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Currents, Vol.15, No.4 (Dec.1996)
Susan E. Swain
New Positions for Academic Support--USM in the News--Russian Capitalism Flouts the Rule of Law--USM Productions
Currents (September 20, 1995)
Susan E. Swain
The Comprehensive Public University: USM in the 21st Century - A Proposal
Currents, Vol.13, No.3 (Jan.1995)
Susan E. Swain
Mistake in numbering sequence in this volume series. This is actually no.4.
USM's Economic Impact--COE Professors on National Education Commissions--USM Work Safety Award--Getting Out the Word about USM--Faculty Publications--Improving Child Support Services--Rural Doctors Get Help from USM--USM and America's Cup--Students Learn While Helping Community--Portland Police Honor SON
Currents, Vol.13, No.4 (Feb./Mar.1995)
Susan E. Swain
Mistake in numbering sequence in this volume series. This is actually no.5
Improving Campus Life--Potter Broadens Role at USM--New Leadership on Diversity--Celebrating Women's History--New Work Safety Courses--Broadway Musical at Russell Stage--Resource for Women on and off Campus--Hackett Already Missed--Sponsored Programs Ready to Serve
Currents, Vol.13, No.5 (Apr.1995)
Susan E. Swain
Mistake in numbering sequence in this volume series. This is actually no.6. Honorary Degree Recipients--USM Faculty Senate Joins Vote--President Urges Dialogue--Daughters at Work--Hi-Tech Teaching-PPM Field Trip
Currents, Vol.13, No.6 (May 1995)
Susan E. Swain
Mistake in numbering sequence in this volume series. This is actually no.7.
King to Speak at Commencement--Emeriti Professors--Retiring Faculty--New England and South Compared--Faculty Books: Callender's Reflections--New SOL Alumni Director
Currents, Vol.14, No.1 (Sept.1995)
Susan E. Swain
Clarifying USM's Direction and Identity--Deans Appointed--Faculty in National Spotlight--Bean Confirmed as AD and New SID Named--Gorham Arts--Russell Hall Renovations--See the Real John Smith at Osher Map Library--Parkside's Summer Fun--Gorham on Net--Back to College Days
Currents, Vol.14, No.2 (Oct.1995)
Susan E. Swain
USM Field House Gets Green Light--Investment Fund Directs Resources Creatively--Nursing Students Help Portlanders--USM Reaches Out to Family Businesses--DormNet--USM Partnership Unveils School Review Program--Losses to USM Community--Louden Studies Empirical Ethics--New Faculty Welcomed
Currents, Vol.14, No.3 (Nov.1995)
Susan E. Swain
Wanted: A Teacher--SON Focuses on Advanced Practice Nursing--Maps for Teaching--Russell Reopens--Victorian Holiday
Currents, Vol.14, No.4 (Dec.1995)
Susan E. Swain
Greenwood Ends Years of Service at USM--Looking Back on LA College Years--Ken Brooks: 1917-1995--Professional Staff New in 1995--Alternative View of Economics
Currents, Vol.12, No.5 (Feb.1994)
Susan E. Swain
Revamping USM--CAS Libra Prof--History of Mill Women of Lawrence--Changes in University Advancement--ARA Adds Room Service
Currents, Vol.12, No.7 (May 1994)
Susan E. Swain
Commencement '94: May 14--Preparing USM for the Future--Emeriti Faculty Named--Kulawiec Retires
Currents, Vol.13, No.1 (Sept.1994)
Susan E. Swain
President Notes Achievements--Lapping on Board--USM Refitted for New Year--New Husky Hall of Fame Inductees--1994-1995 Faculty Concert Series--Campaign for Rare Maps Meets Goal--Record Grants
Currents, Vol.13, No.2 (Oct.1994)
Susan E. Swain
USM Celebrates Map Library Opening--Bonds for USM--First Dissertation Scholar--Children's Book on Review at USM--Ward SOL Libra Professor
Currents, Vol.13, No.3 (Nov.1994)
Susan E. Swain
Workplace Ed Program Receives New Funding--USM Gives--NSF Grant Gather Flies--USM Supports Campus Diversity--Big Band Bash--Improving Math and Science Education--Memorial Book Fund Set
Currents, Vol.13, No.6 (Mar.1994)
Susan E. Swain
Volume number on cover is in error. This is actually Vol.12, no.6 for March 1994. President's Open Letter to Campus--WinterSession a Success, Again--"Autobiographics" New Approach--Hi-Tech Library Search Easy--Charity Gifts Up--New Director of Teacher Education
Currents, Vol.11, No.5 (Jan.1993)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
King's Attorney at USM for Martin Luther King Day--USM Saxes at Inauguration--The Maine Grange on View--USM Producation Goes to Regional Competition
Currents, Vol.11, No.6 (Feb.1993)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
USM to Focus Resources--Commission Asks for Campus Input--"Creating New England" Grant--Gavin, James and "The Vague"--Bequest Endows Teacher Education Scholarships--Phase 2 of USM Improvement Push
Currents, Vol.11, No.7 (Mar.1993)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Soul Making and Education--Expert on Native American Issues Keynots Women's History--Fifield Selected to 1993 U.S. Olympic Festival Coaching Staff--CQI Pilot Projects--National Psychiatric Organization Recognizes Law School Program--New Law Library Dedicated
Currents, Vol.11, No.8 (Apr.1993)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Jimmy's Gym--Celebrating Maine's Diversity--Gish on Multicultural Education--Classified Honors--Theatre Department Wins Honors--Congratulations!
Currents, Vol.11, No.9 (May 1993)
Robert S. Caswell and Susan E. Swain
Locke to Address Commencement--Action Plac--Hodgdon Retires--Retiring Faculty
Currents, Vol.12, No.1 (Sept.1993)
Susan E. Swain
Gateway to USM Portland Library Opens--President Sets Agenda for Year--Student Affairs: Making Changes for Students--King Alfred's Brings Comedy to USM--USM Facilitator Appointed--Variety Spices Faculty Concerts
Currents, Vol.12, No.2 (Oct.1993)
Susan E. Swain
USM Honored by Chamber Award--Center for Teaching Sets Aim--New M.A. Degree at LAC--Ergonomics at USM
Currents, Vol.12, No.3 (Nov.1993)
Susan E. Swain
Educational Alliance Forms--Search for Chief Academic--Popular Madrigal Dinner Returns--More Options for Russian Majors--Hodgdon Honored--New Program Trains for Jobs--Publications Office Wins National Award
Currents, Vol.12, No.4 (Dec.1993)
Susan E. Swain
WinterSession Returns--USM Adds to Property--End of Semester Retirements--Anderson Wins Award--Graphics Options for Students--Wagner's Book Celebrated by Subjects