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Publications from 2011


'Paint and Be Happy’: The Modern Artist and the Amateur Painter – A Question of Distinction, Kim Grant PhD


A cardiovascular disease risk factor screening program designed to reach rural residents of Maine, USA, David E. Harris, Lois Hamel, Aboueissa AbouEl-Makarim, and Deborah Johnson


How Does the Rural Food Environment Affect Rural Childhood Obesity?, David Hartley PhD, MHA; Nathaniel J. Anderson MS, MPH; Kimberley Fox MPH; and Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS


A Comparison of Autoclass and Principal Component Analysis as Applied to Asteroid Families, Thomas Harvell, Julie Ziffer PhD, Humberto Campins PhD, Derick Arel, Ryan Desfosses, and Mark Reuillard


A Lightcurve and Color Analysis of Asteroid 4709 Ennomos, Thomas Harvell, Julie Ziffer PhD, Yanga R. Fernández PhD, Mark Reuillard, and Matthew E. Walker PhD


“How industrial policy could have saved America, and why we didn’t get one?, Michael Hillard


Implicit memory for novel associations between pictures: Effects of stimulus unitization and aging., Irene P. Kan, Margaret M. Keane, Elizabeth Martin, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD, Lindsay Lewis, and Mieke Verfaellie


Citalopram improves metabolic risk factors among high hostile adults: Results of a placebo-controlled intervention., Thomas W. Karmarck, Matthew F. Muldoon, Stephen B. Manuck, Roger F. Haskett, JeeWon Cheong, Janine D. Flory, and Elizabeth Vella


Affordability and Availability of Individual Health Insurance in Maine, Dana A. Kerr PhD


Macroeconomic Influences on Social Security Disability Insurance Application Rates, Dana A. Kerr PhD and Herbert J. Smoluk PhD


Maine's Women Offenders: What Do We Know?, Erica King MSW, Jillian Foley MPPM, and Mark Rubin

Predictors of Student Success in Undergraduate Business Statistics Course, Amarpreet S. Kohli PhD; Cheng Peng PhD; and Prashant Mittal MS, MSc


Countée Cullen, Jane Kuenz PhD


Aerobic Energy Expenditure: Overshoot in Recovery, Michael P. Leary and Christopher B. Scott PhD


State Restraints on Prescription Records: ‘Constitutional Flu’ or Legitimate Remedy?, Carter H. Manny JD


The Challenges of Online Education: Perspectives of a Department Chair, John Muthyala PhD


Annual Juvenile Recidivism Report, Becky Noréus


Geospatial Technologies Will Affect our Future, Firooza Pavri


Institutional Contexts, Forest Resources, and Local Communities in Western India: a Gendered Analysis, Firooza Pavri


Integrating multispectral ASTER and LiDAR data to characterize coastal wetland landscapes in the northeastern United States, Firooza Pavri, Abraham Dailey, and Vinton Valentine

Assessing Land Use and Riparian Buffers Along Maine's Presumpscot Watershed Using Landsat Thematic Mapper, Firooza Pavri Ph.D. and Timothy Lynch


Provision of Long Term Care Services by CAHs: Are Things Changing? (Policy Brief #19), Melanie Race MS, John A. Gale MS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Who Do You Bring to Practice? Making Plaster of Paris Masks, Carla Randall PhD, RN, CNE


Using Photovoice to Identify Service Needs of Older African American Methadone Clients, Daniel Rosen, Sara Goodkind, and Mary Lindsey Smith PhD


2011 Maine Crime Victimization Survey Report: Informing Public Policy for Safer Communities, Mark Rubin, Jennifer Dodge, Eric Chiasson, and Carmen Dorsey