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Publications from 2003


Review of "Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic Act in the York Corpus Christi Plays" by Sarah Beckwith, Kathleen M. Ashley PhD


Review of "Hamlet in Purgatory" by Stephen Greenblatt, Benjamin Bertram PhD


Work Book: Improving the Quality of Home and Community-based Services and Supports, Maureen Booth MRP, MA and Julie T. Fralich MBA


Review of: Mayan Visions: The Quest for Autonomy in an Age of Globalization, David Carey


Building Region into Modernism: Marden Hartley's Church at Head Tide, Maine (1938), Donna Cassidy


Learning to Wait; The Ledge, Gibson Fay-LeBlanc MFA


Oakland Work Crew, Gibson Fay-LeBlanc MFA


Peer Sexual Harassment and Peer Violence Among Adolescents in Johanesburg and Chicago, Susan Fineran PhD, LICSW; Larry Bennett PhD; and Terry Sacco MSW


Sharing common ground: Learning about oppression through an experiential game, Susan Fineran PhD, LICSW; Rebecca M. Bolen PhD; Mary Urban-Keary; and Libby Zimmerman


Nitric Oxide Mediates Seasonal Muscle Potentiation in Clam Gills, Louis F. Gainey Jr. and Michael J. Greenberg

Gender socialization and low self-esteem in pre-adolescent girls: Implications for social work practice in the Caribbean, Natallie Gentles-Gibbs PhD, LCSW

MaineCare and Other Supports for Workers with Disabilities: A Summary Report of Focus Group Findings, Carolyn E. Gray MPH and Larry Glantz MSS, MSLP


Long-Term Observations of a Harbor Seal Haul-Out Site in a Protected Cove in Casco Bay, Gulf of Maine, David Harris PhD, Barbarai Lelli, and Sat Gupta


Thermal diffusion cloud chamber: New criteria for proper operation, Richard H. Heist, Anne Bertelsmann, Daniel M. Martinez PhD, and Yuk Fung Chan


Interactions Between Carbon Nanotubes and Biomolecules: Combinatorial Routes to Specific Binding, Lena Lopatuik, Richard H. Smith, Julie Ziffer, Christopher Snyder, Brent A. Little, Ulrich H. Hansmann PhD, and Deron A. Walters PhD


Personal privacy — transatlantic perspectives: European and American privacy: commerce, rights and justice — part II, Carter H. Manny JD


Privacy Protection for Health Information Transferred Between the European Union and the U.S.: A Comparison of Legal Frameworks, Carter H. Manny JD


Unloading-Induced Remodeling in the Normal and Hypertrophic Left Ventricle, Brian S. McGowan PhD, Christopher B. Scott PhD, Anbin Mu PhD, Richard J. McCormick PhD, Paul Thomas, and Kenneth B. Margulies MD


Enduring Freedom: Globalizing Children’s Rights, Constance L. Mui PhD and Julien Murphy PhD


Almanac of the Dead: The Dream of the Fifth World in the Borderlands, John Muthyala PhD


‘America’ in Transit: the Heresies of American Studies Abroad, John Muthyala PhD


Measuring Boltzmann's Constant Using Video Microscopy of Brownian Motion, Paul Nakroshis, Matthew Amoroso, Jason Legere, and Christian Smith


Monitoring Forest Cover Trends in Northeastern Kansas through Historical and Multi-Temporal Satellite-Image Analysis, Firooza Pavri, James S. Aber, Juliet A. Wallace, and Matthew C. Nowak


Institutional efficacy in resource management: temporally Congruent Embeddedness for Forest Systems of Western India, Firooza Pavri Ph.D. and Sanjay Deshmukh


Organomercury Bioconjugate Synthesis and Characterization by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Caryn K. Prudenté PhD and Margaret C. Hausman PhD