The Population Health and Health Policy (PHHP) program at the Cutler Institute conducts policy-driven research, evaluation, policy analysis and technical assistance focusing on the public health system and the delivery of healthcare services. Our research is conducted in the areas of healthcare access, quality and financing; public health systems and practice; and rural health.

We focus our work in the following areas:

  • Healthcare Access, Quality, & Financing
  • Public Health Systems & Practice
  • The Maine Public Health Institute
  • Rural Health



Exploring Rural Health Clinic Quality Improvement Strategies, John A. Gale MS

Using FMT Tools to Monitor Community/population Health Performance, John A. Gale MS


CAH-Relevant Measures for Health System Development & Population Health (Policy Brief #42), John A. Gale MS, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, and Zach T. Croll MPH


Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Records by Rural Health Clinics: Results of a National Survey [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA


Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Records by Rural Health Clinics: Results of a National Survey [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA


Rural Health Clinic Readiness for Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition: Preparing for the Evolving Healthcare Marketplace [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA


Rural Health Clinic Readiness for Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition: Preparing for the Evolving Healthcare Marketplace [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Charity Care and Uncompensated Care Activities of Tax-Exempt Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Briefing Paper #35), John A. Gale MS, Jamar Croom MS, Zach T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD

Following the Needs Assessment: The Challenges of Developing a Meaningful Community Health Improvement Plan, John A. Gale MS and N. DuMont


Exploring the Business Case for Children's Telebehavioral Health, John A. Gale MS and David Lambert PhD


Catastrophic Consequences: Preliminary Findings on the Use of Opioids in Rural Communities [webinar], John A. Gale MS and Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS

Implementation and Monitoring Support for the FCHIP Demonstration: Task 2, Measure Development and Task 2a, Measure Evaluation, John A. Gale MS, T. Trapnell, A. Berkowitz, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Charity Care and Uncompensated Care Activities of Tax-Exempt Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Policy Brief #38), John Gale MS, Jamar Croom MS, Zach T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


First STEPS Phase III Initiative: Improving Oral Health and Healthy Weight in Children Final Evaluation Report, Carolyn E. Gray MPH and Kimberley S. Fox MPA


Adult Cancer Survivors in Maine, 2011-2012, Sara L. Huston PhD and Prashant Mittal MS, MSc


Rural and Remote Food Environments and Obesity, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; Anush Yousefian Hansen MS, MA; and David Hartley PhD


Engaging Patients in Health System Transformation: The experience of the Maine Health Access Foundation's (MeHAF) Advancing Payment Reform Initiative, Barbara Shaw JD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, and Kimberley S. Fox MPA


Health Data and Financing and Delivery System Reform: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?, Barbara Shaw JD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, and Andrea Gerstenberger ScD


Implications of Rural Residence and Single Mother Status for Maternal Smoking Behaviors, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Donald Szlosek MPH, and Erika C. Ziller PhD


Safety of Rural Nursing Home-to-emergency Department Transfers: Improving Communication and Patient Information Sharing Across Settings, Judith B. Tupper DHEd, CHES, CPPS; Carolyn E. Gray MPH; Karen B. Pearson MLIS, MA; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD

Mental Health First Aid in Rural Communities [Presentation], Erika C. Ziller PhD

Delay, Forego, Strategize: Affordability of Medical Care Among Rural Adults [Presentation], Erika C. Ziller PhD and Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS


Rural Implications of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Out-of-Pocket Spending among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Rural Adults Delay, Forego, and Strategize to Afford Their Pre-ACA Health Care, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Rural Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries Spend More out-of-Pocket Than Their Urban Counterparts, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD



New England Food Vision: Healthy Food for All, Sustainable Farming and Fishing, Thriving Communities, Molly Anderson, Amanda Beal, Joanne Burke, Brian Donahue, Linda Berlin, Tom Kelly, Mark Lapping, Russell Libby, and Hannah Ramer


Transforming Public Health Practice Through Accreditation (a user guide for the special accreditation issue)., Leslie M. Beitsch MD, JD; Liza C. Corso MPA; Mary V. Davis DrPH, MSPH; Brenda M. Joly PhD, MPH; Jessica Kronstadt MPP; and William J. Riley PhD


Creating Quality Improvement Culture in Public Health Agencies, Mary V. Davis DrPH, MSPH; Elizabeth Mahanna MPH; Brenda M. Joly PhD, MPH; Michael Zelek MPH; William J. Riley PhD; Pooja Verma MPH; and Jessica Solomon Fisher MCP


Early Lessons Learned in Implementing MaineCare Health Homes, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Carolyn E. Gray MPH, and Katherine Rosingana


MaineCare Health Homes Enrollment in the First Year of Implementation, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Carolyn E. Gray MPH, and Katherine Rosingana


MaineCare Stage A Health Homes Year 1 Report: Implementation Findings and Baseline Analysis, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Carolyn E. Gray MPH, Katherine Rosingana, and Deborah A. Thayer MBA

Factors Affecting Costs in Medicaid Populations with Behavioral Health Disorders, Elsie Freeman MD, MPH; Catherine McGuire BS; John W. Thomas PhD; and Deborah A. Thayer MBA

Turning around the struggling rural hospital: Shared responsibility and hard work, John A. Gale MS


Collaborative Community Health Needs Assessments: Approaches and Benefits for Critical Access Hospitals (FMT Policy Brief #36), John A. Gale MS, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, and Helen E. Newton BA


Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record by Rural Health Clinics [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record by Rural Health Clinics [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH


Integrated Care for Older Adults in Rural Communities, Eileen Griffin JD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Integrated Care Management in Rural Communities, Eileen Griffin JD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Introduction to Case Reports: One Goal - Many Journeys, Brenda M. Joly PhD, MPH and Mary V. Davis DrPH, MSPH

As the Nation Goes, so Goes Maine?, Elizabeth Kilbreth PhD


Profile of Rural Residential Care Facilities: A chartbook, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Eileen Griffin JD, Zachariah T. Croll MPH, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


High Deductible Health Insurance Plans in Rural Areas, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Rural residents more likely to be enrolled in high-deductible health plans, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Accreditation Readiness Review., Kate P. Marone CPH, MA; Brenda M. Joly PhD, MPH; Nancy Birkhimer MPH; Valerie J. Ricker MSN, MS; and Brynn Riley MS


Maine Voices: Accepting Federal Funds, Containing Costs Makes Sense for MaineCare, Trish Riley

Accessing and Using Health Data to Support Health System Transformation: The Early Experience of MeHAF Payment Reform Grantees, Barbara Shaw JD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Kimberley S. Fox MPA, and Andrea Gerstenberger ScD


Summary of Pediatric Quality Measures For Children Enrolled in MaineCare FFY 2009-FFY 2013, Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW


Fact Sheet #1: How Family-Centered is MaineCare?, Jean A. Talbot PhD; Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW; and Kimberley S. Fox MPA


Fact Sheet #2: How Do MaineCare Providers Perform on Childhood Screening and Prevention?, Jean A. Talbot PhD; Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, MSW; and Kimberley S. Fox MPA