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Currents, Vol.5, No.8 (Jan.12, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell, Sandy Hughes, and Larry D. Hansen
Designer Majors Available--McKernan Taps Faculty--Muskie Bikes for Upbeat Cardiac Program--Consulting in Cairo (Bruce MacLeod)--Down on the Farm--State to Act on HSDI Study--Economic Emphasis Underway at USM--A One Woman Show (Julie Goell)--PSQ at Corthell--Donald J. Clark Joins USM--An Outstanding Professor
Currents, Vol.5, No.13 (Mar.23, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Sen. Cohen Honors USM Program--USM Wins AT&T Grant--Mortimer J. Adler to Visit USM--The Iran-Contra Affair's Silver Lining (Karen Erickson)--Theodore Weesner to Read From His New Novel--Hall of Fame Honors Six--Elmer Iseler Singers-- Blues Legend Koko Taylor at USM--Nobel Peace Laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel to Speak--First Annual Health Fair--Baby With the Bathwater
Currents, Vol.5, No.14 (Apr.6, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Candidates for President of USM on Campus--Trustees Approve New Dean, Director, Programs--Clan of the Cave Bear - What Went Wrong? Spielberg's Assistant Tells All--Cole and Glover, Duo Pianists--Protecting the Emotional Health of Young Children (Susan Partridge)--Suicide Researcher on Call in March (Loren Coleman)--Celebrate Writers Week--New Associate in Media Relations
Currents, Vol.5, No.15 (Apr.20, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
On The Waterfront--The Future of Portland's Waterfront--USM's Artists-In-Residence (Michael Moore)--Rambo vs Sandino: Dead End for Cowboy Politics (Alfred L. Padula)--USM Student Wins National Acting Award
Currents, Vol.5, No.16 (May 4, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Patricia R. Plante to Lead USM--Commencement '87--Pre-Graduation Ceremonies--Dog's Day at USM:Guide Dog--Qualifying Undergraduate Education (Martin A. Rogoff)--Brainy Science Fair--Director Appointed to Immunology Program--Philosopher Critiques Education: Mortimer Adler Speaks--Looking Ahead to 2000 A.D.--Kudos
Currents, Vol.5, No.17 (May 18, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Launching the Class of '87 (Commencement Day 1987)--Recognizing the Best and the Brightest--Open House at New Child Care Center--Class of '37--Summer Fun!
Currents, Vol.5, No.18 (Jul.27, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Eight Maine Artist Featured in "Made in Maine" Exhibit--19th Century Painting Discovered--Stonecoast Readings Scheduled--British Import Big Macs, NFL Football and Presidential Politics (Richard J. Haiman)--Digging into History, Moshier Island Site (Nathan Hamilton)--Eleanor Law: Perfecting the Art of Giving--Joe Kreisler: Social Worker of the Year
Currents, Vol.6, No.1 (Sept.14, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
New President Opens New School Year (Patricia R. Plante)--New Directions--John M. Doar Opens Convocation--New Year, New Challenges--USM Tackles Growth Management--Maine Business Indicators newsletter--Teachers in Secondary Schools Program--Understanding the Constitution--1987 Faculty Concert Series Announced--Counseling Available--Advice for Advisors
Currents, Vol.6, No.2 (Sept.28, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Special Insert on Eleanor Houston Smith--Convocation Opened "Constitution: Roots, Rights and Responsibilities"--Core Curriculum Director Henry C. Amoroso--Homecoming '87--For Kids' Sake--Handicapped Awareness Week--Housing the Smith Cartographic Center (Deborah Krichels)--Bringing the Early History of Maine to Her Citizens--Elisabeth Kubler-Ross visits USM to Lecture on "Life, Death and Transition"--New Vonnegut Play at USM
Currents, Vol.6, No.3 (Oct.12, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
New Impetus to Research in School of Nursing--Nursing Research Scholar Award (Janice L.Thompson)--Doctoral Stipends--Manufacturing Dreams: New Centers--Alchoholic Rats Help Answer the Age Old Question (John Broida)--Challenging Society: Education and the Handicapped (Suzanne Cooper)--World Affairs Council--Media Log--A Triple Testament: Athletic Association Hosts Dinner to Honor Three Distinguished Coaches--Thomas A. Martin and His Sons Bicycle Across Country for Charity--Early American Music
Currents, Vol.6, No.4 (Oct.26, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Michael O'Donnell Has A Better Idea: Children Learn to Read by Reading--New Initiatives Against Drug Abuse--Notes from the President's Desk--Radioactive Waste: Disposal or Management (Michael S. Hamilton)--Media Log--Nancy Gish Has Her Early Work on T.S. Eliot Translated into Japanese--53 Pass Maine Bar--Jeffersonian Archaeology--Jon Klibonoff Debuts at USM--James W. Pendleton Addressing Students--David P. Cluchey Named Associate Dean--Student Theatre Ensemble Presents "As Is"--Job Classification Program Releases Final Report
Currents, Vol.6, No.5 (Nov.9, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
A Serious Look at Pop Culture: North East Popular Culture Association 1987 Conference (Eugene Schleh, Mary L. Quinn, Christine Holden, Alfred Padula, etc.)--Required Reading at the CIA: "Research on Soviet and
East European Agriculture Newsletter" (Gene Pranger, Frank Durgin, Craig Dietrich)--Notes From the President's Desk--Employee Bus Trip--Women's Rights in Central America--Media Log--Comrades from Kharkov: Exhange Program Pairs Maine with Ukraine--Play Readings--Irish Poet to Read (Eavan Boland)--Barn Yard Oysters: Shellfish Aquacuture--Three African Educators Visit--Ambassador (NZ) Wallace Rowling to Speak at Law School -
Currents, Vol.6, No.6 (Dec.1, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
USM Child Care: A Creative Achievement--USM's New Electron Scanning Microscope--Russell Square Remounts a Classic: Jerome Kern's "Leave it to Jane"--Dressing Up Jane: Susan Picinich First Costumer at USM--Whose Life? Film and Panel on Right to Die--Blacks in Science Lecture--Notes From the President's Desk--New USM "History Review"--Assignment: The Arts in Maine: Mary Snell Looks at Music, Dance and Drama--USM Field Hockey Squad Defeats Elizabethtown College--The Parenting Center--Time for Festivities
Currents, Vol.6, No.7 (Dec.14, 1987)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Portland's Fortifications: Joel Eastman Tells the Story of a Harbor Well-Defended But Never Tested--A Place to Call Home: Creating More Student Housing--Notes From the President's Desk--Second Thoughts on SDI: The Perspective from Computer Science (David A. Briggs)--Media Log--Two New USM Authors: Kathleen I. MacPherson "Ourselves Growing Older" & Ellen Kandoian "Under the Sun"--Accreditation for Rehab Counseling--Storm Warnings
Currents, Vol.4, No.10 (Feb.10, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Faculty / Staff Respond to Reports--Signing Party (Craig Dietrich)--Artists to Lecture--Presidential Fellows Sought--Remarking on Recent Developments (President Robert L. Woodbury)--Coming of Age in Women's Studies--Women's History Week--Wolfe's Neck Farm--Cop-ing with Age "Images of the Elderly" (Rebecca Lockridge)--Set Design of "Gynt" in Competition--Student Players Association Presents "The 1959 Pink Thunderbird"--Convocation to Focus On the Arts--British Theatre Veteran to Speak (Michael Hallifax)
Currents, Vol.4, No.11 (Feb.24, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Honors Hosts Receptions--Signing Party (Craig Dietrich)--Are Baby Boomers Paying Too Much?--Parks Appointed Librarian (George Parks)--A Rich Resource "An Atlas of the Resources of Maine" (Carl Veazie)--Women's History Week Capped by Dartmouth Historian Mary Kelley--Pulmonary Anniversary Lifeline Program--John S. Ricci to Advise Brookhaven--Cabot Seminars Here--At Your Service: Coping With Not Smoking (Len Jordan)--"Six Characters in Search of an Author"--Draft Report on the Crystalline Repository Project available at Libraries--Thomas Parchman in Concert--In Memoriam : Julie Estabrook--Southwestern Sabbatical Works (Patt Franklin)--Visiting Artists
Currents, Vol.4, No.12 (Mar.10, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
USM Play One of Best in U.S.-Going to Washington with "Gynt"--Greeks Support "Gynt"--Public Policy and Management Program Gets Conference Grant--Funds Sought for South African Scholarship--Husky Hall of Fame Will Induct Nine--Convocation Calendar--Portland Wind Trio to Perform--Trustees Act on Visitors' Recommendations--Community TV Debuts--The Brits are Coming! King Alfred's College Students--WMPG to Hold "Begathon"--Seeking a Different Balance : Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic--USM Switchboard Operators Retire (Vi Smith and MaryRose Graffam)
Currents, Vol.4, No.13 (Mar.24, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Obtainable Dreams: "Gynt" Fulfills Its Own Theme (co-authors Sam Rossi and Flash Allen, director Walter Stump)--NEH Head Delivers Honors Grant--Bequest Benefits Maine's Youngsters (Child and Family Institute)--"Gynt" Scores Again--Freshmen to get First Chance for Dorms--Lifeline is Ten Years Old--Assertiveness Expert to Keynote Conference (Nancy Austin)--At Your Service: Preparing Yourself and Your Suitcase for Travel Abroad (Veda J. Burtchell)--Russell Chair Nominees Sought--Jerry L. Bowder's "Tracings" Performed
Currents, Vol.4, No.14 (Apr.7, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Good Luck "Gynt!"--A Question of Balance : Program on Stress--Memorial for Dexter A. Huntoon--Linguist on Abortion : Barbara Ellen Johnson speaks--Trustees Meet Here--Bestsellers at the USM Bookstores--USM Study Prompts National Research--A Scholar's Dream Come True (Kathleen Ashley)--Student Art Exhibit--UM Honors Directors Meet--Pornography, Philosophically--What We're Doing--Promotions and Tenure Announced--Visiting Artist Series Concludes--Classified Staff Honored (Shirley B. Carswell and Barbara C. Willey)
Currents, Vol.4, No.15 (Apr.21, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Robert R. Masterton offers the 1986 USM Commencement Address--Arts Scholar Announced--Acting Chancellor to Keynote Recognition Day--A D.C. Eye-Opener--Alumna in Africa: Loving the "Toughest Job" (Dorothy D. Moore)--Special Education Grant Received-Art Education Workshop--Nancy Austin speaks at Women in Management Conference--A Stimulating Success (Maine Products Trade Show)--A Real Balancing Act--Dietrich on CNN--Archibald Cox speaker at School of Law Symposium--Convocation 1985-86 Comes to a Close "The Aging of America"
Currents, Vol.4, No.16 (May 12, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Uncommon Talents and Simple Greatness: Recognition Day Ceremonies--College of Education in Regional & National Network--106th Commencement (May 10, 1986) Photos--Of Rabbits, Reality and Recognition (Harlan A. Philippi)--USM to Host Women's Conference--Len Jordan Receives Award for Elder Fitness--Asbestos Information Meeting Held
Currents, Vol.4, No.17 (Jun.16, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Robert J. Hatala Accepts N.J. Post--Lisa LaPerle Named Teacher of the Year--Nobel Laureate to Keynote Symposium (George Wald)--Audition Call--USM's African Ambassador Returns (Joey Bouchard)--Honors Program award to Anne Lemieux--Law School Commencement Held--"Gynt" Renamed and Spiffed Up Makes Professional Debut--Scholar Piques Interest of Honors Planner (Jonathan Z. Smith)--Alumni Awards--Did You Know That...--Ginny Emery: A Reluctant Retiree
Currents, Vol.4, No.18 (Jul.28, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
New Space Within Old: Corthell Concert Hall Nears Completion--USM to Co-Sponsor Poverty Symposium--Breakfast Planned--New DFM Director Arrives (Randy D. Reynolds)--Brazilians Visit Campus--Italo Scanga Sculpture Exhibit Opens--Marine Law Fund Established at Law School--Changes Announced in School of Business, Economics and Management--USM Engineering Among July Trustees' Acts--American Chemical Society Student Chapter Here--Developmental Day Camp Science Project
Currents, Vol.4, No.8 (Jan.13, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
SON: A Healthy Head Start (School of Nursing)--Committee Recommends Independent Engineering--East Meets West (U.S. Soviet Friendship Society)--Portland String Quartet Leads Off Concert Series--Rock Musical "Gynt" to Benefit--Contemporary Maine Artists at USM--Center for Research and Advanced Study: Eclectic Expertise--ROTC Scholarships Available--Martin Luther King: His Vision and Our Reality (Karen Greaves)--Smoking Policy Announced--Granted...--Art Berry Named Associate Dean of New School
Currents, Vol.4, No.9 (Jan.27, 1986)
Robert S. Caswell and Karen A. Greaves
Visiting Committee Report Among Forum Topics--Soviet Visitors Face Busy Schedule--Scholarships and Awards--Papa Moves to Tufts (Joseph P. Papa)--Richard A. Costello Elected to National Hall of Fame--USM-Maine Guides Baseball Clinic--Frederick Fennell, Famous Conductor to Visit--At Your Service: Income Tax Planning and Tax Saving Tips (D.Bradlee Hodson)--Visiting Artist Series Continues--Language Learning Workshop Planned--Convocation Calendar--New Faculty Welcomed--James V. Sullivan, Partners of the Americas