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Currents, Vol.1, No.8 (Jan.17, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell
Workshops Benefit Scholarship In Memory of National Educator--Business Study Results In Regional/National Awards--Maya Angelou To Visit USM--Convocation Continues--University, State Give Northern Network A Trial Run--Brennan Names Gavin--Computer Power--Successful Rate of Exchange--War And Peace--USM's Who's Who--Information Appointees--Maine A-I-R Exhibit--Bud Quinn To Retire--Teams Back On Track--Library Appointment
Currents, Vol.1, No.9 (Jan.31, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell
Sisters, Soccer And Culture Shock--Provost Candidates Slated To Visit Campus--Partnership Directory--Presidential Shootout--Leaders Begin Training For Management Workshops--Alumnus Cited By Ohio Lawmakers--Catalog Changes--Bigelow To Chair NEASC Group--Another View (Maya Angelou)--Cohen To Leave NEI--First Of Its Kind Conference Planned "Computers in Higher Education"--Women's Health Movement Activist Wins Award--Harvard Professor To Deliver Major Address
Currents, Vol.1, No.15 (Apr.25, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Policies Compiled, Codified--Gignoux at Commencement--Religion and Changing Roles--Whitten and Hopkinson to Retire--Some Comments on Sports Commentators--Athletic Advisory Board Established--Set to Light Up the Stage--Smoking: Not Too Glamorous--Want to Quit? Get Physical--An Uphill Forensics Fight--On the Move--Stress Reducer--Spring Cleaning--Measles Clinics
Currents, Vol.1, No.16 (May 9, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Commencement Attracts Thousands to Civic Center--Student Excellence Recognized--Provost Greenwood--New Job-Posting Procedures--History Exchange--ROTC Cadet Honored--Simpson to Retire--Chinese Broadcaster on Campus--Irish Economist Visits--Summer Work-Study--Summer Session-"Big Time"--High-Tech Reading List--Tuition Hike Moderate--Dramatic Duo Sixth in Nation--Burchill Scores Again--More Promotions Announced
Currents, Vol.1, No.17 (Jul.18, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
First Director of Development Named--Something Fishy--Downey to Direct University College--Secret Service Chief to Head Campus Police--Poet-in-Residence--Nova Scotia Prints--Solar Hot Water System on Tap--Video Classes Planned--Alumni Honored--Nursing Research--HSDI To Study Nursing Home Cost Controls--Rising to the Challenge--Teaching Excellence Honored--Kids at Camp: A Boon to Maine's Economy--Using the Arts To Enrich Learning--Marge Rodgers Retires--Leaders Lecture at Taft Institute--USM Tagged by DoDDS--Communication Internships
Currents, Vol.1, No.18 (Aug.22, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Reno Appointed Associate Provost--Keller Named Assistant Dean--An Official Record--Heart of the Matter--Mutual Benefits--Science & Technology: In Search of Values--Swedish Impressions--Darling to Head New Department--Cold Showers for Gorham--Similar Interests--Developmental Tasks--Managing the Surplus--Presidential Review--What We're Doing
Currents, Vol.2, No.1 (Sep.12, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
A Tale of Two Campuses--Computer Convocation--Presidential Breakfast--Balloons-Books-Barbecues ("The New Student Connection")--Challenging the Norms of Academe (Miriam Clasby)--University Relations: New Names and Faces--Oliver's Serendipitous Twist (Exchange with Newcastle Polytechnic - Pippa Norris & Oliver Woshinsky)--John G. Kemeny to Open "The Age of the Computer--Richard J. Maiman Named Convocation Scholar
Currents, Vol.2, No.2 (Sep.26, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
The Gang's All Here--Accommodating Measures--Photo-Synthesis--Education Key to Computer Age (Dr. John G. Kemeny)--Campus Reacts to Keynote Address--C.H.U.CK. Hazing Students Told--Hand Tailored Testing--Accessing the Handicapped--New Faculty Welcomed--Of Crime and Concerts (New BA in Criminology)--Annual Fall College Fair--"Contemporary Photographers" at the Art Gallery in Gorham
Currents, Vol.2, No.3 (Oct.10, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
President's Visit Caps Decade of Comparative Study (exchange program with King Alfred's College)--Trail-Blazing Teachers--The Masts in the Masthead--Ambiguities in Academe (Robert J. Hatala)--"Love Loops" (Bill Sturner)--TSS in National Spotlight--Lady in White to Retire (Virginia S. White)--AID Office Expands to Gorham--EEO in Gorham, Too--"Goodbye Gutenberg" Here to Stay (film)
Currents, Vol.2, No.4 (Oct.24, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
"Work of Shaker Hands" Opens at USM Art Gallery--University Community Mourns A.Nye Bemis--Muir String Quartet at Russell Auditorium--Making Friends with High-Tech--Paul Mariani to Open Lecture Series--Bean's About Sports--John Bay on Title III Funds--United Way Drive Nears Close--"Juicy" Abstractionist to Visit (Katherine Porter)--Flowers in the Workplace--New Parking Regulations
Currents, Vol.2, No.5 (Nov.7, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Faculty Brass Quintet Performs--CSS Amendment--Calvin Hill to Speak--Newsweek Visits Shaker Show--University Receives Major Grant for Substance Abuse Study--Equal Access to the Law--Women's Research Series--Advice to the Victualers--Faculty Responds to Reagan Foreign Policy--Music Faculty Opens Concert Season
Currents, Vol.2, No.6 (Nov.21, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
Families--Ultimate Internship--Official Policy--Enrollment Up 7.3 Percent--A Record Contribution--Scholarship for Government Careers--Reading Forum--Medievalist to Lecture (Peter Travis)--Library Courtesy Card--A Family Week Observed--Presidential Intern: Putting Theory Into Practice (Lyn Clarke)--Oh! Tandberg (IS 9 Learning Laboratory)--Blaine House Birthday--Holiday Shopping In the Hub
Currents, Vol.2, No.7 (Dec.12, 1983)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Kievitt
More on Grenada--A Retrospective on Camelot--A Simulating Experience--Energy Savings Fuel Computer Increase--Faculty Reviews "The Day After"--A Faculty Rejoinder on "Reagans Little War"--Energy Director Outlines Conservation Strategies--CSS Meets With President Woodbury--The Kennedy Legacy
Currents, Vol.1, No.2 (Oct.4, 1982)
Robert S. Caswell
Furthering Excellence--Blink! Flash!--IH Committee Formed--Kormondy Looks Back And...Ahead--Shoe Industry Gets A Helping Hand--Leaders At USM--Art Faculty Join Commission
Currents, Vol.1, No.3 (Oct.18, 1982)
Robert S. Caswell
The CRAS Story--Research Opportunities Available--Unique Machine Donated--USM Program Helps Voc-Ed--Band Selected For Trip--Campbell Appointed--USM Helps United Way--Boyle on MPBN--Associate Provost Named--What We're Doing
Currents, Vol.1, No.4 (Nov.1, 1982)
Robert S. Caswell
Well Known Social Worker Contributes to Community--USM/UNH Agreement Benefits State--The "Leaven"--National Exchange--Annenberg Scholar Named--NPR's Ungar Visits USM--Faculty Exhibit--Timely Lectures--Affirmative Outreach--SAT News
Currents, Vol.1, No.5 (Nov.15, 1982)
Robert S. Caswell
NEI Gains National Recognition--Librarian Moves On--Snow to Retire--Acting Provost...Her Newest Challenge--If You Like Food--Non-Print Learning Tools--Off And Running In NYC--New Senate Plans--Convocation Notes--What We're Doing--Good Election News
Currents, Vol.1, No.6 (Nov.29, 1982)
Robert S. Caswell
Mall Concept Recommended--Title III Planning Underway--Remembering USM Links To Greater Portland--USM, Husson Win 35 Trophies--Student Opinion Service Survey--Helping the Elderly at Congress Square--Keeping Livability In Mind--Bookbuilders Tour--Currents Guidelines And Policies
Currents, Vol.1, No.7 (Dec.13, 1982)
Robert S. Caswell
The Christmas Star At Planetarium--Publications Help Agencies Help Elderly Across U.S.--Exam Success--Major Attractions--Financial Aid Still Available--If They Can't Find It...--Computer Aid--Eliminating Bias In Curriculum--New Look, Thrust, Timing--Fostering Exchanges of Ideas--Sharing In Ireland's Culture--USM Alumna Gains Recognition As Aspiring Playwright--Stepping Forward In Staff Development--Chinese Festival Off--International Honor
Currents, Vol.1, No.1 (Sep.20, 1982)
Robert S. Caswell and Roger V. Snow
Women's Studies--Soccer--IH Building--Federal Title III Grant Awarded--Unique Core Implemented--Confucian Archives To The Great Hall--Brennan Hails Bath Center--Professorial Exchange--Campus Camera--Soccer on the Air--Welcome to USM