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Publications from 2004


Affecting History: Impersonating Women in the Early Republic, Lorrayne Carroll PhD


Learning to Wait, Gibson Fay-LeBlanc MFA


Quality Indicators for Home and Community-based Services [Working Paper], Julie T. Fralich MBA and Stuart Bratesman MPP


Constraints on Adaptive Evolution: The functional trade-off between reproduction and fast-start swimming performance in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata), Cameron K. Ghalambor, David N. Reznick, and Jeffrey A. Walker PhD

La démarche poétique from Vico to Surrealism, Kim Grant PhD

MaineCare Personal Assistance Services in the Workplace, Carolyn E. Gray MPH and Sara Salley JD, MPPM


Contributing Factors to Student Success in Anatomy & Physiology: Lower Outside Workload & Better Preparation., David E. Harris, Lynn Hannum, and Sat Gupta


Are Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses a Solution to Rural Mental Health Workforce Shortages?, David Hartley PhD, MHA; Valerie Hart PhD, MSN; Nancy P. Hanrahan PhD, RN; and Stephenie L. Loux MS


Labor at ‘Mother Warren’: Paternalism, Welfarism, and Dissent at S.D. Warren, Michael Hillard


A Comparison of American and European Attempts to Restrict Unsolicited Commercial E-mail, Carter H. Manny JD


Ending Social Work's Grudge Match: Problems Versus Strengths, J. Curtis McMillen, Lisa A. Morris PhD, and Michael Sherraden


Characterizing wetland landscapes: a spatio-temporal analysis of remotely sensed data at Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas, Firooza Pavri and James S. Aber


Torn at the Roots: The Crisis of Jewish Liberalism in Postwar America (Book review), Abraham J. Peck PhD

Access to Community Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities, Mark Richards BS


Interpreting Anaerobic and Total Energy Expenditure for Brief Non-Exhaustive Exercise and Recovery, Christopher B. Scott PhD


The Characterization of an Organomercury Hapten and Bioconjugate using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Elizabeth A. Stemmler, Anthony B. Costa, Caryn K. Prudenté PhD, and Margaret C. Hausman PhD

Combining lumbar extension training with McKenzie therapy: effects on pain, disability, and psychosocial functioning in chronic low back pain patients, B E. Udermann, J M. Mayer, R G. Donelson, James Graves PhD, and S R. Murray


Can a patient educational book change behavior and reduce pain in chronic low back pain patients?, B E. Udermann, K F. Spratt, R G. Donelson, J M. Mayer, James Graves PhD, and J Tillotson

Personal Assistance Services for Workers with Disabilities: Case Studies, L. Vaughn, L. Evans, and Carolyn E. Gray MPH


Hazardous waste: Evolution of a national environmental problem, Travis P. Wagner


Dynamics of Pectoral Fin Rowing in a Fish with an Extreme Rowing Stroke: The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), Jeffrey A. Walker PhD


Trehalose Is Required for Growth of Mycobacterium smegmatis, Peter J. Woodruff PhD, Brian L. Carlson, Bunpote Siridechadilok, Matthew R. Pratt, Ryan H. Senaratne, Joseph D. Mougous, Lee W. Riley, Spencer J. Williams, and Carolyn R. Bertozzi


Levels and patterns of PAH distribution in sediments from New York/New Jersey Harbor Complex, Beizhan Yan, Lucille Benedict PhD, Damon A. Chaky, Richard F. Bopp, and Teofilo A. Abrajano


Patterns of Individual Health Insurance Coverage, 1996-2000, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Timothy D. McBride PhD, and Courtney Andrews

Publications from 2003


Review of "Santa Cruz de Coimbra: A cultura portuguesa aberta à Europa na idade média/The Portuguese Culture Opened to Europe in the Middle Ages", Kathleen M. Ashley PhD