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Publications from 1979


Review of "Sailing into the Unknown: Yeats, Pound, and Eliot" by M. L. Rosenthal, F. C. McGrath PhD

Publications from 1978


Divine Power in Chester Cycle and Late Medieval Thought, Kathleen M. Ashley PhD


Thought, Feeling and Form: The Dual Meaning of 'Gerontion', Nancy Gish PhD


Heroic Aestheticism: Yeats, Pater, and the Marriage of Ireland and England, F. C. McGrath PhD

Publications from 1977


At the Hawk's Well: Unified Form in Yeats's Drama, F. C. McGrath PhD

Publications from 1975


Review of "T. S. Eliot: Poet and Dramatist" by Joseph Chiari, Nancy Gish PhD

Publications from 1970


Herbert's 'The Bunch of Grapes.', F. C. McGrath PhD