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Submissions from 1992


Comparison of Two Restraint Systems for Pelvic Stabilization during Isometric Lumbar Extension Strength Testing, James Graves PhD, Cecily K. Fix MS, Michael L. Pollock PhD, Scott H. Leggett MS, Dan N. Foster MS, and David M. Carpenter MS


Limited Range-of-Motion Lumbar Extension Strength Training, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Scott H. Leggett, David M. Carpenter, C K. Fix, and Michael N. Fulton


Reliability of B-mode Ultrasound for the Measurement of Body Fat and Muscle Thickness, Y Ishida, Joan F. Carroll, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, and Scott H. Leggett


Go-Carts of Judgment: Exemplars in Kantian Moral Education, Robert B. Louden PhD


"Ineluctable Modality of the Fictional" Review of "Problems and Poetics of the Nonaristotelian Novel" by Leonard Orr James, F. C. McGrath PhD


Health status of the Successful Aged: The Medical Profile of a Functional, Very Old Group, J R. Meuleman, N B. Hoffman, M M. Conlin, D T. Lowenthal, D C. Delafuente, and James Graves PhD


Autobiography as Masquerade: Lacan, Bosch and the Spectacle of Rilke’s Other Self, Gerald Peters PhD


Reliability of Lumbar Isometric Torque in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain, Michael E. Robinson, Anthony F. Greene, Patrick O'Connor, James Graves PhD, and Michael Mac Millan


Effect of Macronutrient Composition of An Energy-Restrictive Diet on Maximal Physical Performance, Christopher B. Scott PhD, Ruth Carpenter, Angela Taylor, and Neil Fasch Gordon PhD


Chemical modification of preceramic polymers: Their reactions with transition metal complexes and transition metal powders, Dietmar Seyferth, Heinrich Lang, Christine A. Sobon, Jutta Borm, Henry J. Tracy PhD, and Nathan Bryson


Near‐Stoichiometric Silicon Carbide from an Economical Polysilane Precursor, Dietmar Seyferth, Timothy G. Wood, Henry J. Tracy PhD, and Jennifer L. Robison


Wordsworth, Copyright, and the Commodities of Genius, Richard G. Swartz PhD


Effect of Reduced Frequency of Training and Detraining on Lumbar Extension Strength, Jacqueline T. Tucci MS, David M. Carpenter MS, Michael L. Pollock PhD, James Graves PhD, and Scott H. Leggett MS


Compliance with NEPA at federal superfund sites, Travis P. Wagner and Leigh Alvarado Benson


Not Thinking Straight in Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Shelton Waldrep PhD


Review of "Willa Cather and Six Writers from the Great War" by James J. Kirschke, Shelton Waldrep PhD

Publications from 1991


Review of "Patterns of Divine Comedy: A Study of Mediaeval English Drama" by R. D. S. Jack, Kathleen M. Ashley PhD


Effect of 12 and 20 Weeks of Resistance Training on Lumbar Extension Torque Production, David M. Carpenter, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Scott H. Leggett, Dan Foster, Bryon Holmes, and Michael N. Fulton


Effect of Exercise Training on Blood Pressure in 70− to 79-yr-old Men and Women, Carmen C. Cononie, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, M Ian Phillips, Colin Sumners, and James M. Hagberg


Women Walking for Health and Fitness: How Much Is Enough?, John J. Duncan PhD, Neil Fasch Gordon PhD, and Christopher B. Scott PhD


Lesbian Phobia in Nursing Students, Michele Eliason PhD and Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE

Evaluation of a Home Care Coordination Program for Older Hospitalized Adults, Richard H. Fortinsky PhD, P. Dushuttle, Al Leighton BA, and D. Berry


The Role of Exercise in the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease, Neil Fasch Gordon PhD and Christopher B. Scott PhD

Hypertension and Exercise, Neil F. Gordon PhD and Christopher B. Scott PhD

Exercise Training for Muscular Strength and Endurance, James Graves PhD, M Welsch, and M L. Pollock