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Written by Chris Gyngell

Directed by Thomas Power and William Steele

This production was entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) XXXVII.

Publication Date

Fall 12-2004


Gorham, ME


Theatre, University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre, Theatre Program, Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival


Arts and Humanities | Theatre and Performance Studies | Theatre History



Seth ... Jason E. Cook
Russ ... Jeff Provencher
Bax ... Andrew Sawyer
April ... Stacy Ann Strang

Each year students in our playwriting course, taught by Professor Walter Stump, offer their final course efforts to be read and selected for possible productions the following semester. The body of potential scripts comes entirely from that class and usually numbers between 10 and 15 student playwrights. Professor Stump guides students through this effort, and then the directors select the best play, giving it a production with faculty direction, scenic and costume designs and budget support. This is a unique opportunity for an untried and unproduced playwright to have a full scale production of his or her work.

An educational process for our students, this program primarily focuses on teaching students to work with new and untested material while providing the playwright with the opportunity to see what does and does not work.

Some of our former playwrights have gone on to have their work published and to move into exciting graduate programs in the field. Our commitment is to produce the plays coming from Professor Stump's class with enthusiasm and professionalism. - W.P.S. & T.A.P

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November / December Program



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