"Healthy Acadia PROSPER: Year 2 Interim Evaluation Report" by Mary Lindsey Smith PhD, Evelyn Ali BS et al.

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The PROSPER initiative is a collaborative effort of Healthy Acadia and its regional healthcare and nonprofit partners designed to support pregnant women, mothers, and families with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). The project is funded by a four-year HRSA Outreach grant from 2021 to 2025. Through grant funding, PROSPER provides personal care planning, navigation support, and parenting and life skills training to clients at no cost to them. The partners also work to alleviate regional barriers to care and reduce stigma and discrimination of women seeking treatment to benefit their families.This report includes findings from the year 2 evaluation of the PROSPER program, including feedback from project partners, key informants, program staff, program clients, in addition to HRSA-required reporting data regarding the projects service population. For more information, please contact Lindsey Smith at m.lindsey.smith@maine.edu


HRSA Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program



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