
Submissions from 2010

Cultural and Behavioral Considerations for Success in Online Education, Ingo-Heinz Neethling MA

Personality and Music Preference: The Influence of Openness to Experience and Extraversion, S. M. Perry †, J. Antworth †, and Elizabeth J. Vella PhD

Gender Effects on Self-Efficacy Expectations & Outcome Expectancy Values Regarding Positive Psychology Interventions, Christine Peura † and William F. Gayton PhD

An Investigation of Self-Efficacy Expectations & Outcome Expectancy Values Regarding Positive Psychology Interventions, Christine Peura †, L. King †, M. Thompson †, and William F. Gayton PhD


The Need for Effective Leadership Training Programs in Maine’s Volunteer Fire Services, Daniel Philbrick MA


A Passion for Peace: An Examination of Prudential Leadership Applied to Jimmy Carter's Middle East Peace Accomplishments, Lynelle Philbrick MA


Extending the Functional Behavioral Assessment Process: A Methodology for Test-driving Interventions with Varied Choice Dimensions to Reduce Escape-maintained Behaviors Displayed by Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Jamie Laura Pratt PsyD


Mental Health and Women’s Receipt of Recommended Preventive Care, Melanie M. Race


Maine's General Sales Tax: An Exploration of Policy Issues and Options, Sarah Rawlings


Classifying Communities in Maine: A Comparative Analysis of Fiscal Determinants, Amanda K. Rector


From LD 1196 to Maine Schools: An Evaluation of Antidiscrimination Language in Education Policy, Finn Teach

Characterization of Bacteria and Bacteriophages Isolated from Soda Lakes in Kenya's Great Rift Valley, Wendy Witbeck MS

Submissions from 2009

Puritans and Princesses: Examining Leadership Through Genealogy, Ann Marie Bartoo MA

Timing and Executive Recourses: Dual-task Interference Patterns between Temporal Production and Shifting, Updating, and Inhibition Tasks, Scott W. Brown PhD, S. A. Collier †, and J. C. Night †

An Investigation of Home Advantage in Davis Cup Hockey, William F. Gayton PhD, William Steinroeder †, C. Bonica †, and Andrew C. Loignon †


Becoming a 21st century University: How USM Can Use Online Education to Meet the Needs of its Adult Student Population, Amy Gieseke

Land Use and Land Conservation in New England: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities, Amanda Loomis, Tom Devine, Andrea Small, Brittany Howard, Brett Richardson, and Stephanie Dulac


Expanding Horizons for Community College Students: A Travel and Transfer Initiative on the Road to a Baccalaureate Degree, Pauline Moreau MA

An Improved Police Response for Juveniles in Crisis A Collaborative Approach Shared Leadership in Practice, Jonathan J. Shapiro MA

Peer Graduate Mentor Program, Lisa Sweet MA

Submissions from 2008

Somali Community Leadership and Conflict Management, Omar Ahmed MA

Home Disadvantage: Does it Occur in Davis Cup Tennis?, C. Bonica †, Andrew C. Loignon †, and William F. Gayton PhD

Leadership Development in Maine Public Middle School Classrooms, Angela Jean Herrick Bordeaux MA


Constraints to Exercising Leadership in the Call Center Environment, Karen M. Chouinard MA

Women's Perceptions of Leadership: The Effect of National Cultures and the Dimension of Masculinity/Femininity, Kristen Sarah Cloutier MA

Promoting and Sustaining Lean Initiatives, Patrick Connell MA

Gender in the Zone of Proximal Development: A Microgenetic Analysis of Problem-solving Reveals Gender Differences in Collaborative Language, T. Cothran †, L. Germaine †, R. Bruce Thompson PhD, and S. Howell †

Shared Leadership in Self-Directed Teams, Catherine Foyt MA

Further Validation of the Assessment of Depression Inventory, A. Griffin †, C. Bonica †, and William F. Gayton PhD


The Creative Economy in Small Places: Eight Cases and a Developmental Model, Jennifer L. Hutchins

Positive Youth Leadership and Community Engagement Development in an Intergenerational Dialogue Process, Holly Lasagna MA

Playing dumb and knowing it all: Competitive Orientation and Impression Management Strategies, A. Lovely †, Bill Thornton PhD, Richard M. Ryckman PhD, and J. A. Gold


Economic Development Perspectives for Scarborough, Hayrullo Malikov and Bauyrzhan Bekenov


Community Forests: Needs & Resources for technical Assistance in Northen New England, Misha Mytar

Home Disadvantage in Professional Ice Hockey, S. M. Perry †, A. K. Ricker †, and William F. Gayton PhD


Excellence in Online Education: Preceptions of Needs, Barriers and Catalyst, Kimberly B. Sinclair

How Leadership in Healthcare, Education, and Social Services Influences Feelings of Empowerment in Parents of Children With Developmental Disabilities, Jean Youde MA

Publications from 2007

Using Extrinsic Reinforcement to Increase Student-Teacher Interactions in an L2 Classroom, M. Bastide † and R. Bruce Thompson PhD


Poverty in Moldova, Corneliu Bolbocean

Processing Resources in Timing and Sequencing Tasks, Scott W. Brown and Stephanie M. Merchant †

Effects of Attentional Demands and Event Structure on the Psychophysical Scaling of Prospective and Retrospective Time Judgments, Scott W. Brown PhD and D. K. Rowden-Tibbets †

Exercise Dependence & Perfectionism, Andrew C. Loignon † and William F. Gayton PhD

An Investigation of Home Disadvantage in Professional Ice Hockey, Andrew C. Loignon †, William F. Gayton PhD, Melissa Brown †, William Steinroeder †, and Carrie Johnson †

Function vs. Object: Images of Men and Women in Advertisements, J. Maurice †, Bill Thornton PhD, and S. Ellery †

Long-term Learning Deficits Following Developmental Exposure to the Flame Retardant DecaBDE, K. D. Onos †, E. R. Kenny, Deborah C. Rice, and Vincent P. Markowski PhD

Developmental Delays and Locomotor Activity in the C57BL6/J Mouse Following Neonatal Exposure to the Fully-brominated PBDE, Decabromodiphenyl Ether, Deborah C. Rice, Elizabeth A. Reeve, Aleece Herlihy †, R. Thomas Zoeller PhD, W. Douglas Thompson PhD, and Vincent P. Markowski PhD

Hypercompetitiveness and the Type A Behavior Pattern: Achievement Strivings vs. Impatience-Irritability, Bill Thornton PhD, Richard M. Ryckman PhD, M. Spowart †, Julie Pickus †, and Heather Haskell †

Publications from 2006

Learning Deficits Expressed as Delayed Extinction of a Conditioned Running Response Following Perinatal Exposure to Vinclozolin, Susan M. Andre † and Vincent P. Markowski PhD

Using Time Judgment Skill Training to Counteract the Interference Effect in Timing, Scott W. Brown PhD and C. J. Desrochers †

Behavioral Impairments Produced by Developmental Exposure to the Flame Retardant DecaBDE, M. Cressey †, E. Reeve, D. Rice, and Vincent P. Markowski PhD