"The study of Philosophy is the reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths. It is a systematic investigation of the key assumptions that underlie our thinking and which often are taken for granted. Much of what is learned in Philosophy can be applied to virtually any endeavor. Learn moreabout Philosophy Department. The Department of Philosophy in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHS) offers a program that leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy.

The study of Philosophy is the reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths. It is a systematic investigation of the key assumptions that underlie our thinking and which often are taken for granted.

Much of what is learned in Philosophy can be applied to virtually any endeavor. This is both because philosophy touches upon so many subjects, and especially because many of its methods and forms of analysis are applicable in any field."
Learn more.

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Books from 2000

Agency in Archaeology, Marcia-Anne Dobres PhD and John E. Robb


Everything is Production: Notes on Deleuze and Guattari’s Marxism, Jason Read PhD

Books from 1999

Feminist interpretations of Jean-Paul Sartre, Julien S. Murphy Ph.D.


The Antagonistic Ground of Constitutive Power: An Essay on the Thought of Antonio Negri, Jason Read PhD

Publications from 1997


The Education of Humanity: A Kantian Primer, Robert B. Louden PhD


What is Moral Authority? εὐβουλία, σύνεσις, and γνώμη vs. φρόνησις, Robert B. Louden PhD

Publications from 1996


Toward a Genealogy of ‘Deontology’, Robert B. Louden PhD


Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals, Kathleen Wininger PhD

Publications from 1995


Butler's Divine Utilitarianism, Robert B. Louden PhD

The Constructed Body: AIDS, Reproductive Technology, and Ethics, Julien S. Murphy Ph.D.

Publications from 1994


On Pincoffs's Conception of Ethics, Robert B. Louden PhD

Publications from 1992


Go-Carts of Judgment: Exemplars in Kantian Moral Education, Robert B. Louden PhD

Publications from 1991


Feminism and Socialism: Report from the 3rd Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers, Julien Murphy PhD, Ofelia Schutte, Jan Slagter, and Linda Lopez McAllister

Publications from 1990


Virtue Ethics and Anti-Theory, Robert B. Louden PhD

Publications from 1989

Through Thick and Thin: Moral Knowledge in Skeptical Times, Robert B. Louden PhD


Ectogenesis and Future Concerns, Julien Murphy PhD


Is Pregnancy Necessary? Feminist Concerns About Ectogenesis, Julien Murphy PhD

Publications from 1988


Can We Be Too Moral?, Robert B. Louden PhD

Publications from 1987

Gender and the Perception of Others: A Critique of Schutzian Analysis, Julien Murphy PhD


The Look in Sartre and Adrienne Rich, Julien Murphy PhD

Publications from 1986


Aristotle's Practical Particularism, Robert B. Louden PhD


Kant's Virtue Ethics, Robert B. Louden PhD

Abortion Rights and Fetal Termination, Julien Murphy PhD

Publications from 1984


On Some Vices of Virtue Ethics, Robert B. Louden PhD

Marxism and Liberation Theology, Julien Murphy PhD

Publications from 1983


Rights Infatuation and the Impoverishment of Moral Theory, Robert B. Louden PhD