Cutler Institute | University of Southern Maine Research | USM Digital Commons

The Cutler Institute at the Muskie School of Public Service is dedicated to developing innovative, evidence-informed, and practical approaches to pressing health and social challenges faced by individuals, families, and communities. To serve this purpose, we engage expert staff in areas of:

Partnering with clients throughout the nation, from state and federal agencies to the private sector, more than 200 research staff provide policymakers and practitioners with new knowledge, skills, and solutions to support healthier, stronger communities through:

  • Research and policy analysis
  • Training and technical assistance
  • Program development and implementation


Browse the Cutler Institute Collections:

All Cutler Institute Publications

Children, Youth, & Families

Disability & Aging

Economic & Workforce Development

Environmental & Social Resilience

Justice Policy

Population Health & Health Policy

Substance Use Research & Evaluation