Reformation Books
Prieres ordinaries des soldatz…
Bilingual prayers in French and German commissioned by the Prince of Conde for use by the Calvinist and Lutheran troops during the French civil wars.
Historia und beschrybung des Madenburgischen kriegs…
Sebastian Besselmeier
A news pamphlet detailing the various events during the siege of the Protestant city of Magdeburg by imperial forces in 1551. The city surrendered but retained its religious freedom. This is the only copy in a North American library.
Bulla reductionis generalis concill ad civitatem Tridentinam…
Pope Julius III
Pope Julius III announces the second Council of Trent in 1551.
Commentariorum de bello Germanico…
Avila y. Zuniga
An important description by one of Charles V's generals of his war against the Protestant league in 1546-1547, when the League was defeated at the battle of Muhlberg. Fine map, views of the batlles of Ingolstadt and Muhlberg; view of city of Wittenberg.
Warhaffte und gegrundte melding…
Johannes. Schradin
Political satire against Charles V in the form of a dream by a Protestant preacher. In the dream, the Emperor has become a vassal of Rome and that Germans are released from their obedience to him. A fine woodcut on the title page shows the poet with heroes of the past such as Arminius and Frederick Barbarossa who were defenders of Germany against Rome.
Recusationschrifft in welcher alle protestierende Religions und Eynungs verwandte Stende, Rechtmessige …
The leaders of the Protestant League announce their intention not to participate in the first Council of Trent. One of their arguments is that the Pope is only the Bishop of Rome and holds no jurisdiction over other Bishops.
Abdrucke der Verwarungs Schrifft der Chur und Fursten, Auch Grauen, Herren, Stedte und Stende…
Unknown author/publisher
The Protestant nobles state their grievances against Charles V, pointing out that in arming against them he is in violation of the oath he gave when elected Holy Roman Emperor.
Bestendige und warhafftige voranwortung auch im Rechten gegrundete widderlegung…
Unknown author/publisher
Johann Friedrich of Saxony and Philipp Landgraf of Hesse accuse Charles V of conspiring with the Pope to suppress the evangelical religion.
Des durchleuchtigen…
Heinrich, Duke of Saxony
Heinrich, a staunch Lutheran, announces the death of his brother the Duke George of Albertine Saxony, an equally committed Catholic, and decrees that Saxony is now to follow the reformed religion.
Apologia: Das ist ein Vertedigs Rede…
Georg Witzel
Witzel, a Catholic priest who converted to Lutheranism, explains, in response to the attacks of Lutherans against him, his break with Luther and return to the Church of Rome.
Literarum, quibus respondit, ad quondam epistolam Martini Lutheri…
Henry VIII
Letters exchanged in 1525 between Henry VIII and Martin Luther. The publisher’s preface refers to Plato’s call for philosopher kings and a poem at the end honors Aeneas, the supposed founder of Britain.
Ernstliche erbeitung der Evangelishen Prediger ad den gaystlichen Stand…
Urbanus Rhegius
In six “points” the reformer Rhegius seeks to demonstrate the “signs” by which the true new evangelical teachings may be discerned. The fine woodcut title border is after Lucas Cranach.
Ain gesprech von der Scheynwercken der Gaystlichen und iren gelubbdten…
Hans Sachs
In 1520, Sachs became a follower of Luther and devoted himself to the Reformed faith. In a dialogue with the baker Peter, Hans Sachs discusses votive offerings and the Mass. There is a woodcut of Peter and Sachs on the title page.
Appellation unnd Beruffung der Probst unnd des Augustiner Priors zu Nuremberg.
An appeal to the Bishop of Bamber justifying the ecclesiastical changes in Nuremberg. Nuremberg was one of the first cities to implement the Reformation by civil decree.
Das Hailig ewyg wort gots…
Haug Marschalck
A sermon on the Christian life by one of the greatest of the lay reformers who was also one of Luther’s earliest supporters. A former soldier with little education, he developed a mastery of Biblical texts. There is title border (top) and a woodcut at the end (bottom) showing Christ as “Good Shepherd.” An utterly appealing work for simple laypeople.
Predig … von empfahung des heligen Sacraments…
Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt
An important reformer, Bodenstein introduced a shortened Mass in German, with a lay chalice. He later broke with Luther.
Contra Henricum Regem Angliae…
Martin Luther
Luther’s savage and insulting pamphlet in answer to Henry VIII’s unqualified support of the Papacy in his Book Assertio Septem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutheram in 1521
Eyn verstendig trostlich Leer uber das Wort Sanct Paulus…
Jakob Strauss
An evangelical sermon on St. Paul’s text that a person should first examine themselves before partaking of Holy Communion, which is contrary to the Catholic practice of auricular confession.
Argument disses biechleins. Symon Hessus zeygt an Doctori Martino Luther ursach…
Urbanus Rhegius
Argument disses biechleins. Symon Hessus zeygt an Doctori Martino Luther ursach…
Writing under the pseudonym of Simon Hessus, the early reformer Rhegius writes a caustic satire against the “old” religion.
Auszlegung des hudert und neundten psalmen. Dixit dns domino meo…
Martin Luther
A reprint of an early work by Luther which comments on the 110th Psalm (Vulgate 109). The woodcut title border is from the workshop of Lucas Cranach. Luther was a prolific author and Biblical translator. German title borders of this period do not always reflect the subject of the book.