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Publications from 2019


“If they misbehaved, we took a stick to discipline them”: Refugee mothers' struggles raising children in the United States, Hermeet K. Kohli PhD, MSW and Susan Fineran PhD, LICSW


“The Rain Grows Plants, the Thunder Does Not”: Refugee Mothers’ Narratives on Child Abuse and Neglect, Hermeet K. Kohli PhD, MSW and Susan Fineran PhD, LICSW


School-Based Policing in Maine: A study on School Resource Officers in Maine’s public schools., Danielle Layton MSW and George Shaler MPH


Visualizing Feminized International Migration Flows in the 1990s, Diego F. Leal PhD, Ragini Malhotra PhD, and Joya Misra PhD


Actions Speak Louder than Words: Designing transdisciplinary approaches to enact solutions, Vanessa R. Levesque PhD, Aram J. K. Calhoun, and Kathleen P. Bell


Comment to Caranti’s Kant’s Political Legacy, Robert B. Louden PhD


Education and the Overcoming of Evil, Robert B. Louden PhD


Kant the Naturalist, Robert B. Louden PhD


Availability of Services Related to Achieving Pregnancy in U.S. Publicly Funded Family Planning Clinics, Ana Carolina Loyola Briceno MPH; Katherine A. Ahrens PhD; Marie E. Thoma PhD, MPH; and Susan Moskowsky


Food webs and species biodiversity of the fouling community associated with bivalve aquaculture farms compared to analogous non-farm structures, Carissa Elizabeth Maurina, Carrie J. Byron, Karen A. Wilson, and Adam T. St Gelais


Dismissing chronic illness: a qualitative analysis of negative healthcare experiences, Stephanie McManimen, Damani McClellan, Jamie Soothoff, Kristen D. Gleason PhD, and Leonard A. Jason


Embodying the police: The effects of enclothed cognition on shooting decisions, Saaid A. Mendoza and Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD


On Mattresses, Michelle Menting PhD


The Salience of "Hegemonic Masculinity", James Messerschmidt PhD


Labjack-controller: Robust and Easy Data Collection with Labjack T-Series DAQs in Python, Benjamin A. Montgomery and Paul Nakroshis PhD


The University of the Future: Stiegler after Derrida, Constance Mui and Julien Murphy PhD


Artist Impact: Effects of Live Art on Patients and Staff in an Outpatient Chemotherapy Treatment Environment, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm PhD and Erin M. Ferrell


Chemoenzymatic radiosynthesis of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-d-trehalose ([18F]-2-FDTre): A PET radioprobe for in vivo tracing of trehalose metabolism, Santiago Peña-Zalbidea, Ashley Y-T Huang, Herbert W. Kavunja, Beatriz Salinas, Maunel Desco, Christopher Drake, Peter J. Woodruff PhD, Juan J. Vaquero, and Benjamin M. Swarts


Network Temporality and Financialization in Duncan Jones's 'Moon' and 'Source Code', David P. Pierson PhD


'The Shield' and 'Breaking Bad' as Televisual Fallen Man Serial Melodramas, David P. Pierson PhD


Review of "Lives of Consequence: Blacks in Early Kittery & Berwick in the Massachusetts Province of Maine" by Patricia Q. Wall, Eve Allegra Raimon PhD


Book Review: Hear My Voice by David Vaughan, Seth Rogoff PhD


Letter from Berlin, Kreuzberg, Seth Rogoff PhD


Nirvana is Here (book review), Seth Rogoff PhD


Transit Comet Eclipse (book review), Seth Rogoff PhD