We are proud to share scholarship produced by our University of Southern Maine Faculty and Staff.

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Submissions from 1999


The Effects of Music on Mood and Perception of a Visual Stimulus, Elizabeth J. Vella PhD, Michael D. Irvin, Jason Solle, Scott Berendt, and Erin E. Ramirez

Publications from 1998


Historicizing Margery: The Book of Margery Kempe as Social Text, Kathleen M. Ashley PhD


Officer's Son, Michael Bendzela MA

Evaluation of Consumer/Resident Transfers: A Study of Discharges and Transfers Between Various Long-term Care Settings, Elise Bolda PhD, Robert G. Keith PhD, Mark Richards BS, and Julie T. Fralich MBA


Gender, migration and the organisation of work under economic devolution: Ecuador, 1982-90, Lawrence A. Brown, Firooza Pavri, and Victoria A. Lawson


Sexual and severe physical violence among high school students: Power beliefs, gender and relationship, Susan Fineran PhD, LICSW and Larry Bennett PhD


Teen peer sexual harassment: Implications for social work practice in education, Susan Fineran PhD, LICSW and Larry Bennett PhD


‘What is Race?’: A Transdisciplinary Course, A Pedagogical Challenge, David E. Harris and Eve Allegra Raimon PhD


Recent Developments in Controlling U.S. Encryption Exports, Carter H. Manny JD


Review of "Love, Stars and All That" by Kirin Narayan, John Muthyala PhD


Review of "True Relations: Essays on Autobiography and the Postmodern" by G. Thomas Couser and Joseph Fichtelberg, Gerald Peters PhD

Linked Data Analysis of Dually Eligible Beneficiaries in New England., Paul Saucier MA; Lee Bezanson RN, JD; Maureen Booth MRP, MA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Julie T. Fralich MBA; Daniel Gilden MS; Elaina K. Goldstein JD, MPA; Darlene O'Connor PhD; Christopher V. Perrone MPP; and Katharine Willrich MS


Re-Interpreting Anaerobic Metabolism: An Argument for the Application of Both Anaerobic Glycolysis and Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) as Independent Sources of Energy Expenditure, Christopher B. Scott PhD


Aerobic and Anaerobic Energy Expenditure During Exhaustive Ramp Exercise, Christopher B. Scott PhD and G Mitchell Bogdanffy


Random Walks in the U.K. Pound/ U.S. Dollar Exchange Rates, Herbert J. Smoluk PhD, Geraldo M. Vasconcellos, and Jonathan K. Kramer

Pain-free exercise training for people with peripheral vascular disease?, C Stopka, R Wolper, K Scott, J Seegar, R Ballinger, and James Graves PhD


Gender Differences in Preschoolers’ Help-Eliciting Communication, R Bruce Thompson PhD


A One-Semester General, Organic, and Biochemistry Course Format Linked by a Molecular Model Project, Henry J. Tracy PhD

Cassius Marcellus Clay: Firebrand of Freedom (book review), Adam-Max Tuchinsky PhD


Quantification of Full-Range-of-Motion Unilateral and Bilateral Knee Flexion and Extension Torque Ratios, Michael A. Welsch, Patty A. Williams, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, Daniel N. Foster, and Michael N. Fulton

Books from 1997

Painting the Musical City: Jazz and Cultural Identity in American Art, 1910 - 1940, Donna M. Cassidy Ph.D.


Isometric Torso Rotation Strength: Effect of Training Frequency on Its Development, Pamela L. DeMichele, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, Daniel N. Foster, David Carpenter, Linda Garzarella, William Brechue, and Michael Fulton


Effects of Atenolol Versus Enalapril on Cardiovascular Fitness and Serum Lipids in Physically Active Hypertensive Men, Neil F. Gordon PhD, Christopher B. Scott PhD, and John J. Duncan PhD


Comparison of Single Versus Multiple Lifestyle Interventions: Are the Antihypertensive Effects of Exercise Training and Diet-Induced Weight Loss Additive?, Neil F. Gordon PhD, Christopher B. Scott PhD, and Benjamin D. Levine MD


Distribution of subcutaneous fat and muscle thicknesses in young and middle-aged women, Y Ishida, H Kanehisa, J F. Carroll, M L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, and L Ganzarella