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Submissions from 1995


Does the Quality of Rural and Urban Nursing Homes Differ?, Andrew F. Coburn, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Catherine McGuire BS, and Richard Fortlinsky PhD


Exercise Intensity Prescription in Cardiovascular Disease Theoretical Basis for Anaerobic Threshold Determination, Neil F. Gordon PhD and Christopher B. Scott PhD


Body fat and muscle thickness distributions in untrained young females, Yoshie Ishida, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Joan F. Carroll, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, and Scott H. Leggett


Gatorland, A Fable, Jane Kuenz PhD


Butler's Divine Utilitarianism, Robert B. Louden PhD


Efforts to Reduce Piracy of U.S. Intellectual Property in China, Carter H. Manny JD


The lack of effect of aerobic exercise training on propranolol pharmacokinetics in young and elderly adults, L B. Panton, G J. Guillen, L Williams, James Graves PhD, C Vivas, M Cediel, Michael L. Pollock, L Garzarella, J Krumerman, and H Derendorf


The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State. By Benjamin Ginsberg (book review), Abraham J. Peck PhD


Anaerobic Metabolic Influences on Oxygen Uptake Behavior, Christopher B. Scott PhD


Quantifying the Bioenergetics of Cardiopulmonary Ramp-Type Stress Testing, Christopher B. Scott PhD and G. Mitchell Bodganffy


Chemistry Abounds: An Exciting Chemistry Demonstration Program for Elementary Schools, Henry J. Tracy PhD, Chris Collins, and Paul Langevin


The short- and long-term effects of methotrexate on the rat skeleton, D L. Wheeler, R A. Vander Griend, T J. Wronski, G J. Miller, E E. Keith, and James Graves PhD


Effects of running on the torsional strength, morphometry, and bone mass of the rat skeleton, Donna L. Wheeler, James Graves PhD, Gary J. Miller, Robert E. Vander Griend, Thomas J. Wronski, Scott K. Powers, and Hyuen Me Park

Publications from 1994


Review of "Reading Between the Lines" by Annabel Patterson, Kathleen M. Ashley PhD


Le Culte de Sainte Foy à Sélestat et à Conques: étude comparative, Kathleen M. Ashley PhD and Pamela Sheingorn


The Mark, Michael Bendzela MA


Moderate and High Intensity Exercise Lowers Blood Pressure in Normotensive Subjects 60 to 79 Years of Age, Randy W. Braith, Michael L. Pollock, David T. Lowenthal, and James Graves PhD


On the Subject of Nativeness: Marsden Hartley and the New England Regionalism, Donna M. Cassidy


Exercise Guidelines for Patients With High Blood Pressure An Update, Neil F. Gordon PhD and Christopher B. Scott PhD


Exercise, Age, and Skeletal Muscle Function, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, and Joan F. Carroll


Pelvic Stabilization during Resistance Training: Its Effect on the Development of Lumbar Extension Strength, James Graves PhD, Dina C. Webb, Michael L. Pollock, Jan Matkozich, Scott H. Leggett, David M. Carpenter, Dan N. Foster, and Joseph Cirulli


Endurance exercise training improves body composition and plasma insulin responses in 70- to 79-year-old men and women, W Clark Hersey III, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Ronald Gingerich, Rachel B. Shireman, Gregory W. Heath, Francis Spierto, Steve D. McCole, and James M. Hagberg


Body fat and muscle thickness in Japanese and Caucasian females, Y Ishida, H Kanehisa, M Kondo, T Fukunaga, J F. Carroll, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, and S H. Leggett


Physiological Evaluation of Professional Water-skiers, Scott H. Leggett, Michael N. Fulton, Michael L. Pollock, David M. Carpenter, James Graves PhD, Michael B. Shank, and Alex Engmann


On Pincoffs's Conception of Ethics, Robert B. Louden PhD