The Population Health and Health Policy (PHHP) program at the Cutler Institute conducts policy-driven research, evaluation, policy analysis and technical assistance focusing on the public health system and the delivery of healthcare services. Our research is conducted in the areas of healthcare access, quality and financing; public health systems and practice; and rural health.

We focus our work in the following areas:

  • Healthcare Access, Quality, & Financing
  • Public Health Systems & Practice
  • The Maine Public Health Institute
  • Rural Health




A Preliminary Case Mix Model for Adult Protective Services Clients in Maine, Kimberly Mooney Murray and Elise J. Bolda PhD


Opportunities to Increase Access and Availability of Pharmacy Services in West Virginia, Gino Nalli MPH



Models for Integrating and Managing Acute and Long-term Care Services in Rural Areas [Working Paper], Andrew F. Coburn PhD


MaineHealth Access Project: Findings from Consumer Focus Groups, Erika C. Ziller


Effects of changing Medicaid fees on physician participation and enrollee access., Andrew F. Coburn Ph.D., Stephen H. Long Ph.D., and M. Susan Marquis Ph.D.


Rural Models for Integrating Primary Care and Mental Health Services., Donna C. Bird PhD; David Lambert PhD; David Hartley PhD, MHA; Peter G. Beeson; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD

The Role of Health Services Research in Developing State Health Policy, Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Rural Models for Integrating and Managing Acute and Long-term Care Services [Working Paper], Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Elise Bolda PhD, John W. Seavey PhD, Julie T. Fralich MBA, and Deborah Curtis MPH


Employer-based Health Insurance Coverage of Workers: Are Rural Firms and Workers Different?, Andrew F. Coburn and Elizabeth Kilbreth


Urban-rural Differences in Employer-based Health Insurance Coverage of Workers, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Elizabeth H. Kilbreth PhD, Stephen H. Long PhD, and M. Susan Marquis PhD

Management of Patients with Depression by Rural Primary Care Practitioners., David Hartley PhD, MHA; Neil Korsen MD; Donna C. Bird PhD; and Marc S. Agger MPH

Satisfaction with Practice in a Rural State: Perceptions of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives, Anne B. Keith RN, DrPH, C-PNP; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; and Elizabeth Mahoney JD

State-sponsored Programs for the Uninsured: Is There Adverse Selection?, Elizabeth Kilbreth PhD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Catherine McGuire BS, Diane P. Martin, Paula Hagedorn Diehr, C. W. Madden, and S. M. Skillman


The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal Spending, Jeffrey Merrill and Kimberley S. Fox MPA


Rural Primary Care Practitioners are a Major Source of Mental Health Services, David Hartley PhD, MHA


Managerial Responses to Medicaid Prospective Payment in the Nursing Home Sector., W M. Reid and Andrew F. Coburn PhD



Does the Quality of Rural and Urban Nursing Homes Differ?, Andrew F. Coburn, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Catherine McGuire BS, and Richard Fortlinsky PhD

Legislative and Policy Strategies for Supporting Rural Health Network Development: Lessons from the 103rd Congress, Andrew F. Coburn PhD and Keith J. Mueller PhD


Estimating the Costs of Substance Abuse to the Medicaid Hospital Care Program, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Jeffrey C. Merrill MPH, Han-hua Chang MA, and Joseph A. Califano LLB


An Expert Panel Approach to Assessing the Rural Implications of Health Care Reform: The Case of the Health Security Act., Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Sam M. Cordes PhD, Robert A. Crittenden MD, J. Patrick Hart PhD, Keith J. Mueller PhD, Wayne W. Myers MD, and Thomas R. Ricketts PhD


Variations in Outcomes of Care in Urban and Rural Nursing Facilities in Maine, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Catherine McGuire BS, and Richard Fortlinsky PhD


The Cost of Substance Abuse to America’s Health Care System; Report 2: Medicare Hospital Costs, Kimberly S. Fox MPA


Health Insurance Coverage Among Small Rural and Urban Businesses, Elizabeth Kilbreth, Andrew F. Coburn, and Marc Agger


Small and Rural: The Double Jeopardy in Expanding Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage, Elizabeth Kilbreth, Andrew F. Coburn, and Marc Agger


Effect of Prospective Reimbursement on Nursing Home Costs., Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Richard H. Fortinsky PhD, Catherine McGuire BS, and T P McDonald

The Impact of Prospective Reimbursement on Nursing Home Costs, Access to Care and Quality of Care, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Thomas P. MacDonald, Richard H. Fortinsky PhD, Catherine A. McGuire BS, and Julie T. Fralich MBA


Developing Consumer-centered Quality Assurance Strategies for Home Care, P.A. Riley, Richard H. Fortinsky PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD



Health Services Research in a Quick and Dirty World: the New York City Hospital Occupancy Crisis, Lois P. Myers, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, and Bruce C. Vladeck


A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Medicaid Prospective Reimbursement on Nursing Home Care in Maine [Report #4], Andrew F. Coburn, Thomas P. MacDonald, Richard H. Fortinsky PhD, Catherine McGuire BS, and Julie T. Fralich MBA


Management Responses to Maine's Nursing Home Prospective Payment System, T. McDonald, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, and Julie T. Fralich MBA


A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Medicaid Prospective Reimbursement on Nursing Home Care in Maine [Report #3], Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Thomas P. MacDonald, Richard H. Fortinsky PhD, Catherine McGuire BS, and Julie T. Fralich MBA


The Development and Implementation of Maine's Nursing Home Prospective Payment System, Andrew F. Coburn PhD and Julie T. Fralich MBA


Innovative Practices in Nursing Homes, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, A. Bernard, Freda Bernotavicz, Julie T. Fralich MBA, and J. Thompson

Containing Health Care Costs: Issues and Proposed Legislation for Maine Conference Proceedings, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Nini McManamy, Donna Roberts, and Anne Bernard