact Sheet #2: How Do MaineCare Providers Perform on Childhood Screening and Prevention?, Jean A. Talbot PhD; Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW; and Kimberley S. Fox MPA
Fact Sheet #3: How Do Parents Rate Dental Services for Children in MaineCare?, Jean A. Talbot PhD; Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW; and Kimberley S. Fox MPA
Implications of rurality and psychiatric status for diabetic care use among adults with diabetes, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and David Hartley PhD
Building Bridges Towards Safety and Accountability to End Domestic Violence Homicide, Barbara Hart JD
Issue Brief: Asset Management for Stormwater, New England Environmental Finance Center and Sustainable Communities Learning Network
Maine Crime & Justice Data Book 2014, George Shaler MPH
Summary of Pediatric Quality Measures For Children Enrolled in MaineCare FFY 2009-FFY 2013, Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW
MaineCare Stage A Health Homes Year 1 Report: Implementation Findings and Baseline Analysis, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Carolyn E. Gray MPH, Katherine Rosingana, and Deborah A. Thayer MBA
Rural implications of ACA Medicaid expansions, Erika C. Ziller PhD