We are proud to share scholarship produced by our University of Southern Maine Faculty and Staff.

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Submissions from 2012


Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Primitive Asteroid Families, Julie Ziffer PhD, Humberto Campins PhD, Javier Licandro, Matthew E. Walker PhD, Yanga R. Fernández PhD, Beth Ellen Clark PhD, Thais Mothe-Diniz PhD, Ellen Howell PhD, and Rohit Deshpande PhD


Color Variation Within Inner-belt Asteroid Families, Julie Ziffer PhD, Thomas Harvell, Humberto Campins PhD, Michael S. P. Kelley PhD, Javier Licandro, and Yanga R. Fernández PhD


Using Surficial Reflectance Properties to Analyze Carbonaceous-Like Asteroid Subclasses, Julie Ziffer PhD, Ranae D. Poole, and Thomas Harvell


Health Status, Service Use and Cost among MaineCare Children in Foster Care, Erika C. Ziller PhD; Tina Gressani; Catherine McGuire BS; Kimberley S. Fox MPA; and Kyra Chamberlain MS, RN


Health Care Access and Use Among the Rural Uninsured [Article], Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD

Publications from 2011


Folic Acid Intake and Spina Bifida in the Era of Dietary Folic Acid Fortification, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, Mahsa M. Zahdy, Allen A. Mitchell MD, and Martha M. Werler ScD


A Wanderer in Poem Forest, Marni Berger MFA

Owascoag, Place of Much Grass: The Settlement of Black Poynt, Mayne in the Settlers Own Words, 1605-1800 (book review), Libby Bischof PhD


The influence of collection facility attributes on household collection rates of electronic waste: The case of televisions and computer monitors, Resources, Rachel Bouvier and Travis P. Wagner


Tolyl-Substituted Siloles: Synthesis, Substituent Effects, and Aggregation-Induced Emission, Trevor C. Bozeman, Katie A. Edwards, Kristopher M. Fecteau, Michael G. Verde Jr., Alex Blanchard, Danielle L. Woodall, Nicholas Benfaremo, James R. Ford, Jerome L. Mullin, Caryn K. Prudente Ph.D., and Henry J. Tracy


Colors of Asteroid Families, Humberto Campins PhD, Julie Ziffer PhD, Javier Licandro, and Julia de León PhD


Providing Better Care at Lower Cost: Building Maine's health data infrastructure to support financing and delivery system reform, Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Improving Hospital Patient Safety Through Teamwork: The Use of TeamSTEPPS in CAHs (Policy Brief #21), Andrew F. Coburn PhD and Zach T. Croll BA


CO-OP Health Plans: Can They Help Fix Rural America's Health Insurance Markets?, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Zach T. Croll BA


A New Tool for Classifying Small Solar System Objects, Ryan Desfosses, Derick Arel, Matthew E. Walker PhD, Julie Ziffer PhD, Thomas Harvell, Humberto Campins PhD, and Yanga R. Fernández PhD


Modifying Modernism: Hope Mirrlees and "The Really New Work of Art", Gibson Fay-LeBlanc MFA


Medicaid Managed Care: Background, Issues, and Options, Julie T. Fralich MBA


Maine's Community Living Program: Implementation and Outcomes, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Mark Richards BS, and Louise Olsen


Developing Regional STEMI Systems of Care: A Review of the Evidence and the Role of the Flex Program (Briefing Paper #29), John A. Gale MS


Developing Regional STEMI Systems of Care: A Review of the Evidence and the Role of the Flex Program (Policy Brief #23), John A. Gale MS


Stalking Crime Trends in Maine, 2007-2011, Amy Geren; George Shaler MPH; and Prashant Mittal MS, MSc


An Introduction to the Multisystem Model of Knowledge Integration and Translation, Debra Gillespie PhD, RN and Debra Kramlich MSN, RN, CCRN


How the Dodd-Frank Act Affects the Standard of Care Required of Brokers/Dealers, Joel Gold PhD, Jeffrey Gramlich PhD, and Dana A. Kerr PhD


Thinking Sex and American Religions, Megan Goodwin PhD


Vector Plot of Hemholtz Coil in Earth's Magnetic Field, Cody A. Goolsby-Cole PhD and Paul Nakroshis PhD