Thinking Matters Symposium Archive
What is Thinking Matters?
Innovative teaching and creative work – whether in a classroom, in a lab or in a studio – are the heart of any dynamic university culture. At theUniversity of Southern Maine, it is showcased at Thinking Matters, a one-day, once-a-year conference, that is a capstone that reflects what's going on all year long in departments all across campus. It promotes the high quality student-faculty research collaborations and opportunities available to both graduate and undergraduate students.
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Presentations from 2020
Estimating Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome in Maine Using Hospital Discharge Data, Emily Bauer MPH
CAS9 Mediated Gene Drive Might be the Best Way to Eradicate Malaria Worldwide, Merveidie L. Bayingana
Mobile Robotic Platform: Autonomous Navigation, Robert Bell-Isle and Tyler Werner
The Effect of the Relocation of the Oxford Street Shelter on Individuals Experiencing Homelessness, Priscila Bitencourt, Abby Brown, Eleanor Ginder, and Katie Hardy
Photo-inducible energy expenditure as a treatment for metabolic disease, Sophia Blanchard
Impact of Earthworms on Plant Development, Soil Properties, and Root Response, Lucia Bolles, Alexandria Miller, and Elisabeth Seliga
Reducing Healthcare Professionals’ Stigma Toward Persons with Opioid Use Disorder, Denise Bouchard
Transgenerational Inheritance of Trauma Through Epigenetic Mechanisms, Alia Bradley
Alarmingly Low Number of Women Coaches in College and Professional Basketball, Fletcher Brown
The Process of Nominating Democratic Party Candidates, Lucy Brown
Comparing Zooplankton Diversity Across a Gradient of Lake Size and Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Western Lakes Region of Maine, Adeline Casali
Effects Of Peer Victimization On LGBTQ Youth, Kristen Charest and Carol Oehlschlager
How CRISPR Prime Edited Gene Drives could lead to a Genetic Revolution, Benjamin Clifford
Mindfulness: A Study to Reduce unwanted Behaviors in the Classroom, Victoria Codrey and Shane Waters
Microbial Fuel Cell Technology in Maine, Emma Cost
Pollution: A Global Threat, Dalton Covel
Experiences of Parents with Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Amy Crawford, Mataquess Phillips, and Chelsea Stephens
The Role of Oxidative Stress within the Astaxanthin Biosynthesis Pathway of Haematococcus pluvialis, Rachel Cray
Curriculum Development on Computer-Aided Design and Additive Manufacturing, Jennifer R. Curtis
Resilience-based programming for newly arrived children and youth: A case study of the Intercultural Program at the Center for Grieving Children, Katherine Cyrus
The Impact That Organizations and Managers Have on the Gender Wage Gap, Hannah J. Daigneault
Investigating the Effect that Inhibiting FABP4 or FABP5 May Have in Myeloma Cell Proliferation, Anastasia D'Amico
Detecting Microsatellite Instabilities to Diagnose Lynch Syndrome in Colorectal Cancer Patients, Alexandra Davis
Paralleling Generators: Synchronization Design & Power Flow Analysis, Ryan Dee
Transforming Maine’s All Payer Claims Database to an Internationally Used Common Data Model to Support Collaborative Research, Tega Dibie, Adam Black, and Thomas Merrill
The Risk of Developing Type 1 Diabetes is Increased by Certain Variants of the HLA Genes, Amira Djama
Arm Prosthesis, Deka Djama, Brendan Francis, Conor Sweatt, Heritier Itangishaka, Nicholas Sotir, and Noah Perry
Effectiveness of Targeted Student Behavior Change Using Community Based Social Marketing, Thomas Dolloff and Benjamin Whitcher
An Exploration of Medical Professional-Patient Communication about End-of-Life Care, Taylor Dyer
Quantifying Vascular Features in Plants Using Automated Image Segmentation, Berkeley Elias, Benjamin D. Hafner, Marc Goebel, and asheesh Lanba PhD
Measuring the Performance of Model Wind Turbine Rotors, Everett Fall
Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia has an unusual Inheritance Pattern Depending on the Gene Involved, Mahdi Farah
Assessing Telehealth in Maine using GIS, Dianna Farrell, Michael Long, Jean Paul Olish Djum, and Maxwell Smith
Writing in Real Life, Devin Forbush
Engineering a Better Pointe Shoe, Kallee Gallant
Analyzing The Uncertainty of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data, Kristen Gardner
Banner: Spectral Response of Musical Instruments Chladni Patterns and Drum’s impulse response, Daniel Gebremariam
Has Reading Harry Potter Affected Millennials as Leaders?, Amanda Giampetro
Potential Induction of Autophagy Post-Arsenic Exposure in a C6 Glial Cell Line, Emily Gibbs
The Love Power Synergy of Effective Leadership, Phillip A. Giordano
Rearing Black Soldier Fly Larvae on Different Food Sources to Study Heavy Metal Accumulation, Julie Gourlay and Brianha Loring
Dawnland Archaeology: Cultural Heritage, Public Awareness, and Tourism in the State of Maine, Julia A. Gustafson
Experiences of Female Sex Trafficking Survivors who have Accessed Treatment for Substance Use: A Systematic Review, Nicole J. Hallett
K-12 Environmental Education Program, Sam Harden
Mothers in Recovery: A Phenomenological Study, Catherine Henning and Devin Moore
Improving Primary Health Care for Men Who Have Sex With Men, Kyle A. Holmquist
Yoga Teacher Training Graduates: The Eight Limbs of Yoga at Work, Ella Jenness
Repairing and Fine Tuning of a Mechanically Driven Clock, Scott Jipson