"Combining lumbar extension training with McKenzie therapy: effects on " by B E. Udermann, J M. Mayer et al.

Combining lumbar extension training with McKenzie therapy: effects on pain, disability, and psychosocial functioning in chronic low back pain patients

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Gundersen Lutheran Medical Journal


Background Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a condition that continues to place considerable strain on the healthcare resources of industrialized societies. Clinicians and researchers strive to develop and assess potential intervention strategies to effectively treat CLBP. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of McKenzie (McK) therapy combined with resistance training for the lumbar extensors (RTLE) on pain, disability, and psychosocial functioning in CLBP patients. Methods Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups that received McK therapy. One group received McK therapy combined with RTLE (McK + RTLE), and the other group received McK therapy only. Data were collected at a university musculoskeletal research laboratory

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