We are proud to share scholarship produced by our University of Southern Maine Faculty and Staff.

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Publications from 2018


Trends in Risk of Pregnancy Loss Among US Women, 1990-2011, Lauren M. Rossen PhD, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, and Amy M. Branum


A multiscale approach to balance trade-offs among dam infrastructure, river restoration, and cost, Samuel G. Roy, Emi Uchida, Simone P. de Souza, Ben Blachly, Emma Fox, Kevin Gardner, Arthur J. Gold, Jessica Jansujwicz, Sharon Klein, Bridie McGreavy, Weiwei Mo, Sean M. C. Smith, Emily Vogler, Karen Wilson, Joseph Zydlewski, and David Hart


Unique Practice, Unique Place: Exploring Two Assertive Community Treatment Teams in Maine, Rebecca Schroeder DNP, MPH, RN, PMHNP, BC


Seeing Bullshit Rhetorically: Human Encounters and Cultural Values, Leonard Shedletsky


Placental Tissue Collection, Processing, and Measurement Procedures for Application in Large Scale Assessment of Placental Inflammation, Lindsey A. Sjaarda PhD, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Daniel L. Kuhr, TIffany L. Holland, Ukpebo R. Omoshigo, Brian T. Steffan, Natalie K. Weir, Hannah K. Tollman, Robert M. Silver, Michael Y. Tsai, and Enrique F. Schisterman


Grantee Organization Spotlight: Tri-County Mental Health Services. MeHAF's Addition Care Program, Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, Katie Rosingana BA, and Rachel M. Gallo MPH


Expanding Access to MAT through Primary Care Practices, Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, Katie Rosingana BA, and E Haram


Maine Health Access Foundation Addiction Care Program: Interim Evaluation Report, Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, Katie Rosingana BA, Frances Jimenez BA, Rachel M. Gallo MPH, and Mark Richards BS


Linking a Community: Bringing People Together for Comprehensive MAT, Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, Katie Rosingana BA, Mark Richards BS, and Frances Jimenez BA


Using Place-Based Economically Relevant Organisms to Improve Student Understanding of the Roles of Carbon Dioxide, Sunlight, and Nutrients in Photosynthetic Organisms (2018), Michelle K. Smith, Emma Toth, Kim Borges, Farahad Dastoor, Jason Johnston, Eric H. Jones, Peter Nelson, Jennifer Page, Karen Nicole Pelletreau, Nancy Prentiss, Judith L. Roe, Joseph K. Staples, Mindi M. Summers, Elizabeth Trenckmann, and Erin Vinson


Adults Using Long Term Services and Supports: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, SFY 2016, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Frances Jimenez BA; Tina Gressani; and Louise Olsen


A cross-cultural examination of the relationship between egalitarian gender role attitudes and life satisfaction, Jilwan Soltanpanah, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Sarah E. Martiny, and Floyd W. Rudmin


Similar Acute Physiological Responses from Effort and Duration Matched Leg Press and Recumbent Cycling Tasks, James Steele, Andrew Butler, Zoe Comerford, Jason Dyer, Nathan Lloyd, Joshua Ward, James Fisher, Paolo Gentil, Christopher B. Scott PhD, and Hayao Ozaki


Energy Expenditure, Physiological, and Perceptual Responses to a Brief, Simple Bodyweight Resistance Training Protocol in Previously Sedentary Adults, James Steele Ph.D, Rebecca Conway, Sarah Weber, Jordan Weber, Paulo Gentil, Christopher B. Scott PhD, and Hayao Ozaki PhD


Patterns of Telehealth Use Among Rural Medicaid Beneficiaries, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Amanda Burgess MPPM, Deborah Thayer MBA, Lily Parenteau, Nathan Paluso MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


The Behaviorally-Enlightened Fiduciary: Addressing Moral Dilemmas through a Decision-Theoretic Model of Moral Value Judgment, Derek Tharp Ph.D.


Improving student comprehension of policy design using social construction of target populations theory, Travis P. Wagner and Lisa A. Morris


Assessing the use of default choice modification to reduce consumption of plastic straws, Travis P. Wagner and Patti Toews


Low-Income, Uninsured Mainers Face Substantial Challenges Getting Health Care, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Amanda Burgess MPPM, and Barbara Leonard MPH


Health Equity Challenges in Rural America, Erika C. Ziller PhD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Access to Health Care Services for Adults in Maine [Policy Brief], Erika C. Ziller PhD, Barbara Leonard MPH, Amanda Burgess MPPM, and Nathan Paluso MPH


Medicaid Income Eligibility Transitions Among Rural Adults, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Deborah Thayer, and Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS

Publications from 2017


Caring for orphans and vulnerable children in institutional care facilities in sub-Saharan Africa: A social development intervention., Reuben Addo PhD


Reducing Unintended Pregnancies as a Strategy to Avert Zika-Related Microcephaly Births in the United States: A Simulation Study, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Jennifer A. Hutcheon, Loretta E. Gavin, and Susan Moskosky MS


Birth Order and Injury-Related Infant Mortality in the United States, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Lauren M. Rossen PhD, Maria E. Thoma PhD, Margaret Warner PhD, and Alan E. Simon MD