Year 3 Evaluation Report: Evaluation of the EMS Supplemental Funding Grants
Document Type
Policy Brief
Publication Date
MRHRC, EMS, rural, evaluation, implementation, grants, emergency medical services
Emergency Medical Services, Evaluation
This is the final summary report on the Evaluation of the Flex Program's EMS Supplement Funding Grantees. This three-year funding was awarded to eight grantees to implement projects in either the development of sustainable models of care or to support rural-relevant EMS quality metrics and improvement of EMS data reporting. The evaluation reports for the first two project years focused on issues related to project implementation, management, and monitoring. (Year 1 report; Year 2 report).
This summary evaluation report provides a detailed discussion of project accomplishments, outcome measures, lessons learned, and sustainability strategies for each grantee based on the Flex Monitoring Team’s interviews, tracking tools, and the final project reports submitted in the fall of 2022. The authors also provide a summary of the project goals, partners, outcome measures, and sustainability plans for the eight awarded projects.
For more information, please contact John Gale at
Funding Organization
Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Grant Number
PHS Grant No. U27RH01080
Recommended Citation
Gale, J., & Pearson, K. (2023). Year 3 Evaluation Report: Evaluation of the EMS Supplemental Funding Grants. University of Southern Maine, Flex Monitoring Team. Available at:
This report was completed by the Flex Monitoring Team with funding from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), under PHS Grant No. U27RH01080. The information, conclusions and opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and no endorsement by FORHP, HRSA, or HHS is intended or should be inferred.