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Publications from 2018


Optimal Birth Spacing: What Can We Measure and What Do We Want to Know?, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD and Jennifer A. Hutcheon


Report of the Office of Population Affairs Expert Work Group Meeting on Short Birth Spacing and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Methodological quality of existing studies and future directions for research, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Jennifer A. Hutcheon, Cande V. Anath, Olga Basso, Peter A. Briss, Cynthia D. Ferré, Brittni N. Frederiksen, Sam Harper, Sonia Hernández-Díaz DrPH, Ashley H. Hirai, Russell S. Kirby, Mark A. Klebanoff, Laura Lindberg, Sunni L. Mumford, Heidi D. Nelson, Robert W. Platt, Laura M. Rossen, Alison M. Stuebe, Marie E. Thoma, Catherine J. Vladitiu, and Susan Moskosky


Updating the Systematic Reviews Used to Develop the U.S. Recommendations for Providing Quality Family Planning Services, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD and Susan B. Moskosky MS


Short Interpregnancy Intervals and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in High-Resource Settings: An updated systematic review, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Heidi Nelson, Reva L. Stidd, Susan Moskosky, and Jennifer A. Hutcheon


Unintended Pregnancy and Interpregnancy Interval by Maternal Age, National Survey of Family Growth, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Maria E. Thoma PhD, Casey E. Copen, Brittni N. Frederiksen, Emily J. Decker, and Susan Moskosky MS


Introduction: Claire’s Key Phrases, Kathleen M. Ashley PhD


Falls and Delirium in an Acute Care Setting: A retrospective chart review before and after an organisation‐wide interprofessional education, Rhonda L. Babine MS, APRN, ACNS-BC; Kristiina E. Hyrkas PhD, MNSc, RN; Sarah Hallen MD; Heidi R. Weirman MD; Deborah A. Bachand BSN, RN, NE-BC; Joanne L. Chapman MSN, MEd, RN, NE-BC; and Valerie J. Fuller PhD, DNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FNAP


Raw, roast or half-baked? Hogarth’s beef in Calais Gate, Piers Beirne PhD


Three Parables from Fly Speck Farm, Michael Bendzela MA


Edge of the Road with Lydia Jones, Marni Berger MFA


Edith and Sweater, Marni Berger MFA


"I Am Not Your Muse" and Other Lies Our Teacher Told Me, Marni Berger MFA


On the Authority and Surrender of Writing a Novel: A Conversation with Laura Catherine Brown, Marni Berger MFA


Trauma Informed Care: What Nurses Need to Know, Rachel Capote; Brenda Petersen PhD, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CPNP-PC; and Lisa Di Leo Mercer


Initial assessment of the psychometric properties of the Sexual Harassment Reporting Attitudes Scale, Brian Cesario, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, and Mujgan Turgut


Performing Without a Net? Safer-Sex In Porn, Wendy Chapkis PhD


An Analysis of Recent Empirical Data on ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’, Yishai Cohen PhD


Atonement’s Axiological Boundaries, Yishai Cohen PhD


Deliberating in the Presence of Manipulation, Yishai Cohen PhD


Trends in health insurance coverage of Title X Family Planning Program clients, 2005-2015, Emily J. Decker MPH, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Christina I. Fowler PhD, Marion Carter PhD, Loretta Gavin PhD, and Susan Moskosky MS


The Talk, Gibson Fay-LeBlanc MFA


Youth Perceptions of Stress and Coping When Transitioning to Adulthood with Autism: A Photovoice Study, Jennifer M. First PhD, Nancy C. Cheak-Zamora, Michelle Teti DrPH, Anna Maurer-Batjer, and Nathan L. First


Post-traumatic growth 2.5 years after the 2011 Joplin, Missouri tornado, Jennifer M. First PhD, Nathan First, Jordan Stevens, Vicky Mieseler, and J. Brian Houston PhD


Clinic-Based Programs to Prevent Repeat Teen Pregnancy: A systematic review, Brittni N. Frederiksen PhD, MPH; Katherine A. Ahrens PhD; Maria I. Rivera MPH; Nikita M. Malcolm; Anna W. Brittain MHS; Julia M. Rollison PhD, MPH; and Susan B. Moskosky MS


Strategies to Combat Opioid Use in Rural Communities, John A. Gale MS