The Population Health and Health Policy (PHHP) program at the Cutler Institute conducts policy-driven research, evaluation, policy analysis and technical assistance focusing on the public health system and the delivery of healthcare services. Our research is conducted in the areas of healthcare access, quality and financing; public health systems and practice; and rural health.

We focus our work in the following areas:

  • Healthcare Access, Quality, & Financing
  • Public Health Systems & Practice
  • The Maine Public Health Institute
  • Rural Health




Assessing Quality Improvement in Local Health Departments: Results from the Multi-State Learning Collaborative., Brenda M. Joly PhD, MPH; Maureen Booth MRP, MA; George Shaler MPH; and Prashant Mittal MS, MSc


Promoting Early Detection of Psychosis: The Role of Community Outreach, Brenda M. Joly PhD, MPH; Kimberly Pukstas-Bernard PhD; Martha Elbaum Williamson MPA; and Prashant Mittal MSc, MS


Evidence-Based Falls Prevention in CAHs (Policy Brief #24), Karen B. Pearson MLIS, MA and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Landscape of Maine Patient Safety Activities: A Report to the Dirigo Health Agency’s Maine Quality Forum, Judith B. Tupper DHEd, CHES, CPPS and Carolyn E. Gray MPH


Achieving Consensus on Measure-Driven Child Health Quality: Maine’s Improving Health Outcomes for Children Initiative, Martha Elbaum Williamson MPA; Nargiza Fuzailova MD, MPH; and Kimberley S. Fox MPA


Health Status, Service Use and Cost among MaineCare Children in Foster Care, Erika C. Ziller PhD; Tina Gressani; Catherine McGuire BS; Kimberley S. Fox MPA; and Kyra Chamberlain MS, RN


Health Care Access and Use Among the Rural Uninsured [Article], Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD



Improving Hospital Patient Safety Through Teamwork: The Use of TeamSTEPPS in CAHs (Policy Brief #21), Andrew F. Coburn PhD and Zach T. Croll BA


CO-OP Health Plans: Can They Help Fix Rural America's Health Insurance Markets?, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Zach T. Croll BA


Improving Health Outcomes for Foster Care Children in Maine DRAFT Conceptual Model, Culter Institute of Health and Social Policy


Dietary Intake, Food Security, and Acculturation Among Somali Refugees in the United States: Results of a Pilot Study, Jigna M. Dharod, Jamar Croom MS, Chris G. Sady, and Dale Morrell


Baseline Data for Maine Pediatric and Family Practices from ARRA-funded HIT Ambulatory Practice Survey Data, Kimberley S. Fox MPA

Assessing the Proximity of Healthy Food Options and Food Deserts in a Rural Area in Maine: Local Food Systems and the Applied Geography of Food, Teresa A. Hubley


Crafting a Foundation for Evaluating a Worksite Wellness Program, Teresa A. Hubley and Kay Dutram


The High Performance Rural Health Care System of the Future, Keith J. Mueller PhD; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Jennifer P. Lundblad PhD, MBA; and A. Clinton MacKinney MD, MS


The Maine Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Pilot: Implementation Evaluation, Susan M.C. Payne PhD, MPH and Carolyn E. Gray MPH


Provision of Long Term Care Services by CAHs: Are Things Changing? (Policy Brief #19), Melanie Race MS, John A. Gale MS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Final Report: The Practice and Impact of Shared Decision-Making, Shared Decision-Making Study Group for the Dirigo Health Agency’s Maine Quality Forum


Maine Pediatric and Family Practice Survey Chartbook: Improving Health Outcomes for Children, Martha Elbaum Williamson MPA, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Al Leighton BA, and Stuart Bratesman MPP


Understanding the rural food environment: Perspectives of low-income parents, Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA; Al Leighton BA; Kimberley Fox MPA; and David Hartley PhD, MHA


Health Care Access and Use Among the Rural Uninsured [Policy Brief], Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD



Incorporating Statistical Uncertainty in the Use of Physician Cost Profiles, John L. Adams PhD; Elizabeth A. McGlynn PhD; J. William Thomas PhD; and Ateev Mehrotra MD, MPH

Physician Cost Profiling — Reliability and Risk of Misclassification, John L. Adams PhD; Ateev Mehrotra MD, MPH; J. William Thomas PhD; and Elizabeth A. McGlynn PhD


Impact of Employment Transitions on Health Insurance Coverage of Rural Residents, Nathaniel J. Anderson MS, MPH; Erika C. Ziller PhD; Melanie M. Race MS; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Many Urban and Rural Workers Lose Health Insurance During Job Transitions, Nathaniel J. Anderson MS, MPH; Erika C. Ziller PhD; Melanie M. Race MS; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


The Role of State Flex Programs in Supporting Quality Improvement in CAHs (Policy Brief #16), Andrew F. Coburn PhD; John A. Gale MS; Mark Richards BA; and Anush Yousefian Hansen MS,MA


Models for Quality Improvement in CAHs: The Role of State Flex Programs (Briefing Paper #25), Andrew F. Coburn PhD; John A. Gale MS; Mark Richards BA; Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA; and Melanie Race MS


Designating Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically Underserved Populations/Medically Underserved Areas: A Primer on Basic Issues to Resolve, Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Jennifer P. Lundblad PhD, MBA; A. Clinton MacKinney MD,MS; Timothy D. McBride PhD; and Keith J. Mueller PhD


Improving Health Outcomes for Children (IHOC) in Maine Logic Model for Primary Care Practice Improvement, Cutler Institute of Health and Social Policy


Child Hunger: Its Prevalence and Association with Body Mass Index and Dietary Intake Among Somali Refugee Children in the United States, Jigna M. Dharod and Jamar Croom MS


Happy, Healthy and Well Project Report: May 1, 2009 - August 2010, Nadine Edris MSW, Kate Corbett, Madeleine Martin, Chris G. Sady, and Allison Vercoe


Rural America: A look beyond the images, John A. Gale MS


Encouraging Rural Health Clinics to Provide Mental Health Services: What are the options?, John A. Gale MS; Stephanie L. Loux MS; Barbara Shaw JD; and David Hartley PhD, MHA


The Provision of Mental Health Services by Rural Health Clinics, John A. Gale MS; Stephanie L. Loux MS; Barbara Shaw JD; and David Hartley PhD, MHA


Monitoring the Community Benefits of CAHs: A Review of the Data (Briefing Paper #24), John A. Gale MS, Melanie M. Race MS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Are Rural Health Clinics Part of the Rural Safety Net?, David Hartley PhD, MHA; John A. Gale MS; Al Leighton BA; and Stuart Bratesman MPP


Safety Net Activities of Independent Rural Health Clinics, David Hartley PhD, MHA; John A. Gale MS; Al Leighton BA; and Stuart Bratesman MPP


Characteristics of Inpatient Psychiatric Units in Small Rural Hospitals, David Hartley PhD, MHA; Stephanie L. Loux MS; David Lambert PhD; John A. Gale MS; and Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA


Early Detection and Intervention for the Prevention of Psychosis: Outreach Evaluation Report Year 3, Brenda M. Joly PhD


Evaluating the Multi-State Learning Collaborative, Brenda Joly; George Shaler MPH; Maureen Booth MRP, MA; Ann Conway PhD; and Prashant Mittal MS, MSc

Paying by the Rules: How Eliminating the Cost Shift Could Improve the Chances for Successful Health Care Reform, Elizabeth Kilbreth PhD


Analysis of Emergency Department Use In Maine: A Study Conducted on Behalf of the Emergency Department Use Work Group of the Maine Advisory Council on Health System Development, Elizabeth Kilbreth PhD, Barbara Shaw, Danny Westcott, and Carolyn E. Gray MPH


Access to Mental Health Services and Family Impact of Rural Children with Mental Health Problems, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; Erika C. Ziller PhD; David Lambert PhD; Melanie M. Race MS; and Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA


Mental Health Problems Have Considerable Impact on Rural Children and Their Families, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; Erika C. Ziller PhD; David Lambert PhD; Melanie Race MS; and Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA


Cost Profiles in Health Care: Should the Focus be on Individual Physicians or Physician Groups?, Ateev Mehrotra MD, MPH; John L. Adams PhD; J. William Thomas PhD; and Elizabeth A. McGlynn PhD


The Effect of Different Attribution Rules on Individual Physician Cost Profiles, Ateev Mehrotra MD, MPH; John L. Adams PhD; J. William Thomas PhD; and Elizabeth A. McGlynn PhD


Community Benefit Activities of CAHs, Non-Metropolitan Hospitals, and Metropolitan Hospitals, 2007, Melanie Race MS, John A. Gale MS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


State Initiatives Funded by the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant Program (Policy Brief #3), Melanie Race MS, John A. Gale MS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Monitoring the Community Benefits of CAHs: A Review of the Data (Policy Brief #13), Melanie M. Race MS, John Gale MS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Mental Health Services in Rural Jails [Policy Brief], Melanie M. Race MS; Anush Yousefian Hansen MS,MA; David Lambert PhD; and David Hartley PhD, MHA