The Benefits of Adaptability for University Students' Engagement and Well-being during COVID-19


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Start Date

19-3-2021 12:30 PM

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19-3-2021 12:40 PM


Adaptability is the ability to make cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes in response to new or challenging situations. I'll talk about two longitudinal studies I worked on with colleagues in China that surveyed university students during the shift to remote learning in response to COVID-19. The findings show the benefits of adaptability for academic emotions and engagement with remote learning (recently published) and for university students' depression, anxiety, and sleep (submitted for publication).

Benefits-of-Adaptability-for-Academic-Engagement_transcript.txt (5 kB)
Benefits of Adaptability for Academic Engagement - transcript (11 kB)
Benefits of Adaptability for Academic Engagement - Captions .srt file

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Mar 19th, 12:30 PM Mar 19th, 12:40 PM

The Benefits of Adaptability for University Students' Engagement and Well-being during COVID-19

Adaptability is the ability to make cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes in response to new or challenging situations. I'll talk about two longitudinal studies I worked on with colleagues in China that surveyed university students during the shift to remote learning in response to COVID-19. The findings show the benefits of adaptability for academic emotions and engagement with remote learning (recently published) and for university students' depression, anxiety, and sleep (submitted for publication).