USM Digital Commons - Thinking Matters Symposium: To Adopt Blockchain Technology or Not: Is the Decision-Making Process Immune to COVID-19?

Presenter Information

Rebecca JauchFollow

Document Type

Poster Session



Faculty Mentor

Dr. Amarpreet Kohli


Blockchain, Blockchain Adoption, Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE), Threat-rigidity Theory, Supply Chain Disruption


Blockchain technology has been shown to have advantages in improving the effectiveness of supply chain management. We use the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework with Threat-Rigidity Theory (TRT) to determine the factors that lead U.S. businesses to adopt blockchain technology, the factors that act as barriers to adoption, and the disruptive effect of COVID-19 on the rate of blockchain adoption



To Adopt Blockchain Technology or Not: Is the Decision-Making Process Immune to COVID-19?

Blockchain technology has been shown to have advantages in improving the effectiveness of supply chain management. We use the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework with Threat-Rigidity Theory (TRT) to determine the factors that lead U.S. businesses to adopt blockchain technology, the factors that act as barriers to adoption, and the disruptive effect of COVID-19 on the rate of blockchain adoption