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Currents, Vol.3, No.9 (Jan.28, 1985)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Strong Slate Addresses Timely Issues--USM Last Stop for Visiting Committee--Convocation 84-85 "Peace and War in the Nuclear Age"--Small Business Development Center--Maine's Elderly and the Budget Crunch (John G. Hanna)--Regret-Revival-Renascence: Slavick on Roberts--HSDI: A Can-Do Think Tank--Basketball Returns to Portland Gym
Currents, Special Edition (Apr.23, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
USM Recipient of Extraordinary Gift--Wolfe's Neck Farm--Stone House--Mrs. L.M.C. Smith--Donation
Currents, Vol.2, No.10 (Feb.6, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
A "Civil" Libertarian (Frank Wilkinson)--Secretarial Analysis--Editors' Letter--Colby Exhibit at Art Gallery--Advertising Analyst to Speak (Jean Kilbourne)--Tapping the Unconventional Wisdom--College Without Walls--Employee Relations Update--Staff Development Workshops Slated--Nursing Colloquium Series Underway
Currents, Vol.2, No.11 (Feb.27, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Gay Civil Rights--Dorm Living--Lincoln Subject of Second Russell Chair Lecture--Women's History Week Scheduled--CAP's Computer Workshops--Residency Fosters Major Change--Francis Merritt to be Artist-in-Residence
Currents, Vol.2, No.12 (Mar.12, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Academic Sexism--Lincoln and Learning--Peace Corps Recruiters Visit--International Health Expert to Lecture (Una MacLean)--Orwell Scholar Here (Bernard Crick)--President to Select 1984-1985 Fellow--A Walking Tour of Campus Computers--Science Writing: An Award-Winning Approach--Celebrating Foreign Language
Currents, Vol.2, No.13 (Apr.2, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Thoughtful Recuperation--Doomsday Now?--Snow Day Revisited--Russell Chair Nominations Considered--Dyer Resigns as Assistant Law Dean--Major New Minor Established--Reflections on Being Temporarily Disabled--Gold Bar Run--Conference Calendar
Currents, Vol.2, No.14 (Apr.16, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Four Centuries of Service--Birthing a New Masters--Trustees Scrutinize Lewiston Proposal--Marian Wright Edelman at Commencement--Legislators Consider Salary Hike--Classified Staff Honored--Husky Nominated for Taiwan Series--Future Approaches
Currents, Vol.2, No.15 (Apr.30, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Presidential Message--Recognizing "The best we have"--Student Commencement Speaker Named--International Winners (Moot Court Team)
Currents, Vol.2, No.16 (May 14, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Finding Funding--Graduation Pictures--Shipping Out--Edelman Stirs Graduates--Pay Raise: How Much? How Soon?--Convocation Scholar Named--Military Reception--Alumni to Kick Up Their Heels And Kick Off Campaign
Currents, Vol.2, No.17 (Jun.25, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Summer Session '84--Lyons-izing the PDC--WWD--USM, Non-Profit May Form Cable Consortium--Responding to a Graying America--CBS News Visits--Alumni Award Woodbury--Schleh to Study Mid-East Issues--Campus Beautification--Senator Mitchell Addresses Law School Graduates--"Time in New England"
Currents, Vol.2, No.18 (Jul.30, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
USM Whale Watch--A Dean in the Army--Telling Stories--Law Garners Awards for USM--Trustees Set Stage for Lewiston Vote--Fulbright Scholar Award Deadline Nears--"In Celebration of Children's Literature" workshop
Currents, Vol.2, No.8 (Jan.9, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Risking Change--Collective Calling--Acting Like Champs--Energizing the Alumni--PSQ: Bringing Home the Praise--Kanter to Address Women Managers (Rosabeth Moss Kanter)--"A Place Called School"--Teleconferencing: Local and Long Distance--Computer Courses Impact Community--Russell Square Players in Finals--Merritt Bows Out
Currents, Vol.2, No.9 (Jan.23, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
"Zapp"-ing Woshinsky--Bloomin'--Point of No Returns--Charting the Future: Five Year Plan Announced--Trustees Reject Latest Overseers Proposal--Amnesty to Precede New Policy--USM and Portland Schools Collaborate--Convocation 1984-85?
Currents, Vol.3, No.1 (Sep.10, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Developing Political Clout--Center Attraction--What's Going on Here--USM: Live and in Color (Instructional Television System)--Bond Issue On Referendum--Deans Named in Education, Nursing and Law--Politicizing the USM Experience--Campus Center is on its Way!--Funding the Project--Convocation Keynoter Announced :Thomas Powers "Peace and War in the Nuclear Age"
Currents, Vol.3, No.2 (Sep.24, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Scholarly Pursuits--A Most Thoughtful Fellow--New Faculty Debuts--FallFest '84 Announced--Experts to Address Presidents--USM/Portland - A "Community of Learners"--Peace and War in the Nuclear Age (Anne P. Young)--Linda Shea -Taking Policy's Pulse--International Films Series Changes Schedule--Russell Square Players Announce New Season--Summer Studies in Germany
Currents, Vol.3, No.3 (Oct.8, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
USM Convocation 84-85 "Peace and War in the Nuclear Age" (Thomas Powers)--Campus Center Campaign Underway--USM Athletics-Moving Up--What Makes Politicians Run? (Oliver H. Woshinsky)--USM Program Cuts Days in Hospital--Beth Gleason Loaned to United Way - Campus Campaign Starts--Alcohol - A Sobering Look--
Currents, Vol.3, No.4 (Oct.22, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
University Bond Issue on November 6 Ballot--USM to Construct and Renovate--Runners: The New Master Race? (John L. Massaro)--The Ties That Bind--"Letters to Em" Premieres--Convocation symposium "Economic Aspects of the Nuclear Arms Race"
Currents, Vol.3, No.5 (Nov.5, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Susan Silvernail to Direct Summer Session--Subway Art in Gorham: Subway Photographs by Christopher Barnes--World Food Day Observed--Another Political Poll--A Mystifying Process (Gordon Hutton)--Creative Child Care For 21st Century--Campus Center Update
Currents, Vol.3, No.6 (Nov.19, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
USM-A Cumberland County Favorite--Economic Security Arms Race Casualty--Gavin Third Russell Chair Occupant (William J. Gavin)--Revolutionary Medicine: Health Care in Nicaragua (Linda Bergstrom)--USM Teams Dominate Fall Sports--An Honor "Out of the Blue" (Dianne Benedict)
Currents, Vol.3, No.7 (Dec.3, 1984)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Business Scholarship Announced--USM Students: Older and Better--USM Adds Soccer and Hockey--The Christmas Star-What Was It? (Roy A. Gallant)--Reflections on the Young Woman as Artist (Karen Maxfield)--Helping Small Business Flourish--Athletics' Unsung Hero (John Wood)--Alumni Top Goal--Art Faculty Exhibit
Currents, Vol.1, No.10 (Feb.14, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell
President Travels to Kennebunk To Assess Community Needs--Counseling Satellite Whirring--Grand Opera in Gorham--Bouchard on Coaching Staff at U.S. Olympic Festival--From Jazz to China--"Lion" Announces Cast--Convocation Essay Contest Underway--Nuclear Policy in '83--Office Pilfering On The Increase--Postal Policies--Art Newsletter Arrives--Easing Entrance into World of Computers--Computer Survey Shapes Up--Recognition Breakfast--"Super Worker"--Eight is Enough--Amnesty Internat'l Lecture March 1--International Group Names Dean Wroth Co-Chair
Currents, Vol.1, No.11 (Feb.28, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell
Hunt To Deliver Russell Lecture--Sabbatical Leaves Granted--Lache Appointed NEI Director--The Paradox of Being A Man--Student Speaker Sought For Commencement--Garbrecht Library Is Important Resource For Law Community--It's Never Too Early!--Winding OFF The Old,--Nine Faculty Awarded Tenure--Engineering Course Underway--Assessment Center Wins National Accreditation--Women's History Week
Currents, Vol.1, No.12 (Mar.14, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell
Health/Recreation Task Force Formed--Summer Fellowships Awarded--Volleyball Showdown--Convocation: Diversity, Excitement--Less Tolerance Toward a Tradition--Northwest Artists on Display--More About Computers--Nurses Take To The Road--Faculty Funds--Improved Access--Wroth Drafts Rules of Evidence for Vermont--Distinguished Speakers--Poet Heaney to Read--150 Years of Service
Currents, Vol.1, No.13 (Mar.28, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell
Forum Focuses On Rising Health Costs--Moving Into High Tech--Teacher Certification Proposal--Mark Rogers: Getting His Act Together--Presidential Intern--Enlivening the Arts--Women's Studies Meetings--Indian Power Signs--Fulbright Grants--Faculty Promotions--April Convocation Events--Computer Series For Educational Services--Improving Teaching of Humanities--Trustees Meeting--Lawmakers Address Acid Rain Issue--Innovative Approaches--Madagascan Visitors--All-New Englander
Currents, Vol.1, No.14 (Apr.11, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell
Leader in Education Heads New Graduate Program--Sex Myths Explored--A Gift of Music--Witherill to Retire--The Age of the Computer--Financial Aid Funding Remains Stable--Opening Windows on the World--Science, History on the Upswing--The Press and the Public--Garage Sale Approaches