
Johann Schradin



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Political satire against Charles V in the form of a dream by a Protestant preacher. In the dream, the Emperor has become a vassal of Rome and that Germans are released from their obedience to him.

Full title: Warhaffte vnd gegründte Meldung vnd Anzeigen der geschwinden, tückischen, bösen Anschleg vnd Practick : so wider die löblichenprotestierenden Stende, vnd Euangeliums einig Verwanten, durch die grossenFeind Gottes, den Bapst, vnd seinem Anhang, fürgenummen, vnd zu jemerlichenvnwiderbringlichem Vndergehen, vnd verderben des deudschen Lands, erdachtseind. Item Vrsach der genötigten, vnd gedrungnen Defension vnd Gegenwehr. Auch wie sich darinne zu halten sey. Gottes Wort bleiht ewig. Der erst KönigEerenuest. Der ander Hertzog Herman. Der 3. Friderich Barbarossa. Der 4. Jorgvon Frondsperg

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Publication Date



Rare Books

Collection Name

Albert A. Howard Book History Collection


Bound volume


Schmalkaldic War (1546-1547); Poetry; Reformation; Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558; Lutheran Church; Catholic Church


American Literature | American Material Culture | American Studies | Ancient History, Greek and Roman through Late Antiquity | Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture | Art and Design | Art and Materials Conservation | Art Practice | Book and Paper | Children's and Young Adult Literature | Classical Literature and Philology | Classics | Creative Writing | Cultural History | English Language and Literature | European History | Fiction | Graphic Design | History | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | History of Religion | Illustration | Latin American History | Literature in English, Anglophone outside British Isles and North America | Literature in English, British Isles | Literature in English, North America | Medieval History | Medieval Studies | Other Arts and Humanities | Other Classics | Other English Language and Literature | Other History | Other History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Printmaking | Renaissance Studies


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Physical Size

20cm x 15cm

Warhaffte vnd gegründte Meldung vnd Anzeigen der geschwinden, tückischen, bösen Anschleg vnd Practick



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