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Witzel, a Catholic priest who converted to Lutheranism, explains his break with Luther and return to the Church of Rome in response to the attacks of Lutherans against him. Bound with: Melliflui ac devotissimi patris beati Bernhardi…

Full title: Apologia, das ist, ein vertedigs rede Georgij Wicelij widder seine affterreder die Luteristen, mit sampt kurtzer abconterfeyung Luterischer secten, vnd preis alter Römischen Kirchen, nützlich zu lesen : Auch wie er von der Kirchen ynn die secten kommen, vnd von den selbigen widderumb zu der Kirchen geflohen ist

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Publication Date


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Nickel Schmidt


Rare Books

Collection Name

Albert A. Howard Book History Collection


Bound volume


Witzel, Georg, 1501-1573; Authority--Religious aspects--Catholic Church; Lutheran Church--Controversial literature--Catholic authors; Poetry


American Literature | American Material Culture | American Studies | Ancient History, Greek and Roman through Late Antiquity | Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture | Art and Design | Art and Materials Conservation | Art Practice | Book and Paper | Children's and Young Adult Literature | Classical Literature and Philology | Classics | Creative Writing | Cultural History | English Language and Literature | European History | Fiction | Graphic Design | History | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | History of Religion | Illustration | Latin American History | Literature in English, Anglophone outside British Isles and North America | Literature in English, British Isles | Literature in English, North America | Medieval History | Medieval Studies | Other Arts and Humanities | Other Classics | Other English Language and Literature | Other History | Other History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Printmaking | Renaissance Studies


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Physical Size

14cm x 19.5cm

Apologia, das ist, ein vertedigs rede Georgij Wicelij widder seine affterreder die Luteristen, mit sampt kurtzer abconterfeyung Luterischer secten, vnd preis alter Römischen Kirchen, nützlich zu lesen



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