"Explaining NFL Fans' Purchase Intentions for Revered and Reviled Teams" by Jeremy J. Sierra PhD, Harry A. Taute et al.

Explaining NFL Fans' Purchase Intentions for Revered and Reviled Teams: A dual-process perspective

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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services


Prior research in consumer decision-making describes the increased utility derived from consideration of both cognitive and emotive determinants of choice (i.e., a dual-process approach). In the sport consumption context, cognitive factors such as personal beliefs and feelings for a particular team have been shown to influence fan behavior. Further, fans often engage in team-related discussion and behaviors rooted in cognitive and emotive perceptions; yet, research examining such factors jointly as determinants of sport consumption is limited. Using undergraduate business student samples from the southwest U.S., this research develops, tests, and shows support for two dual-process models for revered (Study1) and reviled (Study 2) National Football League (NFL) teams.


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