Rare Book Collection | University of Southern Maine Research | USM Digital Commons

Collections of print material acquired by a single collector, named by or for the collector. Collections span the 15th to 21st centuries, but most collections date from the 19th through 21st centuries.

Click the following headings to view available digitized items.

Albert A. Howard Book History Collection

Albert A. Howard was a USM Rare Book Cataloger and Honorary Curator of Printed Books. This rare book collection includes works of Bruce Rogers, Merrymount Press, W.A. Dwiggins, various small presses, a reference collection on book collections, c. 200 Greek and Latin books primarily from the 16th-18th centuries, and 19th c. chapbooks.

John and Bonnie Fossett History of Nursing Collection

The collection contains memoirs and biographies of pioneers and leaders in American nursing, as well as a diary of a nurse from the town of Mexico, Maine. As of March 2014, the collection contained 34 volumes. In 2018 the collection was expanded in size and scope to include the history of nursing, early nursing theory, nursing education, as well as examples of literary genres depicting nurses.

Shirley S. and Bernard Kazon Americana

Bernard Kazon, vice president of Eastland Shoe Corp., collected political works of early America as well as documents related to slavery. He and his wife donated their collection to USM in 1997. The Collection consists of printed items documenting American political history from the 18th-20th centuries, including books, pamphlets and documents pertaining to enslaved peoples.

Creative Commons License
All works in these collections are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Browse the Rare Book Collection:

Albert A. Howard Book History Collection

John and Bonnie Fossett History of Nursing Collection

Shirley S. and Bernard Kazon Americana