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Publications from 2020


The Role of the Opioid Crisis in Elder Abuse, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Jennifer Pratt, and Stuart Bratesman MPP


Early Childhood in Portland: Perspectives on Child Care and Development, Emilie Swenson MSW and Susy Hawes


Telebehavioral health (TBH) use among rural medicaid beneficiaries: Relationships with telehealth policies, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Yvonne Jonk PhD, Amanda Burgess MPPM, Deborah Thayer, Nathan Paluso MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Virtually possible: using telehealth to bring reproductive health care to women with opioid use disorder in rural Maine, Terri-Ann Thompson, Katherine A. Ahrens PhD, and Leah Coplon


Policy instruments to reduce consumption of expanded polystyrene food service ware in the USA, Travis P. Wagner


Process of Identifying Measures and Data Elements for the HRSA School-Based Telehealth Network Grant Program, Marcia M. Ward PhD; Kimberley Fox MPA; Kimberly Merchant; Amanda Burgess MPPM, MPH; Fred Ullrich; Karen Pearson MLIS, MA; George Shaler MPH; Christopher Shea; Steve North; and Carlos Mena


Health Care Use and Access among Rural and Urban Nonelderly Adult Medicare Beneficiaries, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Amanda Burgess MPPM, and Deborah Thayer MBA


Rural-Urban Residence and Mortality among Three Cohorts of U.S. Adults, Erika C. Ziller PhD; Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; and Katherine A. Ahrens MPH, PhD


A Century Later: Rural Public Health's Enduring Challenges and Opportunities., Erika C. Ziller PhD and Carly Milkowski MPH

Publications from 2019


Animals, Women and Terms of Abuse: Towards a Cultural Etymology of Con(e)y, Cunny, Cunt and C*nt, Piers Beirne PhD


Fertility: A Parable, Michael Bendzela MA


What Is Rural? Challenges and Implications of Definitions that Inadequately Encompass Rural People and Places., Kevin J Bennett PhD; Tyrone F Borders PhD; George M. Holmes PhD; Katy Backes Kozhimannil PhD, MPA; and Erika C. Ziller PhD


The SAT's Can Go Fuck Themselves, Marni Berger MFA


Introduction: Balkan Transnationalism at the Time of Neoliberal Catastrophe, Dušan I. Bjelić PhD


"Experiments"; or, Housekeeping Ain't No Joke", Lorrayne Carroll PhD


The “New” Secondhand Smoke: E-cigarette use in US households with children, Jenny L. Carwile ScD, MPH; Abby F. Fleisch MD, MPH; Kirsten Young DO; and Katherine A. Ahrens PhD


Long-Term Services and Supports Use Among Older Medicare Beneficiaries in Rural and Urban Areas, Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Erika C. Ziller PhD; Nathan Paluso MPH; Deborah Thayer MBA; and Jean A. Talbot PhD, MPH


Combined smoking cues enhance cue-induced craving and smoking behavior, and predict immediate subsequent smoking, Cynthia A. Conklin PhD, F. Joseph McClernon PhD, Elizabeth J. Vella PhD, Christopher J. Joyce MS, Ronald P. Salkeld BS, Craig S. Parzynski MS, and Lee Bennett BA


Sustainable Public-Private Strategies to Improve Population Health in Maine: Annotated Bibliography, Zachariah Croll MPH


What to Expect with MaineCare Expansion [OpEd], Zachariah T. Croll BA


Health Status and Access to Care among Maine's Low-Income Childless Adults: Implications for State Medicaid Expansion, Zachariah T. Croll MPH and Erika C. Ziller PhD


Sociodemographic and Health Status Characteristics of Maine's Newly Eligible Medicaid Beneficiaries [Data Brief], Zachariah T. Croll MPH, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Barbara Leonard MPH


Community Impact and Benefit Activities of Critical Access, Other Rural, and Urban Hospitals, 2017, Zach T. Croll MPH, John A. Gale MS, and Jeremy Zuckero


Degradation-resistant trehalose analogues block utilization of trehalose by hypervirulent Clostridioides difficile, Noah D. Danielson, James Collins, Alicyn I. Stothard, Qing Qing Dong, Karishma Kalera, Peter J. Woodruff PhD, Brian J. DeBosch, Robert A. Britton, and Benjamin M. Swarts


“Feminist Leanings:” Tracing Technofeminist and Intersectional Practices and Values in Three Decades of Computers and Composition, Lori Beth De Hertogh, Liz Lane, and Jessica Ouellette PhD